Sad to see you leave DAoC, Beli, even though I left a while ago now.
I still clearly remember the day Isletha mentioned he might know someone who would fit the Wolves and then we met up in Volcanus to have our first bit of fun of many, many fun times.
Almost all the people in Iron Wolves were amazing and contributed to making it the special guild it was, but there are one or two without which we could not have done it the way we did. Thanks for all the giving you did back then when you practically lived online.
Both of us spent unhealthy amounts of time in game, and it's good that we found our way back to real life and something healthier, but the times we had over those few months will definitely stay with me forever as a special time. Might not have been the most productive time of our lives, but was worthwhile if building friendships and memories counts for anything.