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Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:15 pm
by Haarewin
Bugzy wrote:Your reply was clever too. It has the same IQ rating as a block of wood.
IQ score has nothing to do with intelligence. IQ tests were fabricated to make the rich appear more intelligent than the poor & foreign, giving them an excuse for culling / experimenting on 'stupid' (read poor) people.

i guess stupeh is 'richer' than you.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:49 pm
by xianghua
Kabane wrote:MedJai as you are probaly aware auction bids are binding and under normal rules you would be eligable to pay a 20% back out fee but im willing to make it 10% as this is your first offence :-)

that one made me laugh irl xDDD

now seriously

are you all drunk?, i mean cmon 40p for fuckin roleplay remains? get real, they arent even worth 40c....

its up to u ofc but i would use my money on something usefull :p

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 5:55 pm
by Amedor
xianghua wrote:that one made me laugh irl xDDD

now seriously

are you all drunk?, i mean cmon 40p for fuckin roleplay remains? get real, they arent even worth 40c....

its up to u ofc but i would use my money on something usefull :p
a) They're too help the realm's defenses.. for buying wood to repair doors, for buying items to build rams.. trebs etc..

b) People like to decorate their houses in their sparetime. Having a collection of the Master Level Remains in their house is just as normal as having a coin collection (though thats not normal), or CD collection of your best band.

c) If you actually saw how much money I had in my bank - 40plat is only a small percentage of this.

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:00 pm
by Jupiler
brag brag

Posted: Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:02 pm
by Ankh Morpork
Amedor wrote: c) If you actually saw how much money I had in my bank - 40plat is only a small percentage of this.
Good, buy me a couple of items I need for my NS template please as your rich anyway :)


Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:52 am
by Luz
Can we try to do something constructive as setting rules to biddings in the future, what happens if someone just say a bid and then say they were drunk or just stupid?

And my opinion is people who blame "I was drunk" can go jump of a bridge
I been drunk and done some fkn stupid things but I didnt try to blame something, it was me doing both the drinking and the actions followed ffs.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:30 am
by Cogan
xianghua wrote:that one made me laugh irl xDDD

now seriously

are you all drunk?, i mean cmon 40p for fuckin roleplay remains? get real, they arent even worth 40c....

its up to u ofc but i would use my money on something usefull :p
I 2nd that ^^ i wouldn't pick it up even if someone throwed it at me. Fix urself a nice template or summat for the cash instead.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:42 am
by Aran_Thule
xianghua wrote:are you all drunk?, i mean cmon 40p for fuckin roleplay remains? get real, they arent even worth 40c....
There you go again, i would have thought after all the discussions on FH that you would have realise the simple fact.
People have differant aims and goals in this game and get enjoyment out of differant things.
If you dont want to pay for something then dont but no need to make a comment like this.

Back to the topic at hand, people make mistakes when drunk, fair enough, however once recovered its best to try to fix them.
That didnt happen in this case, it was only a few days later when someone mentioned they thought the bidder was bankrupt that the truth came to light.
Unfortunately not much you can really do to enforce any ruling or check how legitimate it is, no credit rating for example.
Ultimately its down to trust, you have to trust people not to make bids they dont intend to keep, or make bids just to boast the price.

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 8:59 am
by Poliava
Why do i feel bad after reading this thread?

Posted: Thu Aug 04, 2005 9:26 am
by Lothandar
xianghua wrote:that one made me laugh irl xDDD

now seriously

are you all drunk?, i mean cmon 40p for fuckin roleplay remains? get real, they arent even worth 40c....

its up to u ofc but i would use my money on something usefull :p
Uh, it's about exclusiveness u c.

For me there's not much else to spend my money on. Although I don't buy remains. :)

BUT if someone wants remains really bad, why not just let him buy it? Not like he was harming you or something ><