Battler / Itet credit Extraordinaire!

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Post by Kias »

Lairiodd wrote:Remember the more an item is farmed the better. Fundamentally, the problem is the slow pop rate.

Say a mob pops once every 12 hours and is killed a few seconds after it pops, that gives 2 of that arti every day. OTOH, if there are no farmers, then the mob will be killed say once a day. This means that there is less artis of that type available and thus harder to actually get one.

Arti farmers actually reduce the price of artis, if nobody farmed them then there would less available to buy.

Also, if people didn't actually farm them, then you still have the problem of getting a group together to kill the encounter. The arti would go to the person who can log on earliest in the day. You happen to play at 2-3pm and all the mobs are up, if you don't log on until 8pm, then most of them have been killed already.

Anyway, remember, the problem is the slow pop rate. This means that there is only a limited number of artis in the game and when there is low supply and high demand, well prices go up. Arti farmers add to supply so reduce prices.
that is the case for some artis but not for others, take gov for example. Its farmed atleast twice a day, yet there never seems to be any priced on cms.
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Post by Bourkey »

Xest wrote:That's just silly though because then there'd be no threads like this for me to make pointless comments in.
ahah couldnt have said it better myself :) :p
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Post by Quinlan »

Lairiodd wrote: High price is due to rarity only. If something is rare it will have a high price. This is not the farmers fault.
The other side of the story is that if there would be no artifact farmers people would have a bigger chance to do the encounter themselves. Ofcourse guessing if this percentage would decrease the price is impossible. But it mentally may feel better for some people.

By keeping people from an encounter they are actually keeping the market stagnant and monopilised. Which then results in the prices not getting lower cause of the limited supply some people will always buy it. Eventho a certain amount of people will never have the arti. Read a thread somewhere this week where some people just take GOV out of their templates since they cant do the encounter themselves and cant pay for the arti.

I dare even say your linking price to rarity in certain artifacts cases is wrong. The price in these cases is being determined by what people are willing to pay as certain individuals have a monopoly on supply.
Lairiodd wrote: That's true, but doesn't really change the point. It just combines the servers into 1, excal players are probably doing the opposite, trying to offload their artis before there is an increase in supply.

Anyway, don't complain to farmers, complain that Mythic set up artis so they can be farmed. Possible solutions would be to make them no trade or have arti mob pops linked to individual accounts.
I dont mind farmes. i actually couldnt care less that they cba to run a second acount to camp. I thank god have nothing to do with em :)

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Post by Mojo »

Cromcruaich wrote:If you dont need it, dont farm it.

Tell it to the French.
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Post by Drayger »

amedor is just trying to help people and you spit in his face tbh amedor after this post id only bother asking the alliance/guild
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Post by Quinlan »

Drayger wrote:amedor is just trying to help people and you spit in his face tbh amedor after this post id only bother asking the alliance/guild
why isnt your ranger called southy or northy?

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Post by Xest »

Kias wrote:that is the case for some artis but not for others, take gov for example. Its farmed atleast twice a day, yet there never seems to be any priced on cms.
That's cos like almost every class in DAoC needs GoV :p
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Post by Killder »

Don't see why peeps are getting so worked up over this?

Sometimes it's easier buying an Arti and leeching credit rather than trying to organise a group to do it and hope to win the roll - if I had a fixed 'timetable' of when I could leech the Arti credit it would make things even easier.

So what if he farms? lots of people do it - Amedor just made the mistake of advertising the fact and trying to help others while he does it.

Give the guy a break imo.

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Post by Reza »

Lairiodd wrote:Remember the more an item is farmed the better. Fundamentally, the problem is the slow pop rate.

Say a mob pops once every 12 hours and is killed a few seconds after it pops, that gives 2 of that arti every day. OTOH, if there are no farmers, then the mob will be killed say once a day. This means that there is less artis of that type available and thus harder to actually get one.

Arti farmers actually reduce the price of artis, if nobody farmed them then there would less available to buy.

Also, if people didn't actually farm them, then you still have the problem of getting a group together to kill the encounter. The arti would go to the person who can log on earliest in the day. You happen to play at 2-3pm and all the mobs are up, if you don't log on until 8pm, then most of them have been killed already.

Anyway, remember, the problem is the slow pop rate. This means that there is only a limited number of artis in the game and when there is low supply and high demand, well prices go up. Arti farmers add to supply so reduce prices.

Lair in a perfect market you would be right, but in practice there are a few important exceptions to this.

1) If those farming/killing the mobs ultra efficiently as soon as it pops (ie getting the max drop rate for the server as a whole and in theory doing the whole pop a good service) are only a handfull of people or even just 1 person, then you have the problems of the price not fixing itself naturally (ie being at the mercy of a cartel/monopoly).

2) Again if an arti is farmed efficiently by a few on a server the 'limiting factor' for those wishing to activate can soon turn from arti availability or scroll availability to encounter availability. You then have a situation where the server is awash with full books and artis (granted their price might be low) but people lack the credit to activate cause its always down. Thats when a astute farmer offers to help people get credit while he farms (sounds familiar :) ) The cynical would then say that this amounts to little more than 'come get credit with me so you can buy the arti off me later at my monopoly price' :p

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Post by Lieva »

relic wrote:Interesting point you have, I liked it how Microsoft stopped producing and distributing software as soon as they were happy with their financial status. Oh, wait.
afaik you cant cap money irl so kinda bad example
Either you've not read my post, or you're just being biased. I really don't think if I messaged you politely regarding a 1 minute chat that you'd proceed to ignore me. Further to that, keep me waiting ~5 hours because you were "having fun on TS". Please... :) It's downright ignorant and it seems to be too much of a recurring theme with the realm at the moment. Maybe people don't recognise my name as it's a recently levelled character and think, "I don't know him/her, so I don't care".
Ts = team speak correct?
sometimes people use TS during RvR or whislt in DaoC just chatting
it can also be used when people are offline and not in daoc.
Being kept waiting for 5hrs + sux and i would hate it to happen to me but i think after the 1st hour i would have rescheduled to another day.
And im always biased against people who post they will help people - just this quirk i have.
He does, as does anyone with the right of free speech. However, it really doesn't take much to treat people right and it goes a long way. Again, I don't assume you would tell somebody to "bog off" if they were polite to you for no reason? So I don't really understand your point?
tbh i wrote this this morning after staying up all night watching charmed series 1 :p ive forgotten the reason myself :p
If he knew that he wasn't going to sell the sleeves to me (which he was prepared to following a PM on here), all he needed to do was be blunt and tell me how it is. Thus, it is only fair to assume that his silence is to aid the appreciation of the sleeves, financially of course. Either that or I've offended the guy in a past life.
or that he is just busy. there is a whole thread here slagging him off for being nice and no reply. chances are hes just to busy to read it.
I dont know why he did what he did or anything but i know hes a nice peep.
I asked him to help me with credit on SoM and he said he would (even checked volcanus periodically) and also asked him to help a peep get battler credit - someone i personally didnt know (but helped on the SoM credit i eventually joined as it wasnt up when amedor was online :( ) and someone who amedor didnt know but he did it.

Sometimes greed motivates people. i doubt its in amedors case.

(and if im completly wrong you have my permission to alter my smilie so it has a little sign on it saying 'muppet':) )
Lievaordiea x Eldritch
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