Anyone else still waiting for their shit?

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Post by OohhoO »

Xest wrote:As for the rating system it's flawed, we know it's flawed - there are countless posts that don't deserve positives and countless posts that don't deserve negatives. We're still discussing somewhat what to do about the system overall, a forum upgrade to a new version is due rather soon so it might be the case that we just don't port the system over knowing full well that it actually causes more problems than it solves.
I don't know about that, most of the people at the top of the ratings (apart fom me I guess) pretty much deserve to be there, so in some ways it seems to be working well IMHO.
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Post by Satyn »

closing this thread, if you want to discuss anything else about the CoC, the warning system, do it in the off-topic section pls.
Fallen Spirits GM
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