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Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:20 pm
by Satyn
Happyg and Scabs have been so kind to remove their signatures. (what female charm can do eh Xest :p) So lets all get along and treat each other with respect pls ;)

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:26 pm
by HappyG
Removal was a personal favour, I still think you cannot put wolf in sheep's fence, even when he changed his fur. While I disagree with any kind of bad word usage, I think Scabs can at least get some negative energy out after waiting for a month to get his chars fixed, while Xest has bitched over GOA numerous times although he doesn't even play in europe for over a year now.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:29 pm
by Satyn
And I thank you for that favour. But tbh I didnt think much of that signature, it was more a childish expression of how you felt about the warningsystem and Xest (AGAIN). We all know by now that you and Xest wont be best friends but for crying out loud let the past be the past! Get over it! Concentrate on important things. Xest isnt important! ;)

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:37 pm
by Quinlan
HappyG's Sig wrote:and unofficial leader of Anti-Xest forum oposition

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:47 pm
by Xest
As has been pointed out to you numerous times already, there is a CoC in place now to which I and many others are adhering.

Any posts where I've flamed, made any kind of personal attack or used bad language are from before the CoC was in place. If I break the CoC now I'll be punished like anyone else - not any less so and not anymore so.

I'm not sure why you have such a problem with the fact I'm now adhering to the CoC when you're the one who's actually broken it twice already and also your sig. and your posts are direct attacks on me and whilst I wont warn you for them this time and will give you the opportunity to remove them. The fact is if you cannot adhere to the CoC you will receive another warning and hence a temporary ban.

Some attacks can be tolerated against some groups such as GOA or perhaps political figures or even groups of people if done intelligently to prove a point however they will not be tolerated against individuals such as Requiel even though he works for said group.

To sum up there ARE ways of discussing things including giving a negative view of something without resorting to outright swearing and there will even be some discretion and realisation that some debates do get heated and in those situations people will be and already are asked to calm down before any judgement is made.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 3:57 pm
by HappyG
Youre way to serious Xest, I just couldnt miss the opportunity to have some fun!

In real life politics media makes fun out of those who change sides, and so am I. In RL one party than wins the elections, and fun is over, so imo, put up a poll "Should Xest be a mod?", "Yes", "No", and we can finnish this matter until next elections!

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 4:01 pm
by Xest
HappyG wrote:Youre way to serious Xest, I just couldnt miss the opportunity to have some fun!

In real life politics media makes fun out of those who change sides, and so am I. In RL one party than wins the elections, and fun is over, so imo, put up a poll "Should Xest be a mod?", "Yes", "No", and we can finnish this matter until next elections!
I'm not the one continuously beating a dead horse months on :p

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 4:06 pm
by Sharkith
Xest wrote:As for what Scabs said being fact, I'm pretty sure that GOA aren't in fact really a pair of mismatched clown shoes.
Who cares it has a nice effect when you read it. :)

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 4:08 pm
by HappyG
Fact is, real life is subjective, while CoC is a strict line, that is not always clearly visible, so mod has to have some kind of support from users to apply those rules.
So its good for you to put up such vote, so you'll be more confident applying rules, knowing users support you, right?
You will much easily shut me down, knowing youre douing what most of the users want.

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 4:17 pm
by Xest
HappyG wrote:Fact is, real life is subjective, while CoC is a strict line, that is not always clearly visible, so mod has to have some kind of support from users to apply those rules.
So its good for you to put up such vote, so you'll be more confident applying rules, knowing users support you, right?
You will much easily shut me down, knowing youre douing what most of the users want.
No, the majority of things a mod does is pretty clear cut and if there is a grey area I always check with Banana (and/or others) on it first before acting. The fact that I don't care what someone thinks of me makes it easy for me to warn someone without any care of whether they might bitch at me in game or hate me for all eternity. I don't feel the need to suck up to anyone whoever they are and hence I will fairly warn anyone who clearly breaks the CoC be it an average forum user, a renowned raid leader or someone from say GOA, like Requiel.

The issue is that some people seem happy to break the CoC but unable to accept the consequences of doing so like yourself and Scabs. Ironically the CoC was put in place as a solution to those like yourself getting uptight by past comments from people like me and so and not knowing where the line is drawn for those kind of comments. Now that the line is drawn and a clear set of punishments are in place for people crossing the line you have to accept and adhere to them or face the consequences. You cannot by any means have a CoC that just applies to certain people so that people like yourself are free to say what they want immune to the CoC. The CoC is equal to all, if I breach it I get punished by it, however until I breach it I have nothing to be punished for as much as you seem to wish there was.