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Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:50 am
by Qbic
Requiel wrote:We do consider this sort of thing to be against the spirit of the game. Organised duelling is not allowed and will be punished. The people involved will find themselves unable to play over the weekend. When players who are trying to play the game properly in the manner that it's supposed to be played (i.e. attacking realm enemies) are being harrassed for it by players who are setting up organised duels it is clear that something is wrong.
Hmm interesting; this part is apparently from the COC (I am at work at the moment and can't check) and I quote: "For such situations, we will not take direct sanctions against the players even if it is an alteration of the Gameplay". Ban them and you are violating your own rules. I would reconsider this if you want to keep your credibility. If you expect us to follow the rules we demand the same of you; GOA staff or not.

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:01 am
by Radu
This sounds like a dumb idea, especially when Requiel is talking about "spirit of the game" which is doesnt exists, noone can see, because the players make it, and not some idiot in mythic/goa.
Anyhow, i found sad this is a punishable act - shrug, those who do it like it, and b/c they are asking someone not do it, they can get suspend.
Ahh, yes, an idea to those duel guys - dont ask anyone to not attack - so u dont harras them - just make sure make a gang grp from all realms, and if someone goes there to interefere, just gank away from 2 opposing realms. No harrasing :D

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:18 am
by Heta
Requiel wrote:We do consider this sort of thing to be against the spirit of the game. Organised duelling is not allowed and will be punished. The people involved will find themselves unable to play over the weekend. When players who are trying to play the game properly in the manner that it's supposed to be played (i.e. attacking realm enemies) are being harrassed for it by players who are setting up organised duels it is clear that something is wrong.
so acording to that you can get banned for whining on people adding on your 8v8 fights?

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:30 am
by Grymligast
Heta wrote:so acording to that you can get banned for whining on people adding on your 8v8 fights?
Read again. He banned them over the weekend for organised dueling, nothing else.
Requiel wrote:When players who are trying to play the game properly in the manner that it's supposed to be played (i.e. attacking realm enemies) are being harrassed for it by players who are setting up organised duels it is clear that something is wrong.
This means that it´s wrong for ppl to harrass someone who is trying to play the game the way it´s meant to be played (i.e. attacking realm enemies). It doesn´t mean he banned ppl because of it.

Adding has always been part of the game. The only "bad" thing about adding is that when you do it against some ppl you are ruining their gaming experience = they don´t have fun. There is nothing in CoC against adding.

Organised dueling have always been against CoC and we have had a couple of times over the years of 3 day bans for this. (remember many times dueling in OF outside MPKE)


Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:43 am
by Mailimber
Nothing new here people being banned for a few days over organised dueling, i remember between here and FH seeing at least 3-4 posts over the years stating the fact that organised duels and such were frowned upon by the GM's and that people were banned, u want to fight 1v1 do some laps of alb/mid, tons and i mean tons of low - medium RR chars running around doing rvr tasks, the only difference is you have to get up off your characters ass and look for them, much easy just to sit and take turns aint it?

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:45 am
by Kabane
Grymligast please read my post again and you will see i am asking a question.

i read Requiel post several time's and in conjuction with CoC rules, they were the main points i came up with if you wish to refure to to my second post u will clearly see that i mentions Requiels post And CoC.

so to put it in a format others may understand Grymligast , as i know my mind works differntly to other peoples..

Requiel can you please tell us if the following points are correct after checking CoC and inconjuction with your own knolage on the RvR duleing rule's
1st Out of realm duels will not be "Punished".
2nd Watching a duel is ok
3rd Adding on a out of realm fight (ie any RvR action) Will be "Punished"
4th Harrassing ppl for for adding in or attemting to add will be "Punished"
5th Organising a out of realm duel is "Punishable"
6th Starting a out of realm duel on the spiur of the moment will not be "Punished.

from what I can gather these seem to be the main Points that need clearing up.

Thanks Kabane

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 7:36 am
by Heta
Grymligast wrote:Read again. He banned them over the weekend for organised dueling, nothing else.
So saying that only to fight 8v8 aint organised dueling just cause they are 8 on each side insted of 1 of each?

Dont get me wrong, I am all for 8v8 fights, its what make the game fun.. just bored at work :p

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:03 am
by Briannon
Arcsalin wrote:More to the point if you want an arena where by you can do this as and when you want then you should be asking for it, not complaining in this thread. Something a bit more constructive in your replies is necessary peeps. I understand too well that there are problems with stealthers and late night fights and finding them and for everyone else for that matter. But if you were to at least put solutions rather than ridicule then you might get a better response from not just here but mythic itself.

I have a solution to late night fights... GET SOME SLEEP!!!


Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:07 am
by Grymligast
Heta wrote:So saying that only to fight 8v8 aint organised dueling just cause they are 8 on each side insted of 1 of each?

Dont get me wrong, I am all for 8v8 fights, its what make the game fun.. just bored at work :p
organised 8vs8 is just that. Organised dueling. Doesn´t matter if it´s 1on1 2on2 4on4 or 8on8, if you do it in an organised way it´s against CoC.

It´s important to know the difference also. 2 groups that roam the land and stumble upon eachother have 2 options. Engage or don´t engage. Neither of this is against CoC. BUT! if if were 2 groups saying "let´s meet at this location so that our 2 groups can fight over and over again" it is organised dueling and rp farming = against CoC.

But I am just a player that have read the rules/GOAs posts and understand them this way. Only GOA staff can say exacly how the rules go.

And personally I don´t think its a strict line of rules. It probably bends back and forth alittle

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:07 am
by Briannon
Rejecta wrote:Theres is no reason, people wanting to meddle in others fun..I don't see the problem if both party's are consenting.

Why people can't leave people do what they want is beyond me, its not hurting anyone, 5/6k rpts won't make a difference to sounds to me like the OP is up in anti because the only kills around were dueling, so instead of joiing the fun he comes here to declare himself royal bounty hunter..Beware!

I suppose the problem could be if the only realm enemies available in the frontiers are engaged in "protected" duelling, which means there would be no RvR for anyone else logged on at that time.

I don't know if that was the case when this incident happened but in such a scenario then I could see why duelling in the frontiers becomes a problem.