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Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 1:58 pm
by Gattling
Xest, we all know you like the US servers a lot and therefore your opinion on it will be biased or at least colored. Which is all fine ofcourse, everyone is entitled to his own opinion and it's a known fact so we deal with it.

However, changing from Euro to US server is a big decision, one not lightly taken as you leave EVERYTHING behind, friends, your toon, probably your toon's name (high changes your name will already be taken on a new server) all the wealth you aquired, all the trophies.. everything... AND you're 'introduced' to the timezone problem. That's a whole lot of variables so the least you can do is give complete and true info on how it's like.

For me it was the other way round. Long time ago Puppet (who's a RL friend) laughed at me for being hooked on 'a silly game', I showed him the game and after a few weeks he bought his own euro account. It took me a LONG time to give up on 'my' server, my friends and everything I'd leave behind to follow him to Euro, even tho I got sick of the timezone prob....

So yes, it's playable, yes it's doable but it's NOT the same.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 2:08 pm
by Takitothemacs
The community exists here... I have no house/trophies etc on the euro servers...

and having taken into account what you said... I HOPE its NOT the same... the thought of moving to a "new" provider and finding the same lag, restoration, customer service and other issues would annoy me no end.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 2:14 pm
by Takitothemacs
and as for timezone... I rarely get to play evenings euro time... playing more in the days at the weekend... making it a more prime time for US west coast those days... and been monitoring the numbers... much healthier there then here imo... also more options server wide, earlier patches... bugs yes... but them I can handle... (ffs I beta test for microsoft so am used to it)

I have the benefit of the community here that carrys on regardless of GOA... thankfully.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 2:29 pm
by Sharkith
Takitothemacs wrote: I have the benefit of the community here that carrys on regardless of GOA... thankfully.
yes this is what is important. If there is going to be an organised move and a group of people selling up and moving it must be done in a way to preserve this community. We are already multi server and an international forum there is absolutely no reason why we cannot adapt to an even more multi server environment.

Look at it like this. If a decent group of people we know is already playing there and has set up there it acts as a site of competition for GOA who will have to recognise that there are now possible viable options for people. A group going would remove the worry of not knowing anyone and give you all the possibility of moving should things not improve in future.

There is no reason why there has to be a mass exodus and there is equally no rational reason why even some leaving should automatically be a bad thing. Like everything here I would expect such a move to be conducted in a constructive and positive fashion. At least then we can regain control of what has become a ridiculous situation.

Not only that having people remain allows those who go the option of coming back. People should not be afraid of any of this. We need a realistic apprasial and an open constructive approach. The more I think about it the more I begin to think that for the sake of this community it would be a wise thing to actually try.

kind regards


Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 2:39 pm
by Takitothemacs
there is a few NFD goind to start in the next few days on US, realm and server to be sorted... but we are going to start on Gareth on hib in order to get together first then decide what to do from there :)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 3:33 pm
by Ovi
Takitothemacs wrote:there is a few NFD goind to start in the next few days on US, realm and server to be sorted... but we are going to start on Gareth on hib in order to get together first then decide what to do from there :)

Nooo, I rolled on hib/Gareth last night can't even escape NFD there :o

I intend to stay on Gareth, for when I play DAoC anyway, since there is no way I can face ToAing a variety of characters, and I don't like sticking to one :)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 3:36 pm
by Gahn
Ovi wrote:Nooo, I rolled on hib/Gareth last night can't even escape NFD there :o

I intend to stay on Gareth, for when I play DAoC anyway, since there is no way I can face ToAing a variety of characters, and I don't like sticking to one :)
1.81 solves your problem, next week ^^

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 3:44 pm
by Ovi
Gahn wrote:1.81 solves your problem, next week ^^

It doesn't solve it as effectively as staying on Gareth :)

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 4:41 pm
by Aran_Thule
ive no intention of moving, when it gets too much i will stop playing or move to another game.
Ive made friends here and the community is what makes the game, all i see from these discussions is the community getting more and more broken.
If people want to move then fair enough but please respect the views of thoose that dont.

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2005 4:54 pm
by Xest
Quinlan wrote:How about we say you like the US and are able to play there and some other people are not..and leave it at that :p
Just saying basically it's stupid to whine about something you prevent.

It's like going to a 1am showing of a film at a cinema when you could've gone at 6pm and then complaining that the cinema sucks because it shows films late.