Is it Zerg or Bust for the casual player in RvR nowadays?

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Post by Elrandhir »

Hrymf wrote:The ideas are great, there is just a problem, i doubt we have the actually population for this, also, how would you make it impossible to add in the instances anyway?

aaaargh, Instakill anyone Adding, by using a an advanced mindreading AI =P
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Post by Belisar »

Hrymf wrote: how would you make it impossible to add in the instances anyway?
Current catacombs instances only let up to 1fg in. If a 2nd group wants to enter the same instance then it puts them into their own version.

If you are not in that group you cannot enter the same occupied instance.

Not sure how big a jump it is to set this up in a kind of RvR zone and only allow up to 1fg of mids, albs and hibs into the same space.

If you can set this up for 1fg then why not for solo or duo peeps. So when I say 1 vs 1 is 'open to all' I do not mean let in 50 hibbies I mean any class can enter and play against any other solo player.

Could be just a pipe dream...
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Post by Elrandhir »

Belisar wrote:Current catacombs instances only let up to 1fg in. If a 2nd group wants to enter the same instance then it puts them into their own version.

true, why dident I figure that out, hm, true I only have 1 procent intelligence compairing to females... gaah don't tell me ur really a Female Belisar...
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Post by Rejecta »

You can still get some good pick-up groups, granted every pug I join is made up mostly of eclipse AS people. However the reason that is, is because I like to play with people I know, Hrymf was a lowbie warden when we started running regular pugs, but he proved himself as a capable warden and I am always happy to see him in any pug I run in.

Its all about networking, the same is true irl as well as in game..many people are affraid to ask the high rr/more serious player for a group spot becuase they think they have a chance in hell. But if you keep asking, and keep playing one day you might get a chance to get in to a group and prove yourself and then fall in with the main crowd of FG pug's/guilds.

I play fairly casual these days (3/4 nighst a week) but I still get group offers and I play in a severance group 3 times a week. We are not the gratest guild group ever, but we hold out own against the best any realm has to offer atm (which is not that great imo) :p

Bottom line is, fitting in with the right players that makes the good rpts and kills the good groups takes time and effort, you cant expect to just fall in with the hardcore players who all know each other, with ease. Just like all things in life, if you want something, you gotta work to earn it.

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Post by Sharkith »

It is really interesting reading these responses. Its like a lot of the health and class related stuff you see in Medicine. Over there you get a lot of middle class people telling working class people that in order to be healthy they should behave more like the middle classes who after all are healthier! The point is that the people telling the working classes to be like them assume that the poor old working classes would like to be like them. Which is of course untrue :p.

I don't want to side track the dicussion by using an example like this but it is kind of the same thing. It seems very similar when we have high rr players and players who are quite dedicated to getting balanced groups and templates telling others they should be more like them. You hear the term 'in order to compete' a lot. Why assume the average player wants to compete with the high rr players? Maybe they don't?

The point is that most casual players (certainly from the NE alliance) I feel want to have a laugh and be able to go out and enjoy a night in RvR. Getting steamrollered constantly by a FG of Lords and Ladys is not the best way to enjoy an evening. Its not exactly casual either :).

In this respect then cluster has not been good for the average chilled out dude with zero matter resists (care?). However it's not that clear - when the Alb zerg was in Emain a few weeks back I was in a 7 player group during the afternoon with 1 druid 1 bard and 7 casters. We ran around for ages and I barely had to heal anyone. It was silly just how easily we were farming and the rps just kept coming.

So whilst there is no doubt anyone who is high RR is dedicated, good at playing and certainly could tell us a thing or two about FG RvR templates and stuff like that it kind of doesn't make them a reliable source of information on how to play casually or how to figure out whats wrong with the current situation. ;)

p.s. this is not directed at anyone its directed at the attitude that we should learn to compete. I am suspicious of anything that tells you you have to be different in order to enjoy the game.

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Post by Elrandhir »

well imo you will need Friends that are higher RR or be known to play good if you are low RR yourself, still there will be a chance a low RRer could be chosen ofcourse if noone else around.

But if you aint to experienced it's hard to get a group, or atleast continue doing so, because if you don't play to well you won't get an invite the next time.

So either you need higher RR/experienced friends, or you need to be good yourself, because otherwise you will have a really tuff time getting groups for RvR tbh, so if not instances, I belive the BG with a Cap of RR5 is nice too get players higher RR and experience.
Elrandhir L50 Hero 7l7 Thunderer
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Post by Ovi »

Elrandhir wrote:well imo you will need Friends that are higher RR or be known to play good if you are low RR yourself, still there will be a chance a low RRer could be chosen ofcourse if noone else around.

But if you aint to experienced it's hard to get a group, or atleast continue doing so, because if you don't play to well you won't get an invite the next time.

So either you need higher RR/experienced friends, or you need to be good yourself, because otherwise you will have a really tuff time getting groups for RvR tbh, so if not instances, I belive the BG with a Cap of RR5 is nice too get players higher RR and experience.

But that is the point Sharkith was making, not everyone wants to be high RR or get lots of experience. Some people just want to go out and have a laugh, unfortunately DAOC end game RvR does not allow for that any more.

It seems a shame that people level a character to 50, but because their play style does not allow them to compete the end up rolling a level 24 alt to have PvP fun :o

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Post by Elrandhir »

Ovi wrote:But that is the point Sharkith was making, not everyone wants to be high RR or get lots of experience. Some people just want to go out and have a laugh, unfortunately DAOC end game RvR does not allow for that any more.

It seems a shame that people level a character to 50, but because their play style does not allow them to compete the end up rolling a level 24 alt to have PvP fun :o

true, but not strange that it is like it is when a game have been up and running as long as Daoc.
Elrandhir L50 Hero 7l7 Thunderer
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Post by Ovi »

Elrandhir wrote:true, but not strange that it is like it is when a game have been up and running as long as Daoc.

No, not strange at all given that everyone is forced into the same arena.

Pre-mmorpgs I played FPSes quite a lot. I wasn't particularly good, but I could always find a server which matched my abilities at least well enough to feel I had a chance, and to have fun.

There are 2 possible options I can see to help with this situation, 1 is the <rr5 BG, the other would be some form of Instanced PvP, much like WoW has. When I last used the system in Wow there were a few problems with this system though, especially when realm numbers weren't balanced, and I don't think this will work for DAOC in any case.

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Post by <ankh> »

Personally I rvr should just be in the frontier and nowhere else. Reason I think this is cos thats what I liked about this game. But I can understand why people want bg with max rr5 or so..


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