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Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:31 am
by Ovi
Briannon wrote:I suppose the problem could be if the only realm enemies available in the frontiers are engaged in "protected" duelling, which means there would be no RvR for anyone else logged on at that time.

I don't know if that was the case when this incident happened but in such a scenario then I could see why duelling in the frontiers becomes a problem.

Looking at the last sentence in Requiels post I would guess that someone RvRing killed some of the duelers and got harrassed for their troubles.

If that is the case then I fully support the response. Whether duelling is right or wrong doesn't matter in this case, if the duel gets broken up by others RvRing then you just have to accept that is the price for being in the frontiers, and not harrass the people.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:39 am
by Briannon
Finolin wrote:Just to be clear, the "attacking realm enemies" bit means everyone who complains about adds from their realms are attempting to play contrary to "the manner that it's supposed to be played"?

I don't RvR enough to care personally, but I like to understand the rules.

Yes Fin, this is precisely the root argument between people who add and people who don't like adds.

There have been threads before on this very subject where people were insulted for adding to "private" fights in the frontiers. There was quite a strong reaction to people who were being seen to invent new rules for frontiers play, not because of the elitism that was inherent in such cabals, but because it placed unofficial restrictions on the game-play of others.

This seems to be an on-going dispute between people who just want to roam the frontiers and kill any enemy they come across and those who want more organised 1v1 or 8v8 contests. Many people have argued both sides are legitimate, which they may well be, but when one side's preference is clearly within the CoC and the other side's is being challenged as against the CoC then something needs to be done to sort this out.

An arena for 1v1 or group v group fights, a la the battlegrounds in WoW, would be one such solution.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:43 am
by Briannon
Radu wrote:This sounds like a dumb idea, especially when Requiel is talking about "spirit of the game" which is doesnt exists, noone can see, because the players make it, and not some idiot in mythic/goa.
Anyhow, i found sad this is a punishable act - shrug, those who do it like it, and b/c they are asking someone not do it, they can get suspend.
Ahh, yes, an idea to those duel guys - dont ask anyone to not attack - so u dont harras them - just make sure make a gang grp from all realms, and if someone goes there to interefere, just gank away from 2 opposing realms. No harrasing :D

It's not the asking Radu, it's the style of asking.

If someone politely asks me not to add because they are engaged in a particular activity I will respect that. If I'm told to "FOAD you rp-leeching mofo scum" then I won't respect that and would promptly report them to GOA.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:45 am
by fungus
Requiel wrote:We do consider this sort of thing to be against the spirit of the game. Organised duelling is not allowed and will be punished. The people involved will find themselves unable to play over the weekend. When players who are trying to play the game properly in the manner that it's supposed to be played (i.e. attacking realm enemies) are being harrassed for it by players who are setting up organised duels it is clear that something is wrong.
Your words are chosen wrong here requil; the spirit of the game is made by the players , what you are talking about is how mythic/GOA would like to see it to be played, its not the same.
I am actually glad that events like these take place this means ppl start to respect eachother like IRL (not all iraqies are bad). Ppl disturbing those events ,even if they are told by others, are the ones who dont show respect to other players. And are to be punished.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:46 am
by Jupi
Grymligast wrote:organised 8vs8 is just that. Organised dueling. Doesn´t matter if it´s 1on1 2on2 4on4 or 8on8, if you do it in an organised way it´s against CoC.

It´s important to know the difference also. 2 groups that roam the land and stumble upon eachother have 2 options. Engage or don´t engage. Neither of this is against CoC. BUT! if if were 2 groups saying "let´s meet at this location so that our 2 groups can fight over and over again" it is organised dueling and rp farming = against CoC.
ahh so those that camp oriens bridge continually and those try knock em off it continually are in fact breaking the CoC, because i know they are there, they know they are there and somebody is getting farmed... and that lamer Atmes, he is breaking CoC and Jamiesmallicus aka CB shud be perma banned cause he got most his rps this way..... bad jamies bad....

could somebody also clarify what account sharing is... seem to remember a post a short while back with a GM... ahhh nm the rules are bent and shaped to suit the current mood and we dont want more knee jerk reactions like the /em bans now do we.....

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:52 am
by Briannon
Jupi wrote:ahh so those that camp oriens bridge continually and those try knock em off it continually are in fact breaking the CoC, because i know they are there, they know they are there and somebody is getting farmed...

I personally would call this laying siege to a bridge and enemies attempting to break the siege - part of the game.

Finding some way of saying to the enemy that we are going to siege your bridge at 8pm so be there to fight us, I would see as being organised and not in the spirit of the game.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:56 am
by Heta
I think it should be against the CoC to kill people :(

love dont hate plz

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:59 am
by Jupi
Briannon wrote:I personally would call this laying siege to a bridge and enemies attempting to break the siege - part of the game.

Finding some way of saying to the enemy that we are going to siege your bridge at 8pm so be there to fight us, I would see as being organised and not in the spirit of the game.
well to me its against the spirit of the game, i'm gonna rightnow all their lame asses..... and thats the whole point "one man's meat is another man's poison", i prefer Mythic/GOA to spend their time fixing bugs than petty application of CoC (to me /em bans and duelling bans are petty)

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 9:07 am
by Seanpaul
tried to stop 2fgs steamrolling a 1v1 last night just because it was Knarl the armsman :( hes just so cute
someone still massacred the lil fishy though, although i was disappointed in my own realmmates brutality i had to accept it and move on :(
we're such war criminals at times :xest:

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 9:15 am
by Briannon
Jupi wrote:well to me its against the spirit of the game, i'm gonna rightnow all their lame asses..... and thats the whole point "one man's meat is another man's poison", i prefer Mythic/GOA to spend their time fixing bugs than petty application of CoC (to me /em bans and duelling bans are petty)

I kind of see your point Jupi but I suppose, at the end of the day, Mythic/GOA are the owners/licensees of the game and we pay them for access to their product, not the other way round. Like it or lump it we do have to follow their rules and they do have the right to deny people access to their product. In this respect I don't agree that the spirit of the game is determined by the players - it is determined by the game owners who do have the right to set down how they want players to use their product.