Dragon Raid No2. Thursday 4th August

General 'Hibernian' forum for the entire cluster
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Emerald Rider
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Post by Immediate »

First off im "Bebop" (using my sons account to make post as i forgot my passy & its 7am in morning i wanna goto bed so will sort passy out tommoz ^^

dunno if this is right place for the nxt raid but couldnt find other dragon raid topic :) ?

Id like to sign up as:

Bebop - Mana chanter
Bopper - Mana ment (why ya think i want a re-spec stone :p )
Furse - Reg drood

Let me know which one you want me to bring :)

Emerald Rider
Posts: 192
Joined: Wed Feb 23, 2005 10:55 am

Post by Luon »

signing next thursday aswell as ani :D

Emerald Rider
Posts: 23
Joined: Tue May 31, 2005 9:31 am

Post by Menel »

would like to come to 3rd raid also, hero or can also bring warden, 4L8, caped spirit. just not fully toa'd
Menelmacar, Firbolg Thunderer
Ambroz, Shar Silver Hand

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