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Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:24 pm
by <ankh>
kivik wrote:Hm? That's two VERY different things.
No its not, its fun to get better. You might think they are two very different things but I dont.


Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:25 pm
by <ankh>
Cromcruaich wrote:It might be about the latter, but for me the gaining of the former is often not the reason I play, certainly not when i'm playing in an 8v8 group.
Well, if there was no RP to gain there wouldnt be many players left in the game.


Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:26 pm
by <ankh>
Norcott wrote: General points.. Pay my subs then ill play as you like, dont pay my subs and ill pay my own.. take ya moaning elsewhere cus i aint listening.
...which means its quite silly replying to the post anyway or even read it :) :D


Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:37 pm
by Lieva
<ankh> wrote:Well, if there was no RP to gain there wouldnt be many players left in the game.


hmm not 100% sure on that
loads of players now are highest RR and still play

think its cuz youre playing against people who you have to think on how to beat ;)

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:38 pm
by <ankh>
[quote="Banana"]hmm not 100% sure on that
loads of players now are highest RR and still play

think its cuz youre playing against people who you have to think on how to beat ]

It could be cos they are hopeing on new RR's to be introduced to the game, or they just feel that spending so much time on the game would be a waste if you just quit. But I can assure you that the majority of the players are NOT the highest RR :)


Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:53 pm
by kivik
Satyn wrote:So Kivik you're saying that i cant solo anymore that i have to get in a grp? And if i dont do that i have to just accept that my fellow hib players stand there looking at me getting my arse kicked?

Sorry but thats big no. I refuse to let anyone force their playstyle on me. I play this game for FUN for the ppl in it. And i show respect. Looking at someone getting their arse kicked (your own realm mate) is anything but showing respect.
I'm not forcing you at all I'm just giving you very good and valid solution that will help you and the soloers. Not like adding and zerging your enemy is showing any respect either or is it? Those on the other side are human beings aswell and they feel disrespected aswell if you add on them, difference is that there is a solution for you, it's just waiting for you!
Norcott wrote:but it doesnt state anywhere in the game rules on the box or in conduct code that that is the case is says Realm v's Realm..
And wich idiot told you the game rules are written on the box, and not like there is a 'normal' you have to follow, RvR is open for all playstyles. It's not like your wife and children will be raped if you let that poor enemy live, it's a bloody games people.

Btw hand me your subscription details if you can, so I can pay your subs. Or say: "Aslong as I pay my subs I play how I want. And if you pay my subs I'll play as you want, but I won't let you pay my subs anyways so this sentence is in fact totally idiotical."
Belisar wrote:Peeps moan about fair fights. RR8 vs RR2 is not fair. No one will ever convince me it is.
Too bad, I actually hoped I would when making my video. RRs means almost nothing, a well kitted and played character will preform as good as those, that was what I was trying to show with my video, maybe you haven't seen it.
Belisar wrote:So Kivik's answer is to get a grp. Ever tried to grp a ranger or shade ? So do we duo ? Oh no's not fair you duo'd a solo enemy.
No I haven't but I believe it's piss easy with all those zerg/add-rangers/NSs around.

Yes dou, you won't get frustrated when your realmates ignores you and real soloers will understand that you are not a soloer.

Well either you show respect to enemies by giving them a fair fight OR you want fellow hibernians to show respect to you by adding on you or grouping up with you. I believe you and satyn are of the second kind.

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:57 pm
by Xest
Belisar wrote:Peeps moan about fair fights. RR8 vs RR2 is not fair. No one will ever convince me it is.
Perhaps it's not fair but it's still no reason not to try it, I regularly fight higher RR chars 1vs1 and if I win I get a greater reward for it - vastly higher RP gain. If someone wants to gang up on a higher RR player to win that's their choice, but it's also basically an indirect admittance that they're a sucky player compared to the person they're ganging up on. Whereas there's nothing to say you can't do this, the irony is those that do do this are generally the ones that complain when said outnumbered enemy returns with more friends of a higher RR to return the favour so the fact is no one wins so it's easier to just not be lame in the first place, try and win in a fair fight, if you do then excellent, you get insanely high RP gain (2k+ if higher RR) if not, go figure out why don't just zerg because if you do you'll always suck and always be the one getting killed in fair fights rather than those who learn from their mistakes, fix them and make their way to higher RR.

Also RR has far more impact than some people suggest, getting to RR3/4 is really easy and once you're there then the difference between your char and a higher RR really decreases dramatically because you have the essential RAs your char needs on most solo classes.

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 7:03 pm
by kivik
Xest wrote:Perhaps it's not fair but it's still no reason not to try it, I regularly fight higher RR chars 1vs1 and if I win I get a greater reward for it - vastly higher RP gain. If someone wants to gang up on a higher RR player to win that's their choice, but it's also basically an indirect admittance that they're a sucky player compared to the person they're ganging up on. Whereas there's nothing to say you can't do this, the irony is those that do do this are generally the ones that complain when said outnumbered enemy returns with more friends of a higher RR to return the favour so the fact is no one wins so it's easier to just not be lame in the first place, try and win in a fair fight, if you do then excellent, you get insanely high RP gain (2k+ if higher RR) if not, go figure out why don't just zerg because if you do you'll always suck and always be the one getting killed in fair fights rather than those who learn from their mistakes, fix them and make their way to higher RR.

Also RR has far more impact than some people suggest, getting to RR3/4 is really easy and once you're there then the difference between your char and a higher RR really decreases dramatically because you have the essential RAs your char needs on most solo classes.
I wish there was some rep-system here.

Very well said.

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 7:12 pm
by Inquisitor Raal
<ankh> wrote:its about having fun, and for some people its not really fun to die just cos their realmmates refuse to help them. But ofc - thats my opinion.

Understandable opinion :) But to add mine as things are not quite as black and white as this.

Scenario 1:

Hib fighting a a mid who i know to solo - hibs losing big style, but i leave them to it. Later on im fighting an alb/mid - that same mid i left alone earlier see's me and leaves me to it

Scenario 2:

Hib fighting a mid who i know to solo - hibs losing big style, so i jump in and add on the mid - hibs win - Later on im fighting an alb/mid - thats same mid i attacked whilst in a 1v1 fight earlier sees me and jumps in - i lose

Now :) assume im happy for scenario 2 to occur from a moral point of view - but the fact of this matter is that if you keep adhering to scenario 2 then you end up like players such as Jarvio - everyone adds on him on sight.
Going back to what was said earlier as quoted above - it is about having fun. To some players - myself included - getting ganked by every alb/mid and his dog in every 1v1 fight you have is not fun - its frustrating and demoralising to lose on such a frequent basis. Right or wrong is not an issue here - its opinion. I've worked hard to build a rep of a solo player, and justifiably so, i now get left alone if in a fight by an awful lot of players - at least untill the fights over at least :). This would not happen if i kept playing to the etiquette of scenario 2.

Admitidly im rr9 and can handle a 1v1 fight probably better than players of a lower rr. So i see where Sat is coming from regarding requesting adding :) But please understand the position it can put some of us in if we DO add. 4 years of solo play could be destroyed in 1 day of adding in rvr. From my point of view - this is not about morals, roleplay or anything else - its about enjoyment. I want ot preserve an envireonment where i can be left alone to fight 1v1. Ive never whined on fh about zergs, adds and what not. If it happens - and it does - then i get on with it :)

Alternative options is run mini grps of 3 or 4 - theres lots of alb/mid grps of those sizes and its easier and more balanced than trying to solo :)

kk am waffling now - just wanted to put my perspective on things! I respect everyones playstlye - but wont change my own unless things become unplayable for me.

Posted: Tue May 30, 2006 7:14 pm
by Satyn
kivik wrote:
And wich idiot told you the game rules are written on the box, and not like there is a 'normal' you have to follow, RvR is open for all playstyles. It's not like your wife and children will be raped if you let that poor enemy live, it's a bloody games people.
sigh ...

Btw hand me your subscription details if you can, so I can pay your subs. Or say: "Aslong as I pay my subs I play how I want. And if you pay my subs I'll play as you want, but I won't let you pay my subs anyways so this sentence is in fact totally idiotical."
You calling norc an idiot?