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Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:53 pm
by Takitothemacs
Heta wrote:I wish Requil was a woman :(

got so disapointed when I saw pictures from the daoc meet in london
hehe why?

and you saw Zenythe stood beside him in those photos too?... Zen being a GM too ;)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:59 pm
by Heta
but I wanted Requil to be one :(

and no I only saw the pictures of him alone :treeebear

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:59 pm
by Tare

Good work on getting those people banned! Next time, use PM if u don't want the debate.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:59 pm
by Jupi
Banana wrote:hm the initial post marely told people not to duel late night
and from what i saw he was only warning people
if ya get banned its cause you broke a rule - not cause someone snitched tho that is what people seem to think :?
wether you agree with it or not - requiel said if you do it you gonna get banned :p open and shut case :)
eerm nope, people think
1) its petty
2) look what happened with /em bans, 1 excal/alb iirc got banned and it spiralled outta control cause he reported everybody else, domino effect, what did it prove? its petty and tied up alot of resources imho
3) if people want to watch somebody fighting so be it
4) they bend the rules as they see fit, if they implemted the account sharing rule 3/4 of the server would be banned
5) play the game as u want to play it, but if u dont win dont go whining to teacher that johnny stole yer pencil
6) if i run into somebody l8 and nite and have a fight, die and run back to same spot and meet same person is that duelling? people go where they think the action is
7) and i dont really give a shit if big brother is watching me tbh

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:05 pm
by Heta
I think worse of people watching big brother then big brother watching people

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:08 pm
by Cromcruaich
I dont think that posting to a public forum is the best way for eye's and ear's to deal with potential CoC breaches, that was the thrust of my last post. I assume that that is also the opionion of GOA who it would appear have advised Selenia to make no more comments against this thread.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:11 pm
by Alexandrinus
i always go ther watch and when enemy killed our realmate i kill enemy when he is at low health muuuuaaaahhhhhhhh

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:26 pm
by Blight
Since gm's have no way of knowing if duels are organized or not, they should be very careful. I.e there are a few enemies I respect, and through time, that respect has gotten mutual, so when we see eachother, we emote etc and start fighting. And you think it's fun, so after release, you go back to the same spot, hoping that the other guy will be there as well. And it's inevitable that more people will show up, some will just add and kill, some will sit and watch. Nothing you can do about that really. There are only two albs I respect for soloing and not adding, and that's samaroon and knarl. And, since I know that they want solo fights, I try to give them that, even if I know that I will surely lose. But I'm thinking that if I give them a lil bit of fun, they might not get bored of getting rolled over by others so quick, and play the game longer, so we can all have fun together. Banning people for this seems unnecessary and it discourages acts of chivalry/honour etc which is not forbidden according to CoC.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:27 pm
by Moley:)
I just assist everyone :D *cough* *cough*


Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 1:37 pm
by Maeloch
tbh whatever u think about the rights and wrongs of it duelling at chokepoints is kinda stupid, and it would prolly annoy less people if it wasn't so in-your-face.

(/em spammers aren't the sharpest tools in the box either, griefing someone whose then in a position to give u a ban).

Seems GoA having a bit of a crack down this kinda stuff as I heard they were banning peeps for crossrealming to take keeps for iRvR etc. Fair enuff tbh, 3 day ban is hardly any big drama (some peeps making it sound like it's some draconian action) and imo rigging stuff to make good fights does take away from 'the spirit of the game' and nice GoA is firing some shots across the bow.

Like I say, if you don't like it don't duel at chokepoints. It is annoying when ur trying to solo at 3am or whatever and a bunch of idiots camping the only action spot in town having a /kiss /kiss party.