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Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 4:08 pm
by Cryn
I just got the point where I am really enjoying DAoC as it stands today. I don't wanna start again and potentially not have fun. Plus I hate leveling. I'm thinking the Fins on Lam will be begging for submission on day 2.

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2005 4:11 pm
by Xest
Biggest mistake I made with the new servers was not taking 2 days off work, starting a necro on day 1, beating everyone to 50 and going out to solo all the unclaimed lvl1 keeps and run off solo with a relic :<

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 11:43 am
by Hatsepsut
Briannon wrote:But my point is that everyone on the server will be un-ToA'd so I don't see how RvR will be that much harder. If we were un-Toa versus TOA then yes, I'd agree.

But, as Mythic said before, this is a suck-it-and-see period and they will make adjustments as the server settles down.
Lol, thanks for assuming I'm an idiot. Of course I'm talking about RvR without ToA gear on a ToA server...

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:17 pm
by xianghua
Fifta wrote:Yeah, will be interesting to see how people can live without group cure nearsight or disease. :)

And how will noob healers live without 40% power bonus and maximized cast speed to spam spreadheal.

like in old days then....

mhmmmmhmmm the old days :ß

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:24 pm
by Sturgis Podmore
Isn't there a restriction on buffs now on this server also? That's going to make it very difficult for typically solo Classes in RVR. Not so much against their counterparts in different Realms, but moreso against enemy players running with buffs in their group.

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 12:32 pm
by xianghua
Fifta wrote:True, but you still have to level a character from 1 to 50

And I have to admit that I didn't know that those bonuses won't work in rvr and this kinda eats the basement of my posts, doesnt it?

All I can say is, sorry.

(Altho I'm gonna cram up some information about those bonuses when I get home from work, just to be sure they won't work in rvr)

aye 2-3 days of hardcore pve to get from 1-50 is alot of work rly :D

maybe the first chars might take 1 week, but if you are smart you only exp some PL chars on normal way there (necro´s,animists,chanters,sm,bb´s,etc)

and PL the chars you want to play there after
that way after 2 weeks you have: bb + some PL toon + atleast 1-2 chars to play

1 week later you have both equipped with cata stuff and sit on your ass waiting for slowcrew crafters to hit lgm :D

wouldnt call that much efford compared to toa rly

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 1:03 pm
by pikeh
currently trying out this server as Gatherii the Savage, and its interesting to note that more or less any solo person has a bot stuck to his ass, which i dont know if its a trend that will carry on to frontiers or not , and is just for fast PvE purposes, but 5000 range on buffs seems too much if they want to make make bots more obsolete and less people relying on them.

oh and on mid weve already got some 40+ people. numbers are around 1100 on mid when i logged on at 6 am this morning (dont ask was a heavy night)

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 1:46 pm
by centurion
I'd definetly go for classic server if it was Old Frontiers and Old RA's, but with NF and new RA system, cba really..

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 2:50 pm
by Briannon
Hatsepsut wrote:Lol, thanks for assuming I'm an idiot. Of course I'm talking about RvR without ToA gear on a ToA server...

I didn't assume anything of the sort, however...this is what you said in a discussion about a non-ToA server...
Hatsepsut wrote:Lol good luck competing in RvR without ToA gear. "Totely" doable. :p

I thought you were being sarcastic and it probably wasn't unfair of me to deduce that because we were discussing a non-ToA server you were suggesting that RvR on that server without ToA gear wasn't doable. Usually when someone puts a word in apostrophe's it implies some degree of irony. Hence my reply.

However, sarcasm/irony is a long way from idiocy, so just because i thought you were being sarcastic and responded accordingly doesn't mean I assumed you were being an idiot. My friends know that I can be one of the most sarcastic gits on this planet but I'm a long way from being an idiot. Your previous posts on many subjects suggest that neither are you :)

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2005 2:52 pm
by Briannon
Sturgis Podmore wrote:Isn't there a restriction on buffs now on this server also? That's going to make it very difficult for typically solo Classes in RVR. Not so much against their counterparts in different Realms, but moreso against enemy players running with buffs in their group.

So far, the way I have experienced buffs is that you can only buff someone in your group and the buffs have a range of 1000. Therefore, buffing classes have suddenly become very popular group members, as has having a second account bot running alongside you.