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Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 7:53 am
by HappyG
Requiel makes sence!

And who cares for distribution w/ digital download available! I have german DAoC box, english SI box and broken ToA box, may aswell survive w/o DR box :P
But than, since DD distribution cost is much lower and price (I guess) will most likely be the same, you should send us t-shirts once we send you our CC numbers! I'd like a t-shirt for our next g33k meeting!

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 9:28 am
by Sharkith
jep it all makes sense here and is more complicated than I care to worry about. Like I said people can get playing it at some stage.

I can't understand all this panic and whine.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 12:58 pm
by Lairiodd
Requiel wrote:We will never roll out a major release or a patch on a Friday. It's just asking for trouble. We get nervous about Thursdays too. That's why most expansions and patches are scheduled for a Wednesday. We get two days before hand to do final checks and preparations and two days afterwards when we have access to devs in case things need fixing in a hurry.
The European roll out of DR - including the UK - is Wednesday 1st Feb however due to an agreement in the UK between distributors (mostly), games are nearly always released on a Friday. This is to massage sales charts a bit. If a game is released on a Wednesday it gets two days of the current sales chart and can look like a flop as a result whereas if it's released on a Friday it gets a full week of sales and therefore the numbers look better to those who care about that kind of thing. This doesn't affect the date that we send stock to distributors etc, they will be getting their boxes at the exact same time as companies on the Continent and we supply them with the same official release date.
As regards the RRP, as noted before, this is a recommended price only and retailers are allowed to set the price they like within fairly broad limits. The official RRP is £14.99 or 19.99€ as given on our site.
I know it probably wouldn't work, but have to considered suggesting to UK retailers (and anyone else who wants to) that they release the game on the previous Friday. You would have to put a big sticker on the box saying "Expansion will not be enabled on the servers until Wednesday Febuary 1st 2006". Since it is an expansion, it already requires that the person buying the game have a copy of the original. This means that they probably already know when the servers are being enabled. This ensures that everyone can be patched and ready for the server to go online.

It would also give absolutely new players a chance to see some of the game for the few days before the expansion is enabled. I assume that they are pointed to the web site to get the previous expansions/main account ? It would have to be possible to use the DR client on the old world until the expansion is activated, so that new players can actually connect without a massive download (or you could include the Catacombs client on the DVD or something).

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 7:23 pm
by Xcerus
Requiel: thank you for your reply, However I would therefor like either you or somone at GoA to lodge a complaint with the tradings standards OR to contact <who i have now found linked to from your site> for quoting the wrong RRP, play are currently quoting £19.99 rrp. This is a breach of trading as they are not quoting the true rrp and thus tricking people into believing they will be paying a lowerprice for a product that its rrp.

Oh and the date I am aware of always being on a friday but perhaps saying somthing like our launch date is blah but uk launch dates will be as usual the following friday ;) Also this doesnt bother me its more the price :D

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 7:31 pm
by Lieva
i always thought they released on a friday
as more peeps likely to buy as weekend so peeps can go shopping ;)
sometimes you have to venture past the shops close to you and into a proper shopping precinct to get games and most people only do that at the weekends ;)
Videos tend to be released on a monday but thats ok as most people can get videos anywhere :)

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 10:53 am
by Ovi
[quote="Xcerus"]Requiel: thank you for your reply, However I would therefor like either you or somone at GoA to lodge a complaint with the tradings standards OR to contact <who i have now found linked to from your site> for quoting the wrong RRP, play are currently quoting £19.99 rrp. This is a breach of trading as they are not quoting the true rrp and thus tricking people into believing they will be paying a lowerprice for a product that its rrp.

Oh and the date I am aware of always being on a friday but perhaps saying somthing like our launch date is blah but uk launch dates will be as usual the following friday ]

If you feel so strongly there is nothing stopping you complaining to Trading Standards, it doesn't need to be GOA.

I have to be honest I never take any notice of rrps so it doesn't particualrly bother me. I always check what prices are in 3 online places before I buy anything, usually Amazon, Play and PC world (IF PC world is as cheap then I go to the store so I don't have to wait for delivery :P ).

I think this has bought to light where the online retailers are doing wrong, in that they are assuming a RRP before there is an official one when they are advertising products that haven't been released.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:19 am
by Sharkith
rrp = "recommended retail price" that does not mean they have to sell it at that price. They could charge £100 if they wanted to be honest.

I don't get this I really don't get it tbh. Its not such a big deal.


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:24 am
by Norcott
Sharkith wrote:rrp = "recommended retail price" that does not mean they have to sell it at that price. They could charge £100 if they wanted to be honest.

I don't get this I really don't get it tbh. Its not such a big deal.

very true.. but people do love a reason to have go at ...... <insert company names to suit>
makes no real difference does it really.. whether its £19.99, £14.99, or whatever in Euros ... youll still buy it.

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:27 am
by Lieva
Norcott wrote:very true.. but people do love a reason to have go at ...... <insert company names to suit>
makes no real difference does it really.. whether its £19.99, £14.99, or whatever in Euros ... youll still buy it.
for the unicorn :satyn1:

seeing that unicorn in tnn


Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 11:29 am
by Moley:)
We are human , we make mistakes.. except me !:mwahaha: