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Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:04 am
by Maeloch
Kinda agree with gamah. Personally don't really like to see 'em fixing classes by introducing a load of new game concepts (classes getting resist bonuses, ML-like abilities).

The siege abilities seems fine, with the rest dunno why they didn't just stick heavy tanks on a new hp table that gives em a few hundred more hps than light tanks, tone down tsueudo, give heros/armsman something more useful for rr5, fix moose, mebbe give armsman a similiar freebie ability....get rid of/tone down stoicism on light tanks....viola.

ofc you can argue rational and subtle rebalancing of classes is not what keeps peeps playing and rerolling, rather see-sawing all over the place and sensational new abilities.

Hope they fix mentalism line while they ****ing about with all this fluff.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:07 am
by Heta
Heavy tanks this patch, stealthers/hybrids next, maybe casters after that

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:10 am
by Alexandrinus
this patch is the death for champs and valewalkers in groups

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:16 am
by OohhoO
Heta wrote:Heavy tanks this patch, stealthers/hybrids next, maybe casters after that
Was this posted on the Herald or something?
Some Hybrid :wub: would be nice :)
<sends Scabs some Champion :wub:>

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:18 am
by Heta
sanya posted it on VN ... 3233052/p2

to correct error in earlier post, it was assassins she said, not stealthers
and the caster part is a pure asumption from my side

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:34 am
by Haarewin
Scabs wrote:really?
champs are hybrids..

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 11:58 am
by Xest
Seems a silly way of fixing classes tbh.

Why not just fix the classes who need help instead of doing one archetype at a time? For example, Armsman, Valewalkers, Valkyries and Wizards needed love far more desperately than Warriors and Heroes, not even convinced Warriors needed any love at all in fact. Mythic should've just fixed the top 5 or 10 most gimped classes tbh instead of completely altering the dynamic of every group in every realm as this causes major realm disparities. For example, Albion not having room for an armsman still without sacrificing something else major means they still wont see these new toys, whilst a lot of Mid groups already had a warrior so they're essentially gaining a lot of new stuff for "free" with the overall irony of that being that Armsman were the ones who needed the love - who needed the group spot, whilst Warriors weren't. Would've just made sense to say, right let's fix:

On the same note, they should've made a nerf list.

Mythics problem is they don't look at the big picture - they don't look at what's breaking the game overall and they don't have the balls to say things that need to be said and do things that need to be done, i.e. Right bonedancers, you're more than fine without insta-lifetap so say goodbye to it. I fail to see how a caster with utility, healing pets, Banelord or Uber-ML9 pet, BAoD, TwF, uber RR5 RA can possibly become gimp by losing it's lifetap, with it it's just stupid so why not just get rid? I can't even beleive the losing customers by doing that argument is valid anymore, I'm pretty sure over the years Mythic have lost more people to bs like bonedancers, warlocks and such than they ever would to just ripping out overpowered abilities like that, even at very least just change it so insta-LT doesn't interrupt, in all honesty is fixing the game really so difficult as Mythic make it seem? There's the argument I guess of how it keeps the game moving too but I don't buy that either, just spend the time that would've been spent on boosting and nerfing on providing more content instead meaning things like horses could've been in 3 years ago when they were meant to be.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 12:07 pm
by Inquisitor Raal
Completely agree with Xest. they need to go halfway with adding new attributes to some classes and and removing existing attributes from others. Instead they insist on boosting classes, creating other elements that destroy fair gameplay.

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 12:17 pm
by Scabs
Haarewin wrote:champs are hybrids..
Well you learn something new evrey day

Posted: Thu Nov 24, 2005 12:17 pm
by Gandelf
I'm really happy about the tank improvements in the patch.
For far too long tanks have always whined that casters are overpowered. After the patch it will be the other way around or at least equal.

Finally, there will be an end to the "casters are overpowered!" whine!

About time.