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Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:02 pm
by Jupiler
nope you pay 1plat at one of the npcs, one handles jewelry, other armor, and last one weapons

then you turn it in, and you get a rog..

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:02 pm
by Belisar
Give GOA credit for realising that the cash only option has some nasty drawbacks (they read the posts).

Give GOA credit for trying to come up with a solution.

Wonder at why the were prepared to take a long time to bring the server back up because they wanted to get it right and test it properly but then they rush in a response which actually splits players into 4 grps.

1. I'm alright Jack
2. I lost an arti and not much else but got my arti back at level 10
3. I lost rog but got a fist full of cash - sadly there is nothing to spend it on
4. I lost rog but got a voucher which gives me random stuff, most of which will be useless for the toon that lost the gear and most of which will be unsellable later.

Having resigned myself to getting cash and having to farm some new gear if they give me vouchers I suspect that will be the end of me and daoc. I am bad enough off as it is - I do not see why my position should be made any worse.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 6:29 pm
by Psychiatrist
Just think about it...

They need to bloody log in every character to give items to them... why not just make entries directly into the database? Very unprofessional to use the player interface to do massive changes like these.

Then also take into consideration that if you have 1000 characters to restore you will have to:

Wait 20 seconds for each character to log, which means 5.5 hours just waiting to quit.

Unless GMs can teleport (which I surely hope they can), you need to place the character at the right spot.

Plus all the time it takes when reading through rightnow posts to see what items are missing, and then decide how much money or how many magic gems you get to roll for random items. And after that you need to make artifacts etc.

I bet that the ones reporting missing items today or later will receive their items by the end of the month.

I cannot rvr until I get my items... just level... and we all know how wonderful pve is in this game.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 7:42 pm
by Lairiodd
They should allow you to give back the ROG item for your magic token. That way people could keep trying until they get a reasonable match.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 8:28 pm
by Belisar
Dont forget those of us still waiting for character reconstruction are potentially unable to take advantage of the rp/xp bonuses available if our toons are non-operational. Those who got in early with their RN requests gain here as they get the full allotment of time - I am 2 days behind already.

Also those who get cash early clearly gain as well, more choice on CM's and less price hikes.

If we now get vouchers instead of cash then those of us still needing items are put in an even worse position.

IMO GOA has not thought this through - at least delay the rp/xp bonuses until everyone has been recompensed for the lost items so we all get the same benefit. At least treat us all the same as far as replacing items is concerned - surely that is fair.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 9:20 pm
by centurion
Belisar wrote:Dont forget those of us still waiting for character reconstruction are potentially unable to take advantage of the rp/xp bonuses available if our toons are non-operational. Those who got in early with their RN requests gain here as they get the full allotment of time - I am 2 days behind already.

Also those who get cash early clearly gain as well, more choice on CM's and less price hikes.

If we now get vouchers instead of cash then those of us still needing items are put in an even worse position.

IMO GOA has not thought this through - at least delay the rp/xp bonuses until everyone has been recompensed for the lost items so we all get the same benefit. At least treat us all the same as far as replacing items is concerned - surely that is fair.
Totally agree here mate, 2 days gone without being able to play at all here too. So much for rp/exp bonuses.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 9:39 pm
by Xest
Psychiatrist wrote:Just think about it...

They need to bloody log in every character to give items to them... why not just make entries directly into the database? Very unprofessional to use the player interface to do massive changes like these.

Then also take into consideration that if you have 1000 characters to restore you will have to:

Wait 20 seconds for each character to log, which means 5.5 hours just waiting to quit.

Unless GMs can teleport (which I surely hope they can), you need to place the character at the right spot.

Plus all the time it takes when reading through rightnow posts to see what items are missing, and then decide how much money or how many magic gems you get to roll for random items. And after that you need to make artifacts etc.

I bet that the ones reporting missing items today or later will receive their items by the end of the month.

I cannot rvr until I get my items... just level... and we all know how wonderful pve is in this game.
To be fair on GOA, this is a system implemented by Mythic AFAIK to prevent CSRs abusing their powers to damage people's accounts, steal and so forth.

Some years ago an Ultima Online GM made some weird and wonderful objects in game and sold them on ebay for thousands of dollars, since then GMs across all games have been watched a hell of a lot closer.

So essentially, the deal on the US servers is, if you lose an item by accidently selling it or deleting it, the CSRs can restore it for you BUT they can't just drop it in your pack, they have to open a trade window with you, and, if you accidently sold it you have to give them the money back that you gain from selling the item in the trade window - so it's like buying the item back off the CSR for the correct amount. This means Mythic can allow recovery of destroyed/sold items without any damage to the economy and and without having to let their CSR staff even have access to players accounts.

I'm guessing what happens with GOA, is that because they don't have the CSR tools or staff they just let their support staff have access to your accounts so that they can just log them in and drop the items in there or at least some kind of variation of this.

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 9:50 pm
by Sharkith
Actually Xest they are logging in accounts after asking for permission to do so. Like I said I am watching this all closely, if it were to happen to me could I trust them?

Not sure just now - it all seems so mixed up and kneejerk and still no official apology on their website.


Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 9:51 pm
by Belisar
Hhmm the latest from FH seems to be...

Some people are getting their ML10 gear back and others are given cash and told that GOA cannot provide direct replacements for ML10 items.

Not sure of the details but I thought ML10 items were always the same stats - or have I got that wrong ?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 10:12 pm
by Lairiodd
Xest wrote:To be fair on GOA,
Are you allowed say that :p ?