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Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:24 am
by Sharkith
Adalyn your in one of those hermetic cycles and this is not worth pursuing because its only going to cause you pain. You need to just calm down and think about it all.

There are definite inconsistencies in what your saying and Requiel looks to me like he has been consistent (your last post is a dead give away :p).

Take a chill pill mate. This should be sorted out over PM's there is nothing to be gained by a public slanging session.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:27 am
by Ovi
Adalyn wrote:If you read the whole thread and not just looking at Requiels posts, He watched me do it the way i did it, the main encounter mob spawned on the 5th chest, he then reset the encounter again after it spawned.

So if i was braking the encounter and doing it wrong, why did the main mob spawn in the first place?

Like i have said, it is bad coding and needs fixing, it has nothing to do with the way you kill or suicide on the Triton Acaeus and many people agree with me on this. Nothing has been proven, it is a number of possibiltys that has been said and nothing has been proven properly. Except after a reset and i did it the way i do it worked, then he reset it again despawning both encounters on Prydwen and Excalibur.
If you read Requiels posts instead of just your own, you would see he repeatedly told you what you were doing wrong to break the encounter. Bad coding or not, you were told quite a few times what you were doing wrong.

You made the accusation that the encounter was bugged, therefore the onus is on you to prove it is bugged. Until you have tried to complete the encounter in the proper way as described by Requiel, on more than one occasion, you cannot suggest that the encounter is bugged.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:40 am
by Adalyn
Ovi wrote:If you read Requiels posts instead of just your own, you would see he repeatedly told you what you were doing wrong to break the encounter. Bad coding or not, you were told quite a few times what you were doing wrong.

You made the accusation that the encounter was bugged, therefore the onus is on you to prove it is bugged. Until you have tried to complete the encounter in the proper way as described by Requiel, on more than one occasion, you cannot suggest that the encounter is bugged.
I have read every post from Requiel, there is no definate answer that the way i did it broke the encounter. I was doing it properly by not killing the Triton Acaeus but the named mob spawned from the last chest when i did it my way, so it worked the way i did.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:42 am
by Adalyn
Sharkith wrote:Adalyn your in one of those hermetic cycles and this is not worth pursuing because its only going to cause you pain. You need to just calm down and think about it all.

There are definite inconsistencies in what your saying and Requiel looks to me like he has been consistent (your last post is a dead give away :p).

Take a chill pill mate. This should be sorted out over PM's there is nothing to be gained by a public slanging session.

Am not shouting at anyone Shark m8, am defending myself from false accusations and lies that are being said. If i was just to stop and let him say things that are not true then it would make me look guilty in what i did and destroy my reputation more then i am to reply on here and defend myself. Doesn't really matter, people think am a ignorant theiving overpriced player from previous experiences with ToA encounters and selling items. So doesn't really matter Shark ^^

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:38 am
by Lieva
Adalyn wrote:Doesn't really matter, people think am a ignorant theiving overpriced player from previous experiences with ToA encounters and selling items. So doesn't really matter Shark ^^
oh the cloak.
tbh forgot all about it and everyone else has too :)

do the encounter like req said (i.e killing the tritons)

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 11:44 am
by Adalyn
Banana wrote:huh?
oh the cloak.
tbh forgot all about it and everyone else has too :)

do the encounter like req said (i.e killing the tritons)
I am going to do when i get home and see if still bugs up or not. :p

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:14 pm
by Satyn
I can understand that you make a thread about it in order to get help fast but what I cant seem to understand is why you just wont give up.
I just read this thread 3 times and all i see is Requiel trying to explain to you that you are doing it wrong and you saying that you arent doing it wrong.
Who do you think knows best? He watched you do it so he knows you did it wrong and he's trying to tell you how to do it right.
Keep in mind that he doesnt have to respond here, there are right-nows for that. Be glad that he did.

Good luck with your next attempt.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:24 pm
by Adalyn
Satyn wrote:I can understand that you make a thread about it in order to get help fast but what I cant seem to understand is why you just wont give up.
I just read this thread 3 times and all i see is Requiel trying to explain to you that you are doing it wrong and you saying that you arent doing it wrong.
Who do you think knows best? He watched you do it so he knows you did it wrong and he's trying to tell you how to do it right.
Keep in mind that he doesnt have to respond here, there are right-nows for that. Be glad that he did.

Good luck with your next attempt.

What made you think i still don't understand that i am doing it wrong by suiciding on the Triton Acaeus?

I know that it is not the proper way and am attempting it the correct way tonight to see if it still bugs or not. What am saying is i did it my way and the Guardian of Atlantis still spawned after he had reset it so it couldn't be the Triton Acaeus braking the encounter when you suicide on them to make them go back into the chest.

You want to know why i keep posting?

I am defending myself from him lieing when he said i shut down my clients when i supposedly saw him. Also he i am explaining that what he said is wrong (the teather thing he said) but there is no teather. I've explained in more detail in other posts and he might understand now that pulling the more closer or further away to make them despawn means nothing.

And i am replying to other peoples threads like this one as they don't seem to read everything correctly and don't know how i did the encounter properly, only me a Requiel saw it and he didn't seem to understand the Triton Acaeus part as explained.

If people would stop posting i wouldn't be posting Satyn, only defending myself. I know he has other things to do and it was great that he replied fast, but then to blame the encounter breaking because of me was what i didn't understand, it was bad coding and the method of me doing it which probably would of caused it. But as said, none are sure what caused the bug but is blamed on me because according to all GM's - It's working as intended and there is no such thing as bad coding.(cough)

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:30 pm
by Satyn
dont get me wrong here ... (i know that when i type something it can look like i'm harsh but its defo not entended now) but if the GM's say there is nothing wrong with it ... I mean surely they must be right?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:32 pm
by Adalyn
Satyn wrote:dont get me wrong here ... (i know that when i type something it can look like i'm harsh but its defo not entended now) but if the GM's say there is nothing wrong with it ... I mean surely they must be right?

Atlantis Tablet has been bugged since 1.79 patch because of mythic fixing the Triton Zene teather outside the temple, this has then caused many problems with the chests inside the temple because of bad coding by Mythic. It's not GoA coding, it's Mythics fault. And they are aware of the problem.