Is it Zerg or Bust for the casual player in RvR nowadays?

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Post by maxis »

Sharkith wrote:the average chilled out dude with zero matter resists
Well there's a bit of a difference between the original point of this thread which was "we're really trying hard but just get steamrollered by RR12 groups", and "I cba to get a template (using either SC or even ROG drops) and for some inexplicable reason I don't pwn the server"

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Post by Alexandrinus »

rvr atm is much more better then in old frontiers(we dont have these neverending runs anymore till you get one fight)
Agramon is FG action
Bridges near docks are for the normal people

and there are always corner-tactics wich you can use to get rps for your chars,do this what everyone does and you will meet the zerg, to things wich only some do and you will get your solo fights.

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Post by Cryn »

I left before cluster and Wyst's point in this thread was pretty much the main reason I left. I play DAoC as light entertainment and as such want to be able to pick it up and put it down when I need/want. I also don't want to have to use voice comms.

The guild who do use voice comms and who are very high RR made it practically impossible for me to get anything like a fair fight. I don't mind losing fights, but when you feel that you're a pea-shooter against a howitzer, it's demotivating.

I take people's points about comparing it to a sports team and the training etc, and I do agree with it. But DAoC is not a sport - if I was going to invest that amount of commitment to a hobby I actualy would make it a real sport like football or something, since I'd rather be in the fresh air getting fit than at my computer. However, I can see that some people would say that's my problem and if I am not going to commit to the game, I shouldn't expect to be able to compete.

In that case, I think Ovi had a very good point about leagues/divisions. DAoC has needed a "fair fight" mechanism for a long time. What they should do is put in a feature to allow you to select your combat parameters. If it included ranges for size and RR of enemy group, we could solve a lot of the complaints people have about RvR. People could enter the frontier knowing that if they got a fight it would be with a group that is +/- x% of their group's size and RR, so and fight taking place would be much more decided by player skill.
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Post by Sharkith »

maxis wrote:Well there's a bit of a difference between the original point of this thread which was "we're really trying hard but just get steamrollered by RR12 groups", and "I cba to get a template (using either SC or even ROG drops) and for some inexplicable reason I don't pwn the server"
yes there is a huge difference and thats why they should be suspicious of following each others advice on these forums ;). There is an argument a very good one that says basically that the casual player probably doesn't really mind that much if they don't Pwn. They are not burdened with those expectations.

Surely you have to agree that it is quite a problem if average players can hardly dare enter the frontier without getting totally flattened before they can do anything?

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Post by Sharkith »

Cryn wrote:People could enter the frontier knowing that if they got a fight it would be with a group that is +/- x% of their group's size and RR, so and fight taking place would be much more decided by player skill.
or at least more balanced? ;)

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Post by maxis »

Sharkith wrote:Surely you have to agree that it is quite a problem if average players can hardly dare enter the frontier without getting totally flattened before they can do anything?
Depends on their expectations - I don't expect to be able to beat people who play together 5 nights a week and are RR12. If people want to compete with those groups then they will have to get uber templates, opted setups, voice comms and lots of experience.

There's plenty of RvR for casual players... the point Wyst raised was that once your character graduates beyond the zerg it's very hard to take the next step into 8v8. This is a fair point I think, but I don't think the answer is to fragment the community even further by creating yet more separate areas... we don't want another half-baked divisive idea like the classic server.

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Post by Jupi »

We changed our fg set-up about 6 months ago to what it is now, 4 members of the group at that time were less than rr4 (2 members were rr1 iirc), we play only twice a week (Mondays & Wednesdays), so it is possible imho to run against the big boys........

Mojo wrote:This game sucks so i just stopped playing it. IMO the only way to get good game is to start a dedicated group, but if your casual player that's a non starter.
Dats cause the real reason is ur in luv...............
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Post by Maeloch »

Rejecta wrote:Its all about networking, the same is true irl as well as in game..Just like all things in life, if you want something, you gotta work to earn it.
Thing is, while this is true, alot of peeps don't log to a game on to have to network, play politics or be competative - they have enuff of this crap shunted on them irl and just want log on to clown about and relax a bit.

If they don't put in the playtime and effort they can't expect to compete at teh higher levels of the game, but it's one thing not competing, another not to have any fun in rvr whatsoever.

Anyhow, while it's still sometimes a problem, it's nowhere near as bad as it was at some times in OF, when you'd do a /who of all 3 frontiers and pretty much exclusively get members of RvR guilds and the odd stealther. After all both the casual and dedicated players have their own zones to play in now. I think the current problem is a short-term one caused by lack of server pop meaning 8v8 grps roam out of aggromon when bored and into zones where the casual players are (who are no more welcome killing everything in these spots than randoms are zerging and adding on aggroman).

Like I say - but no one ever listens - instead of increasing number, answer for casual fun imo is decrease numbers, make small grp and go less populated zones. Only thing zerging ever is is boring (steamrolling everything) or embarressing (getting farmed by much smaller numbers) and never much in between.

Instanced zones based on balance or legue tables starts to fundamentally change the nature of the game and is boring imo, most of fun is never really knowing what ur up against when you leave your border keep.
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Post by Moley:) »

I know changing subject a lil bit but it is roughly same on mid/glast it's either zergs of guilds or it's no one .. never any solo'ers anymore.

And ofc they really don't care how they get rps fg's killing soloers because of the title extra .. oh cruel fate , will it ever change .. probably not. Might just be my view as im a WL and EVERYONE hates them . And i hate them if they not me :p

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Post by levelnix »

this is all for nothing imo
if you want balance play chess
it s the salt in the soup to have many difference
a healer can t win a solofight against a
killer, a profigroup will outnuber many noobs
it s like in rl and rl isn t also no balanced in no way ;)

this game is really good and if you has a bit imagination you can always find
what you want
it s always on yourself what you make with the game or you rl ;)
so no reason to whine and if you can t live with it play chess or what ever :snoopy:
but he white has the opening draw can t we change this ? ;)

cu levelnix

ps. i m with mael balance is boring

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