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Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 4:45 pm
by Sharkith
Aran_Thule wrote:That not going to happen as everyone plays the game in differant ways and thoose that have been in a guild a long time will not want to leave it.
The other problem with merging guilds is that we have differculty claiming everything.
Merging alliances is differcult as well due to differant rules people want to follow and leadership issues, as well as what happens to the guilds that dont make it to the new alliance.

Opening and establishing communication between alliances is important, if im running something big i try to get it mentioned in the excal alliances.
Would it be an idea to make a contact list again with details of the 3 most active guilds in each alliance and contact details for them.
true but didn't those guilds have to establish those rules at some stage? It is an important issue that needs to be discussed. I think Crom has a very good point. Of course some alliances won't change but that is of course their choice others might find it easier to adapt - it is all down to rules and so on and there is nothing wrong with trying.

Adapt and overcome. We have to evolve and we need to confront this because the co-operation across servers could be so much better.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:03 pm
by Alexandrinus
the fact is again , when i log in at night and i see 10-20 people playing in my alliance, the alliance is dead for me.....GPK had in his better times alone 10+ people playing sometimes we supported nearly 2 FG's.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:05 pm
by Alexandrinus
Cromcruaich wrote:The natural solution would be to unite behind a common alliance. That will then provide a platform from which to broker ties with our like minded Excalibur breathren.
true and GPK is thinking about this

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 8:26 pm
by maxis
Seems to me that after all this time, those people who remain are playing pretty much as they want to play.

* In most cases, people who want to be in big guilds/alliances already are; the people in small guilds/alliances like it that way (not GPK maybe but most)

* In most cases (though certainly not all), people who want to play FG RvR already are (as Shark has found out with the PUG, lots of people say they want to run in groups but not that many actually make the effort to turn up when they are given the chance)

Sure it would be nice for the realm to unite but I don't see it happening really.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:22 pm
by Cryn
There's a big difference in BG habits now to when we first used them. In the early days of BGs we spent time organising people into groups (it was painful sometimes, but we did it), but over the years people have become resistant to this. There's a widespread culture of non-cooperation with the BG.

There have always been some GGs who join the BG for their own purposes, but there are more of them now and it also seems to be the norm for people to not expect to have to group other BG members. You've got your staunch old Hibs like Thand, Gwen and Yeyi, but outside that relatively small set of people, there are a whole load who just want to solo/duo.

I'm not saying this is a crime or wrong, but any force will be weaker if it is not pooling its strengths and collaborating toward the goal.

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:36 pm
by Sharkith
Cryn wrote: I'm not saying this is a crime or wrong, but any force will be weaker if it is not pooling its strengths and collaborating toward the goal.
This is how I see it for me the solution is along the lines of identifying a hard core and building on that. As for the more structural things I do think Crom has a point and despite what people say through the PUG I have got to know so many cool people from all over the server. I am glad I did it and I am glad it is working.

So al;l this takes is a bit of effort and for the guilds to come forward and tell us what they will contribute. We need to know if there are enough naturalists and so on. What is a guild if it has no purpose?

Posted: Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:53 pm
by Belisar
Hib Pryd is very fractured RvR wise.

We have quite a few RvR orientated people, many of whom have been around the block a bit and many of whom are in different guilds. This has good points and bad points.

Claiming is easier with a range of guilds able to claim towers as a minimum. We can sit in our own comfort zones (alliance or guild based) and enjoy the friends we have and the familiarity it brings. For a lot of people a lot of the enjoyment they get from the game is from the contact, banter and solidarity they feel to others in guild or alliance.

Communication is a downside. Ability to build good RvR based contacts or even advertise free spots is restricted. Small guilds are restricted in terms of bps and therefore claim times or types.

From a pure realm and RvR perspective I can see the benefits of trying to get a number of RvR focussed guilds into one alliance and also perhaps reducing the number of 1 or 2 player guilds we have.

That is not going to sit comfortably with all, fun and enjoyment are a key part of the game and as individuals that comes from a lot of different areas.

The idea of uniting as much as possible under 1 banner is an interesting one. However step 1 would be to get as many guilds as possible to make some sort of response here. It would be nice for anyone who is planning a future raid to get a feel for the number of groups which are likely to be out with some sort of balance. Given the need to keep raids a secret as long as possible a report here may well help the planning process.

Next step ..

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:13 am
by Ashgen
I think this now needs formalising, if it has not already been done.

Perhaps the first step is to identify the active RvR guild and alliances and make an approach to them?

I know it is harping in about Albion but it is a fact that the HB alliance works really well. While it is the HB alliance, HB do not run/control unit, it is just an historical alliance and it runs itself. However, as it is known as the RvR alliance, the RvR guilds tend to migrate towards it, even Prydwen guilds.

There is also a Prydwen alliance also, which seems to work too, so I would assume there is space for two alliances on Hib if there are “issues” why people do not want to be allied.

I am not sure who would take the lead on this, but I think it needs a known “Hib” who has the respect of the community to take it forward.

I think it would be better for the realm. I was in Sharks group last night, and there were 3 or 4 other hib groups, wandering around getting steamrollered one at a time, having one or two main alliances may have allowed a response to the continual Alb zerg and adding policy.

It will be hard, people will need to make tough decisions to wind up guilds and alliances, but I fear if it not done there will not much of a realm to play with anyway before long.

The alliances would also need to be quite tough on the guilds wishing to join because what is not needed is a massive alliance full of people who have no intention to RvR, that would be counter productive for both the RvRers and those who want to be more casual etc.



Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 8:58 am
by Cromcruaich
Tuthmes wrote:Soul Pact/Eclipse alliance hade 4 members on, of 2 where buffbots and 1 whas me :|.
You know the solution ...

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:06 am
by Cromcruaich
Aran_Thule wrote:That not going to happen as everyone plays the game in differant ways and thoose that have been in a guild a long time will not want to leave it.
Playing the game in different ways in no way stops people playing in the same guild and guilds sharing alliances.
Aran_Thule wrote: The other problem with merging guilds is that we have differculty claiming everything.
With Excal there are no problems claiming all towers, and set up dummy guilds. Individual NFD members have at least 3 for this very purpose.
Aran_Thule wrote: Merging alliances is differcult as well due to differant rules people want to follow and leadership issues, as well as what happens to the guilds that dont make it to the new alliance.
If guilds dont make it to any new alliance, then thats thats entirely up to them. Weve found no problems setting rules within the NFD alliance. It's open and adult orientated, ofcourse this doesnt wash well with a minority of people.
Aran_Thule wrote: Opening and establishing communication between alliances is important, if im running something big i try to get it mentioned in the excal alliances.
Would it be an idea to make a contact list again with details of the 3 most active guilds in each alliance and contact details for them.
Good idea.