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Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:23 pm
by Rejecta
[quote="Elrandhir"]Why have Malice on 2 different bars ]

Well, its beacause I only play with one bar..the multibar I only use for artifacts really in fights..when I stealth I have an instrement in my hand and its easier to change bars to bar one and press one to switch to weapon, where as in fights its easier to shift + I click an arti to activate it when the bar is above my feild of view in the centre of the screen..

Also its because I played with my bar like that for 3 years or so, and if I cange it around I cant get used to it so it stays like that and somethings are doubled up but thats just the way I like it.

Weird I know but if you have been playing a set way for a number of years its hard to change and I find myself looking for things where they used to be in the middle of fights and that gets me killed.

So in part its easier and in the other part its old habbits that will not change :D

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 2:51 pm
by Elrandhir
Rejecta wrote:Well, its beacause I only play with one bar..the multibar I only use for artifacts really in fights..when I stealth I have an instrement in my hand and its easier to change bars to bar one and press one to switch to weapon, where as in fights its easier to shift + I click an arti to activate it when the bar is above my feild of view in the centre of the screen..

Also its because I played with my bar like that for 3 years or so, and if I cange it around I cant get used to it so it stays like that and somethings are doubled up but thats just the way I like it.

Weird I know but if you have been playing a set way for a number of years its hard to change and I find myself looking for things where they used to be in the middle of fights and that gets me killed.

So in part its easier and in the other part its old habbits that will not change :D

Okay just wondered, guess I can understand that you get used to something, and even though I hate changeing something I have gotten use to also, I will change everything on my bars if I think it would be better if I got use to another way of having them ^^

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:03 pm
by Briannon
Keriwin wrote:Can tell im bored :) /hug

Bard - Redb
Warden - Furball
Druid - Finche
Druid - Puppethealer
Enchanter - Latino
Enchanter - Usp
Champion - Jamiesmallicious
BM - Sharwyn

Surely there must be a famous nightshade to include somewhere. Arhr for example?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:53 pm
by Sharkith
Heta wrote:ehh... ? good thing you don't jump to conclusions

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 5:19 pm
by Lieva
Briannon wrote:Surely there must be a famous nightshade to include somewhere. Arhr for example?


but i doubt anyone remembers him :<
dont think he ever reached 50 but he ruled in RvR
as did matilda :(

long time ago tho :(

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:08 pm
by Rejecta
Btw, quite sad someone is going along giving every single one of my posts a negative score.

Got nothing better to do? stupid system tbh.

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:49 pm
by Quinlan
Rejecta wrote:Btw, quite sad someone is going along giving every single one of my posts a negative score.

Got nothing better to do? stupid system tbh.
Did you e-peen shrink? :(

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:15 pm
by Rejecta
Quinlan wrote:Did you e-peen shrink? :(
A little...


Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 10:51 pm
by Sharkith
Rejecta wrote:Btw, quite sad someone is going along giving every single one of my posts a negative score.

Got nothing better to do? stupid system tbh.
awww i chuddled you - screaming cow :)

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 8:03 am
by Elrandhir
Rejecta wrote:Btw, quite sad someone is going along giving every single one of my posts a negative score.

Got nothing better to do? stupid system tbh.

have to agree on that the voting thing is rather pointless.