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Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:44 pm
by Nedo
[quote="Jupiler"]but it's defo fun to farm cata stuff like amanita when 95% of the server has his ring in template ]

Twuuue but the question was if I'd trade fop for a classic server...and I still say yyyyyyyyeaaaah to that ;)

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 9:46 pm
by Jupiler
[quote="Nedo"]Twuuue but the question was if I'd trade fop for a classic server...and I still say yyyyyyyyeaaaah to that ]

I'd be bored after 2weeks, but that's just me i guess :) Don't see what's so fun about it...imagine encountering a RR8 Heretic with PD5 and AoM 5 in 6months? how are you going to kill that? :)

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:51 pm
by Bebop
Classic servers Mana Ments will be wanted again both PvE & RvR \o/

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 4:55 am
by Heta
pikeh wrote:well, at least people have the OPTION now to choose different weapons and armour. Before it was all crafted, maybe BMF or galla armour in a few templates, but with some all day galla raids i fail to see how casual players could get some of those items. The jewelry was all epic stuff or Si quested. So yeh, there is the option to be a lot more individual nowadays.
tbh, its just about same option as before :p

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 5:59 am
by Lieva
Nedo wrote:ye anytime. Dont need to farm sick amounts of cash on such server so dont need fop :P
hmm who said anything about farming :p

you know how much power heals/spells on any char cost?
its a heck of alot-it was NASTY downtime before toa fop even with mcl and serinity and the odd red con mana crack you could beg from a passing menta... :p
And dont forget the only reason hibs seem to pwn at keep defence is cause the animists can lay a field of shrooms down easily - i dont think they would be able to do so if no fop? or at least we wouldnt be able to defend as easily as we do.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 6:10 am
by Rejecta
To all those who want "Old Emain" Back, Agromon the island will keep you satisfied.

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 7:48 am
by Shike
pikeh wrote:well, at least people have the OPTION now to choose different weapons and armour. Before it was all crafted, maybe BMF or galla armour in a few templates, but with some all day galla raids i fail to see how casual players could get some of those items. The jewelry was all epic stuff or Si quested. So yeh, there is the option to be a lot more individual nowadays.
yea there is the option, but, its still a very limited supply of gear that is recommendable to use in the TOAenvironment, simply because they are the best of its kind and the sillyest endresult now is, all realms have access to the exact same stuff. As someone said, a menta and a theurg is very likely to run around in pretty much exactly same gear...

Whereas with Galladoriaitems, you had access to very good items that didnt even exist in the other realms. You also had different skins on stuff for different archetypes at least.

And casual had problems accessing some of the items from Galla yep, some of the items wasnt that hard to aquire though, if one wanted them. BUT, the major difference is that you managed just fine with items that was from other places aswell, Gallastuff was not a must to compete on any level of RvR. As it is today, I wouldnt go out without a proper suit since that would mean that I cannot compete on equal terms. In PuG's and such, it is not such an issue, but going in a hardcore RVRgrp without good gear is just asking for trouble :)

I know what you mean Pikeh, but I disagree alil with you and agree alil aswell.

The whole thing started out with a minor flame towards oldschoolers that prefer the old world, I've given my PoV and discussion is thus now ended.


Cernos!!!! long time no see matey, hope you are well, pop into IRC and say hello imo :wave:

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 7:56 am
by pikeh
Shike wrote:yea there is the option, but, its still a very limited supply of gear that is recommendable to use in the TOAenvironment, simply because they are the best of its kind and the sillyest endresult now is, all realms have access to the exact same stuff. As someone said, a menta and a theurg is very likely to run around in pretty much exactly same gear...

Whereas with Galladoriaitems, you had access to very good items that didnt even exist in the other realms. You also had different skins on stuff for different archetypes at least.

And casual had problems accessing some of the items from Galla yep, some of the items wasnt that hard to aquire though, if one wanted them. BUT, the major difference is that you managed just fine with items that was from other places aswell, Gallastuff was not a must to compete on any level of RvR. As it is today, I wouldnt go out without a proper suit since that would mean that I cannot compete on equal terms. In PuG's and such, it is not such an issue, but going in a hardcore RVRgrp without good gear is just asking for trouble :)

I know what you mean Pikeh, but I disagree alil with you and agree alil aswell.

The whole thing started out with a minor flame towards oldschoolers that prefer the old world, I've given my PoV and discussion is thus now ended.


Cernos!!!! long time no see matey, hope you are well, pop into IRC and say hello imo :wave:

I wasnt whining at old schoolers, i say just saying people dont seem to realise the good that ToA has done us (even if its not very apparent sometimes). I agree, ToA is too much of a timesink and being a casual player myself, i had to resort to using stuff like GSV instead of GoV.
I was trying to provide an objective viewpoint, ive been known to be a bit of an optimist, and i always look for the good of what something has done the game. I really really enjoyed the game in the "oldschool" times, but i think ToA was something the game needed (although some of the methods used were not good at all).

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:35 am
by Gandelf
I think a lot of people are missing the REAL point... which is freedom of choice. I don't presume to tell everyone to play on a Classic DAoC server just because that's how I want it. Likewise, it's wrong for people to tell those who want a Classic server that they can't play on one just because all the expansions have come out.

If a group of people want to go back to playing classic DAoC, then why not? Who, other than the game developers has the right to say they can't?

The argument in the past against setting up classic servers is that it would be bad business for Mythic because a lot of players would only buy the Classic game and none of the expansions. But there is a simple solution to that.... as a reward to those players who have bought all the expansions, Mythic could create Classic servers for them to play on. These Classic servers would detect if you had all the expansions installed on your computer and if you did you would be allowed to play. Simple!

Graphics and sound could be upgraded and any bugs ironed out, but you could still have a Classic game to play.

Freedom of choice... if we want to, then why not?

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2005 8:41 am
by Alexandrinus
ofc you can have the choice to choose why not...

but you will see in classic daoc RR will count over anything else, because the time they spent bevore in arti and scroll hunting goes into RVR.
the only good thing is that all have to start from the bottom...........