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Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 5:30 pm
by Kabane
I think i will miss out on doing ml's on the weekend i know a lot of ppl have things to do on weekend night's so i will run ml4 on monday and ml5 tuseday etc etc

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 5:38 pm
by cuiroadh
I'll be there with my banshee

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:57 pm
by Bugzy
Do this now so i can run one when clustering comes :>

GL with it tho.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 8:40 am
by Growik
Kabane wrote:I think i will miss out on doing ml's on the weekend i know a lot of ppl have things to do on weekend night's so i will run ml4 on monday and ml5 tuseday etc etc
good idea ^^

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 10:44 am
by Ocalinn
Kabane wrote:I think i will miss out on doing ml's on the weekend i know a lot of ppl have things to do on weekend night's so i will run ml4 on monday and ml5 tuseday etc etc
It might be a good idea to run ml3 on monday instead of friday because Lothandar is running one the same day.

EDIT: This will give people who cant be online on friday a chance to get ml3 done soon too

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 11:57 am
by Kabane
As i didnt see the other ml3 raid set for friday weather it was me being blind or wasnt arranged when i started to sort the raid's im not sure but as ppl inculding myself want to get the ml's done as quick as poss im not going to change the day so my Ml3 will be on friday at 6:30 uk (BST). plus i have already made a few change's to the raid to acomadate other ppl if i make more and more then theres a high risk of ppl not knowing whats going on and there for missing some stages.
im sure there will be plenty of ppl for both raid's if Lothandar's raid wants to meet up during raid's then i have no problem with this.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:17 pm
by Lothandar
Kabane wrote:As i didnt see the other ml3 raid set for friday weather it was me being blind or wasnt arranged when i started to sort the raid's im not sure but as ppl inculding myself want to get the ml's done as quick as poss im not going to change the day so my Ml3 will be on friday at 6:30 uk (BST). plus i have already made a few change's to the raid to acomadate other ppl if i make more and more then theres a high risk of ppl not knowing whats going on and there for missing some stages.
im sure there will be plenty of ppl for both raid's if Lothandar's raid wants to meet up during raid's then i have no problem with this.

My main problem with your raids is that you include presteps on your raid which are not all that hard for people to do beforehand and they lengthen the bg raids drastically :(

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:23 pm
by OohhoO
Lothandar wrote:My main problem with your raids is that you include presteps on your raid which are not all that hard for people to do beforehand and they lengthen the bg raids drastically :(
They may not be hard for you but for me they are harder than anything else I've ever done in this game, and there's not much which I havn't done at some point between beta & now.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 12:33 pm
by Kabane
the pre-regs mabey easy for some ppl but other could be just unlucky and cant get help or spec'd wronge for pve or countless other resons i personally have no Problem helping these ppl out so if it takes an extra cupple of hours for the Whole raid to be compleated then so be it i think it will be time well spent just for the shear reson of helping others.

Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 3:51 pm
by Bugzy
OohhoO wrote:They may not be hard for you but for me they are harder than anything else I've ever done in this game, and there's not much which I havn't done at some point between beta & now.
Erm? ML 3 pre's are v.easy...

edit: Kabane i think you need to take a decisive look at your rules. Doing pre's on the raid will cause havoc simply because the more u have the longer it'll take.

6.1, for example, searching for a haje-ureal. Group credit, 5 group turnout say = about half an hour at the least wasted searching for him... its easy to find? not really. I wiped a 40 man bg on ml 6 (some druids didn't die) and i think no haje's popped at all. Oh, forgettin 6.5, 20 glands per group, 20x5 = 100 glands = another 30 mins wasted.

Then you have ML's like ml 5 where bad groups will need to repeat twice to spread the credit about.

Pre's really really really do need to be pre's.