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Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:08 am
by Adianna
I think I've written that in some other thread already, but yet again in the late 1920's in Germany 1 US Dollar was worth around 100 Million Reichsmark.


Is it somehow possible to let us know where we are in the chain and when we can estimate that you will care for our account? I lost pretty much everything on my main characters and I don't have any character left on Prydwen that I'm in the mood for to play (considering that I'll have one week straight of crafting ahead of me... compensation for that should really be done in another 7 free days or so...) so I obvioulsy will be playing on another server and I surely don't want to sit there and wait the whole day for you coming to take care of what I lost.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:11 am
by Scabs
Just got back of my holidays to find weepingwounds with just a little cash on him. Everything else gone NICE!

I had a PvE set of armour and a 99% complete ToA template done. I don't have a record anymore of the template and I cant remeber any of the PvE template as I have had it for so long. I also had a few items i was thinking of using if i had to redo my template.

I have a utterly shite template and can only remeber a few of the main items.

If the can't fully restore all items other than the rogs and SC'd armour (just giving me the MP items) I will be closing all 3 accounts down forever not to return to this game.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:12 am
by Aerendur
What I am wondering about. I heard several people saying '6 of my chars have been cleaned'. The same thing happened to my account.

Statistically this is odd. And it should have been more widespread. From what Ive seen on my chars that are affected, they all have been completely cleaned. There is only one char where I havent had all items removed. So it looks like they removed all from an account with a bugged item. Just to be sure.

Which in a way might be good. But it can be frustrating. Out of my 5 equipped chars in my sig, only one hasnt been cleaned. And with my BB also being cleaned out, I have lost most of the stuff I had found in the last month. And again no way to recall all that I had on there.

Against the loss. Perhaps GOA should consider giving every wiped char the opportunity to get one item they did not have yet in return for all the gear they lost that they cannot recall. This might also help in the lack of items that will now happen since many people need to redo their template due to lost ROGs that just arent replacable unless with a complete new template.

I realise this might ruin part of the economy on the server, but its (in my opinion) a lot better than having people lose the time they invested in getting stuff together.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:25 am
by Grymligast
I see Requiel post about ML10 is getting replaced but fact is Lecturin didnĀ“t get his set replaced on his BD(unless it has changed last 12 hours) after several updates on his RN(which he has been responded to aswell).
:aran1: :lemony: :treeebear

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:38 am
by Maeloch
In 1660, parliament accepted the monarchy after the collapse of the Commonwealth. Already King in Scotland since 1651, Charles (1660-85) was proclaimed King of England on 8 May 1660.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 7:40 am
by Cryn
Maeloch wrote:In 1660, parliament accepted the monarchy after the collapse of the Commonwealth. Already King in Scotland since 1651, Charles (1660-85) was proclaimed King of England on 8 May 1660.

Sorry bad joke (if anyone gets it :().
Charles was the one famous for wearing ML10 armour? :p

EDIT - Oh god, I just got it you sad man. Ahh well, if it's Restoration comedy you're after, I reckon this situation fits the bill. It's been a farce from start to finish.

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:01 am
by Maeloch
Cryn wrote:EDIT - Oh god, I just got it you sad man.
What's wrong?! I was just giving my 'restoration update'!

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:13 am
by Gahn
Rog Merchants

[6-09-2005] Random items on Prydwen

As you will know, it is not possible for us to directly replace randomly generated items (ROGs), however many players were making use of these in their templates. Until now we were compensating the loss of these items with gold however we appreciate that this is not the best answer as there is a distinct lack of items to spend this gold on.

We are pleased to announce then that new merchants have appeared in the capital cities of all the realms. These will take special vouchers and exchange them for high value ROGs. These vouchers will be given to players that have reported losing ROG items and will also be purchaseable so that those who have already recieved gold can replace their losses.

These merchants will remain available for the next couple of weeks.

In Tir Na Nog they are in the stables near to the East Gate
In Camelot they will be found by the Defenders of Albion
In Jordheim you will find them near to the westernmost marketplace.

If any1 lost it :o