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Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:08 am
by Tare
Sod off with the promise already, starting to sound like a 10year old kid or a broken record.

Yes they did make a promise based on a list by Mythic. Reality caught up with them and it turned out that the information they based their promise on was flawed. That's what happens in the real world sometimes, get over it and stop crying.

Ofcourse it wasn't smart to make that promise, but they had to give the community something, because the DAoC community is a nice collection of whining crybabies who demand specific information.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:10 am
by Gamblor
Tare wrote:Sod off with the promise already, starting to sound like a 10year old kid or a broken record.

Yes they did make a promise based on a list by Mythic. Reality caught up with them and it turned out that the information they based their promise on was flawed. That's what happens in the real world sometimes, get over it and stop crying.

Ofcourse it wasn't smart to make that promise, but they had to give the community something, because the DAoC community is a nice collection of whining crybabies who demand specific information.
Tare , what is your problem ?

Dont' you see. they promise something , they then break the promise , some people don't mind this , hence giving the impression to GoA that they can do whatever they want whenever they want.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:13 am
by Gahn
I was lucky enuff that i wasn't in the huge list of peeps slapped by the event.
I, for 1, have waited long enuff for Cluster to come.
That said;
A) I find it rather amusing that so many folks doesn't give a shit about the last 200 peeps that still (by various means) are unable to play properly even after paying their subs like all others.
B) I find it even more amusing that some folks think that this is perfectly normal.
C) I will laugh my ass off when the very same folks will come here crying about being left behind if, next time something got screwed up, THEY'll be in the wounded side.

Too many blind people only watching their pockets disrupting a minority, not taking in account that one day tables could be turned around.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:14 am
by Belisar
Xest wrote: That said, those players who haven't had their stuff restored yet deserve much more compensation - honestly, people effected shouldn't have had to pay subs whilst their chars are missing items (within limits of course, as long as it's people's mains or level 50s, if someone's level 20 alt is missing items then it's not such an issue).
In principle I agree - just not sure how this works.

Perhaps as part of the restoration process they could, upon restoration, go in and give people some extra free time. Not sure this is possible and even if it is, does it slow the process further and delay peeps at the back of the queue even more...

If I remember the current 12 days applies to everyone with an english account, so some prydwen players were not compensated and some non-prydwen players were. All a bit farcial in terms of fairness really but it does tell us that awarding some sort of compensation for individuals is easier said than done.

Be nice to see some sort of effort and thought from GOA on this one though.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:17 am
by Belisar
Tare wrote:Sod off with the promise already
For me it is not really the broken promise which is annoying it is the fact that it has been done with minimal thought, announcement or apology for those who are still waiting. It is almost as if those still waiting do not count and do not matter.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:19 am
by Tootz
Yet more evidence of just how much GOA values your custom. For me personally, my subs were cancelled 2 weeks after they still hadn't restored any of my items on an account full of naked people. They eventually got around to returning them after 4 weeks, and for all that time without a single playable character the only compensation I got was the standard 12 free days - the exact same amount as everyone else on the server, regardless of whether they had lost items or not. This whole fiasco was the last straw for me, and I, along with the half dozen people I regularly play with, cancelled our accounts and haven't looked back since.

For them not to have restored everyones characters by now is an utter disgrace; but the harsh reality is they most likely only have the one person person working on them now, and even he is probably only giving just a few hours a day to the task. Ironically, this whole problem could have been easily sorted out from the very beginning by merely giving all those people affected free play time up until the day their characters were restored - this would have been the proper customer service response, but we all know how inept GOA are when it comes to putting the customer first.

There are lots of other games out there people, Guild Wars, World of Warcraft, Everquest II, Eve Online, to name but a few, but for the love of god, stop bending over to take GOA's f**k you stick up the a** and cancel your subs and move on - how many other companies would you keep on paying money to if they treated you like this? If you can't live without DAoC, then get hold of a US account and head over there - this way you'll have updates 6 months ahead of the poor relations in Europe and servers which are run by Mythic and not these amateurs over in France.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:25 am
by Moley:)
Wonder if you will be more fuming , when u forget to type in the exact things u lost and u only get artifacts back like me , but nothign u can do about , least i got my uber ranger back . Feel sorry for the others. I even went on excal and missed my slot but luckily got back in . Yes they should fix the other accounts but IF (and i doubt this is true) they have enough ppl to do clustering too , why not. though i think cluster will just turn hib blue and red from whati seen on excal (ratio 1:3 anyone ? ) but we shall see , i know i'll be camping a tower near some mid and alb scum :mwahaha:

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:30 am
by Xest
Belisar wrote:In principle I agree - just not sure how this works.

Perhaps as part of the restoration process they could, upon restoration, go in and give people some extra free time. Not sure this is possible and even if it is, does it slow the process further and delay peeps at the back of the queue even more...

If I remember the current 12 days applies to everyone with an english account, so some prydwen players were not compensated and some non-prydwen players were. All a bit farcial in terms of fairness really but it does tell us that awarding some sort of compensation for individuals is easier said than done.

Be nice to see some sort of effort and thought from GOA on this one though.
Technically it's definetely possible to award extra time to individuals - it doesn't matter what PR stuff Requiel comes up with in regards to that, there's no technical reason it's not possible at all, it's basic database work.

The real reason will be either that GOA are just trying to prevent losing as much money as they can, that GOA don't have anyone with the technical know-how to do it (which begs the question how they created the system in the first place, a long lost contractor?) or finally that perhaps GOA has policies in place which management simply says they cannot break leaving people like Requiel and such powerless to increase the compensation certain players can receive.

My bets on the first option but then I'm cynical towards GOA (usually), just not with regards to going ahead with clustering, I definetely think they're doing the right thing here. Arvengar, without meaning to sound harsh, if GOA hasn't done any restores in 3 weeks then clustering definetely wont make any difference to that then so where's the loss? What you should be complaining about is the lack of restores, not that GOA has broken some promise so that they can improve the game for hundreds of players. If you have missing items then you have valid reason to complain certainly, just that your complaints are misdirected towards the wrong issue.

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:34 am
by Tare
It's no secret that GoA is shit at public relations really :p and yes there should have been an apology of some sorts. What GoA is doing now though is thinking of the majority of the people, while continueing to work on the restoration process.

It would probably calm alot of people if GoA answered the following questions on their website, much like Sanya does with the friday grab bag. Unfortunately, it seems GoA has more red tape in their organisation than Mythic does.

a: How many people are still waiting on their restored items?
b: How long will it take to finish the restoration process?
c: Will clustering affect the restoration process?

And ofcourse offer a formal apology to the people still waiting on their stuff, maybe with some additional compensation (nothing over the top though)

Unfortunately, although the GMs might agree with me, they don't seem to have the power to force a website-post.

Last but not least, small apology for my last post, was a bit heated. The word "promise" worked like a red shirt for a bull :o

Posted: Tue Oct 25, 2005 11:49 am
by Heta
after reading this thread I must say that I am worried about Xest's health, agreeing with GOA, and the other day he said he didnt wanna do any more pve either :(