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Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 9:53 am
by Earendil
I have spoken with Gamah on hib/pry few times, grouped with him a couple times in RvR and he seems a very decent guy, and it was fun to chat to him :):) Nothing against him at all, i feel sad that he gets negative pm's and comments, just hope he doesnt take them to heart!

Take care and see you on the field :rambo:

Zakoraya, the Cat :)

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 10:26 am
by Briannon
Reza wrote:Define cross-realming.

Its not black and white, and there will definetly be a whole lot of murky grey in the middle.

In simple terms people who play on 2 realms in 1 server have access to information that those who play on only 1 of those respective realms dont. This asymmetry of information gives the people playing on 2 realms an advantage vis-a-vis those only playing on 1.

This advantage is hard to mitigate against even with all the good intention of the player playing on 2 realms. Afterall you cant make urself unknow something. At best u can pretend like you dont know and put on ur 'alb hat' and 'hib hat' and try to ask yourself how you would have acted had you not known what u know, but in practice you may pick up alot that isnt even realised and thus act on it unknowingly (this is taking a charitable view). It doesnt all have to be about blurting out relic raid details. There are alot of other more subtle but also important details people can pick up whilst playing within a realm, and it is v hard for someone to then pretend they dont know them when they are back playing amongst the enemy.

This is basically just a classic case of a 'conflict of interest' where even not questioning the intentions of the person with the conflict, most people can see why its best to avoid it.

In the business world such things as 'chinese walls' exist to prevent equivilant situations, and of course daoc is only a game so you might not take it so seriously, but you cant be suprised when there are those who point out the problem.

Having said all this, people /sending you abuse is of course a different issue, as is the CoC in many ways. The only time ive seen this discussed was on the eclipse /as and regardless of what the letter of the CoC says, there is nothing against an alliance debating things and forming their own views of what they expect of members.

I think the true definition of cross realming would be to log one account onto one realm on one server then use a second account to log onto the same server but on a different realm and then use the information from one realm to spy on or give advantage to the other realm. Cross realming could also include two people using IRC or voice-comms to log onto different realms on the same server and communicate information in real time about what is happening in each other's realm.

Also, as I understand it, it is pretty easy for GOA to check when this is happening via IP addresses. For example, if I used a home network going via a single broadband router to log onto alb and mid on prydwen, GOA would be able to check that two accounts playing different realms are coming from the same IP address. This is why I have never done this because I know if would be very easy to be caught out doing that and a ban would rapidly follow.

This is why under clustering there will be the one-hour time delay between loggin out of one of the clustered servers and logging back onto another realm on another server. This is why people who currently have different realms on different servers (i.e. hib/pryd and mid/excal), who have created a non-cross-realming set-up will get penalised under clustering. Although people may not realise it I actually do agree with the cross-realming prevention measures under clustering, but don't like the impact they will have on players who have no alternative servers on which to recreate their second realm alts (on the US servers I was able to delete second realm characters and replace them on a different cluster so I could continue to multi-realm without cross-realming).

But, that is my understanding of cross-realming, unless anyone knows differently.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 10:51 am
by Sardine
If anyone pm's you abuse just put them on your ignore list.

Makes me laugh that people are going out of thier way to pm you abuse for playing Hib.
immaturity level -10 ?

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 11:02 am
by Ixu
well boohoo x( he's playing more than 1 realm in 1 server :O
well it's his money not ours lol. And it doesn't really affect on RvR.. I think mids and albs got ears and eyes some other way too than only "x-realming" ;o

What I'm sad about that some alb who uses Empty Mind and spams /laugh and runs away from my ani is rofllmfao :arti: ! teehee...
whatever. :p
have fun in hibby you RA spammer :D

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 12:04 pm
by Rejecta

I don't even have empty mind :< and I only laugh at warlocks :P

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 12:22 pm
by Sharkith
Rejecta wrote:haha, I suffer from a medical condition known as insomnia, I can't get a good sleep pattern, that day I woke up at 4am, logged on to play my minstrel, check some artis etc..found out there was a relic raid and went.

I'm so sad because I can't help getting up early :cow:
There is nothing to justify anyone giving you abuse. There is equally nothing that you can say to justify your earlier generalisation:
Rejecta wrote:"So far I am not seeing the comunity spirit that Hiberna is so famed for, all I am seeing is a bunch of bitching, moaning cocks who think it's ok to ruin my game time with personal insults."
As far as I can see if you were awake when the Albs went on their alarm clock raid then there was equally nothing to stop you logging on to Hib to help defend the relic when you knew we were the underdogs. You didn't. As one of the 14 in the BG at the time, wether or not this is a game it hurt to hear you goad people in FH and elsewhere - personally I feel you have made your choices and I can honestly understand if some are quite angry with you.

Like I said nothing can justify them pming you and being ignorant. Others might be dissappointed in your attitude and your choice at that time. Nothing justifies those pm's though in the same way that you might need to consider your own attitude if you want to walk this pretty complex path.

It is nice that you did come along last night but there were many other Hibbies there doing their thing and you don't really deserve an special mention. I think when you play several realms you will have to accept that it will take some people a long time to give you the respect you probably deserve.

For now I hope things settle down and you enjoy it on Hibby. After those messages post the RR I have to say I remain fairly indifferent.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 12:27 pm
by Ankh Morpork
Sharkith wrote:As far as I can see if you were awake when the Albs went on their alarm clock raid then there was equally nothing to stop you logging on to Hib to help defend the relic when you knew we were the underdogs.
Personally I would concider it true crossrealming if he logged on alb only to see a relic raid towards hib and then swap to hib to defend cos we got less people. Imo he did the right thing to stay in alb since thats the realm he logged on and not let his feelings or knowledge about hib control his actions.

...but ofc we could have needed extra help! (but thats not the point)


Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 12:28 pm
by Rejecta
So your saying I should have used my knowledge of an alb relic raid to defend it in advance?

This is the very thing that defines using 2 accounts to my advantage. What if say last night I decided Alb was the underdog and logged on my minstrel to defend when I found out.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 12:30 pm
by pikeh
Sharkith wrote: There is equally nothing that you can say to justify your earlier generalisation:

no, thats the impression he got when he logged into hib. i think the fact that everytime he logs on he gets PM's saying how hes not welcome or whatever, that is justification enough to make hib/pry not seem like the friendly place he had heard about.

Posted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 12:37 pm
by Sharkith
Well this is the position you have put yourself into and it is why this is a difficult path to follow. You make your choices. If you had gone to Hib it would not have damaged Albion significantly as a realm which is what the CoC refers to. Bianshees are good but not that good! It would not have been a breach of the CoC if it would please quote it and show me how you can justify that.

Logging two accounts in at the same time to pass communications for example accross the realms in real time would be significantly more likely to consitute cross realming. As would the passing on of information about a relic raid etc. Which I honestly don't think you would ever do. Like I said you deserve respect even if I remain fairly indifferent.

You have not responded to the point that it was your attitude on public forums after the event that might actually have precipitated all this negative feeling.