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Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 11:57 am
by mze
Like Dorin said above, my BM is totally stripped, weird thing is the one arti i had left to exp and wanted lvl 10, didnt get deleted(SoK, was and still is lvl 8.16, meant to use for aura only).

All other items gone that were equipped + few from inventory aswell from what i noticed.

Rightnowed it, quite confident in getting it all back soon enough, so just waiting now :).

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:03 pm
by Dorx
my Vamp is naked.. :devlin:

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:06 pm
by Bidi
Luz wrote:Yes they made the most convienient(sp?) way out of this FOR THEMSELF.

Question :
So if I find my char totaly naked , can I compose a new super mega op´t template and post that as my missing items?
Actualyl I personally think they have taken the most difficult route on this one, they could have taken the rollback and suffered the grief for loss of XP/RP's etc etc.

I'm saying this in a mild manner cuz I cant check my chars till tonight when I get home.

I have been playing my chars on Alb/Excal since the server screwed up and I didnt realise I had my Ice wiz (Now fire wiz) all lvl 10 artis and that I had 13 artis on him..I only played it yesterday and I doubt very much I can remember what the heck I have on it. Addmitedly some of it is useless like Flask & ring of dances but hey, I got it and leveled it :P

Thing is I have 10 or so other chars on my two Alb accounts there is little or not chance I'd have any idea of 10% of what I have.

I have 6 chars on Hib that I play on a regular basis and aside from some obvious artis doubt I could recall half of what I had/have. :(

Just hope my characters are ok or all knackered then the decision might be easier..

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:11 pm
by Overdue
Luz wrote:you got 10 free days to sort it out ^^ :aran1:
Nope they haven't given the 10 free days they said.

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:23 pm
by Satyn
Overdue wrote:Nope they haven't given the 10 free days they said.
patience my friend, patience

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:29 pm
by centurion
Lost every item I had on Hib/Pryd ...

Sure going to be fun trying to remember a whole account with stuff.. characters-vaults etc. ROG item missing from druid template, doubtfully I will find a new one :<

Feel really strong about leaving the game atm, this blows...


Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:31 pm
by Maeloch
Seem to be any relationship between whether an account/toon was active recently and if it was corrupted, or entirely random?

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:34 pm
by Ankh Morpork
Maeloch wrote:Seem to be any relationship between whether an account/toon was active recently and if it was corrupted, or entirely random?
The account I lost items on was closed the week the servers crashed so I dont think that has anything to do with it...especially since all chars are stored in the same base (I guess)


Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:37 pm
by Ankh Morpork
We should be happy that the servers are back up atleast! Im sure they will have a stressy week when they try to help everyone get their items back. Im lucky as i just lost items (as far as I know) on one char but I fully understand your anger but still hope you wont leave daoc/prydwen... Luon made a post where he offers to help people regain their items and i will help too. First of all ill help Fallen Spirit ofc. I hope people with loads of stuff will lower their prices to help the realm btw...that would proberbly help ALOT.


Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:37 pm
by Kallima
Maeloch wrote:Seem to be any relationship between whether an account/toon was active recently and if it was corrupted, or entirely random?
I lost everything on a character that I don't think I had logged in for several days before the problems popped up. It seems pretty random judging from mine. The ones that were active on Wednesday seem ok.