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Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 10:43 pm
by Teraka
Have to agree with Banana. I don't do MLs all that often, in fact only my second time really and the first time I was a bystander as the raid was zerged. This time we were essentially a single, unopted group (plus associated buffbots) and we still took everything!

A very enjoyable raid. Thanks to all concerned but especially to Kesxex who leapt into the breach as raid leader at short notice and Banana who logged Peon to focuspull Cetus at the end.

This has encouraged me to try the other MLs as well, roll on ML2!


Posted: Wed Mar 01, 2006 11:05 am
by Khylrion
Aye thanks go to Kesxex for leading this one!
Especially on such short notice. Still glad I could attend for the last parts :)

Gratz to everyone involved for getting ML1

:gopack: :gopack: