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Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:09 am
by Monk
alright how bout this then, seeing as im clueless, you find a way to prove that its ladder posting and not some random person using his name then we can talk, as far as im concerned, using the rpg arguement, its the equivilent of sounding an alarm or sending out riders to let people know, and to be honest its an internet forum which mythic/goa dont control, so he can do whatever the hell he wants, its not interfereing with software owned by those companies and its not a 3rd party program.
when u agree to the coc is when u enter the game, theres nothing that can be done about something outside of the game because GOA dont control what you do, and thank gos for that!

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 9:38 am
by Sharkith
Hrymf wrote:Yes you should be banned, and it is you who should consider playing a regular RPG, since it seems you cant follow the rules there is in the online games where you are not the only person playing then.

with the sincerest respect could you do me a favour get the passage of the CoC section that you claim has been broken quote it and we can have a clear discussion. Otherwise could you so us all a favour and stop flaming without any clear grounds for discussion.

Is using an 'alarm clock' illegal for example? If so most Mids should be banned for all waking up at the same time whilst afk to get their relic back the last time. This discussion is getting ridiculus.


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 10:30 am
by Satyn
/slaps everyone around the ears!

remember it is ONLY a game ;)
And ppl make mistakes aswell, no point in dragging this thing any further than it already is.
now stop acting like a baby and continue the game cause that is why we are all here for. :)

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 12:03 pm
by Succi
He was stupid , he should apologise , this thread should be locked

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 2:06 pm
by Tammuz
Succi wrote:He was stupid , he should apologise , this thread should be locked
Did you ever use a BB or accept other ppls BB's buffs, or use ventrilo or any other voice com program, or radar im gonna bet its a yes to at least one of these (thou ofc i cant prove that anymore then someone can prove it was actually ladder who posted that) if so i assume your gonna apologise as well.

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:30 pm
by Succi
Since when have BB's been against CoC ?

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:30 pm
by Majty
Tammuz wrote:Did you ever use a BB or accept other ppls BB's buffs, or use ventrilo or any other voice com program, or radar im gonna bet its a yes to at least one of these (thou ofc i cant prove that anymore then someone can prove it was actually ladder who posted that) if so i assume your gonna apologise as well.
What does a BB have to do with people using voice com's...nothing.. I cant understand why you brought these two up in the same sentence.. BB's is in no way a 3rd party program.. :classic:

Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 3:51 pm
by Jor
Darnit ... keep cool. :eek2:

I was on dragon raid and didn't noticed - not ingame and not at forums. Was too frustrated after we died 2nd time to the %$/(&%( green slimey snake to take any other actions into consideration.

And this dargon raid was with 40+ ppl, mostly lvl50 and well stuffed, which means it was about 1/4 of the complete Hib population.

Taking into account that some other high level chars are in ToA etc. it is easy to fear being steamrolled so everyone would yell as loud as he can: in RL and ingame too. That's just normal.

That is no excuse in any form, I just hope you understand that these things can happen. Don't tell me there's no sign of panic in Midgard if lots of Albs or Hibs running in your Frontier :P

Cheer up mate... the thread served it's purpose as a reminder. I know from other Mid's talking that it's not easy from your point of view too - but it's not easy from our's either.

I salute you for running this prime time! /salute

I think we said enough about that, let's not start FH behaviour here at :o


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:22 pm
by Ankh Morpork
Imo we need more polish trucker porn in daoc to make it enjoyable for everyone :)


Posted: Mon Mar 07, 2005 6:41 pm
by Satyn
Ankh Morpork wrote:Imo we need more polish trucker porn in daoc to make it enjoyable for everyone :)

you took the words out of my mouth hun!