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Post by Sharkith »

[quote="Adianna"]Third party program means it does directly interfere with the game and modify its data. So any voice communication program isn't a third party program as it doesn't interfere with the game directly. It does interfere with someone of course, but that's the players. So you are the one who is modifying the game's data but you are not third party. You are the second party and you are meant to use the game client to modify the game data. Thus windows calculator also isn't a third party tool, as it doesn't interfere with the game data itself.

Buffbots can't be third party either, as they have been programmed by Mythic themselves (first party) and are controlled by yourself (second party). It would be against the CoC when you use a program to keep the buffbot logged in. Mythic did not write that program thus it would be either written by someone else (third party, against CoC) or be written by yourself (second party). When it would be written by yourself it would also be against the CoC not as it being a third party tool but it would be you modifying the game data with an other program than the client itself and you are not allowed to do so. ]

Finally, some clarity in this discussion, this was my understanding of the whole thing. It does not seem to be cheating at all and I am still a bit miffed by the discussion.

How on earth could voice comms be cheating. It can give you an advantage ceartinly. But because it does not change anything in game other than reduce the time it takes to tell others whats happening without typing. Voice comms are available to all anyway so others could use them for their groups if they liked or felt that they could. However not everyone wants to play like that - so it would be silly to say - ban vocie comms because not everyone wants to use them!

So find the section on the CoC that says posting to a website about an ongoing raid is wrong....



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Post by Adianna »

Sharkith wrote:So find the section on the CoC that says posting to a website about an ongoing raid is wrong....
That is another chapter... inter-realm communication is not wanted, so the boards are a rather bad place to post such things. Ringing up your friend who is playing in your realm is less problematic ... as considering the inter-realm thing... could pose a problem though if you ring up people at 4 a.m. for something going on in a video game, but that is rather individual. ;)
Adwaenyth - Alathanne - Adianna -=- Face Down / Prydwen-Excalibur

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Post by Sharkith »

Adianna wrote:That is another chapter... inter-realm communication is not wanted, so the boards are a rather bad place to post such things. Ringing up your friend who is playing in your realm is less problematic ... as considering the inter-realm thing... could pose a problem though if you ring up people at 4 a.m. for something going on in a video game, but that is rather individual. ]

Hi Aidanna,

I can actually locate a quote that says inter realm communication and cross teaming is said to be part of open warfare....
18. You may NOT cross-team spy. This means you are not allowed to have characters in different realms on the same server (usually used for the purpose of spying on opposing realms). This includes characters on different accounts. However, we will not discourage 2 realms from cooperating with each other against a 3rd (commonly referred to as cross-teaming), as long as you do not act against your home-realm. While we want all 3 realms to wage war against each other, there are times when a little cooperation is appropriate. "Cross-teaming" in this manner is not a violation of our rules.


Note that ingame spying is against the rules as is acting againts your own realm. But a little cross teaming is encouraged now and again.... They actually do not see two realms co-operating against another as a breach of conduct...

I think this is very clear that having a co-operation with the Mids for example in taking relics is not against the rules and note that they are always very careful to say that cross-realm communication is not a breach of the rules in itself.

However, just remember if you get into bed with the devil.... and this is war after all.



Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Sharkith wrote:However, just remember if you get into bed with the devil...
...expect to get an exotic sexual disease?


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Post by Adianna »

Well it's a dangerous game to play... posting it on the boards and inviting the third realm to help the attackers, well not on intention but it might happen and could turn out dangerous... even so, not everything that is forbidden is written explicit in the code of conduct.
Still I won't mind but it might be a dangerous path you walk when posting things you should better keep to yourself... Sometimes it'll turn out that you've digged your own grave with doing it. Not only as violating the rules but at putting your relation to your realm at risk. ;)

PS: I won't mind going to bed with the devil as long as he doesn't wake me up at 4 a.m. Otherwise I'll show him who is the devil here. :mad:
Adwaenyth - Alathanne - Adianna -=- Face Down / Prydwen-Excalibur

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Post by Sharkith »

Ankh Morpork wrote:...expect to get an exotic sexual disease?


hmmm or burned?

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Post by Sharkith »

[quote="Adianna"]Well it's a dangerous game to play... posting it on the boards and inviting the third realm to help the attackers, well not on intention but it might happen and could turn out dangerous... even so, not everything that is forbidden is written explicit in the code of conduct.
Still I won't mind but it might be a dangerous path you walk when posting things you should better keep to yourself... Sometimes it'll turn out that you've digged your own grave with doing it. Not only as violating the rules but at putting your relation to your realm at risk. ]

I would agree that it is a dangerous path to take not only because you would invite the same to happen to you and that would be unpleasant.

Still they also say elsewhere that they want to encoruage a community spirit and this does not refer to only intra realm communities (which this board represents) it refers to the whole community so why would there not be a bit more openess ?

Maybe this would help us all to become less insular and take these communications much more lightly and try to relax a bit. It is a bloommin game for goodness sake.

p.s. what would you do about his hoofs? Or is that a mix up with Dioynsus who is a god that Ankh might have more in common with..... ;)

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Post by kristopher »

Satyn wrote:If actions will be taken against ladder then they have to take actions to A LOT of ppl. He didnt do anything wrong imo, only did what he thought was best for the realm and isnt that what we all should do?

What are mids doing on hib forum anyway? :banana:
ill tell u what mids r doing on a hib forum they scan the place to see what we are planning to do then they go blabber to all their mid pals imo u should stop complaining about ladder when you wouldda probably done the same

Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

kristopher wrote:ill tell u what mids r doing on a hib forum they scan the place to see what we are planning to do then they go blabber to all their mid pals imo u should stop complaining about ladder when you wouldda probably done the same
Eh...she isnt complaining on Ladder...she's on HIS side you fool!

Bah, that stupid Satyn just told me it was I who misunderstod you..my humble apology... Satyn - You suck! :D


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Post by Thandruil »

Ankh Morpork wrote:you fool!


Reminds me of the A-team, maybe we should hire em to get this solved and locked once and for all ;)
Thandruil lvl51 Elf Ranger RR6L3 ML10 CL5 :thand:
Thand lvl51 Warden RR6L5 ML10 CL5:wave:
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GM of Fallen Spirits :ranger:

Retired from DAoC now and started BF2142!

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