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Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 3:46 pm
by Sharkith
yes but if you add variables like the team experience and advantages that confers on those who tend to seak out and get the 8v8 gaming then combine that with realm abilities how else can the 'zergling' survive but to enter the zerg?

Even if it is the least skilled of RvR and the least satisfactory how could we blame the logic which is after all to survive long enough to have some fun. It is not easy coming up against a high rr group on an 8V8 scenario and so most will have that tendency to congregate in numbers. It seems logical.

So I struggle to see it. Remember my experience is limited because I only really know the RvR side of the game since New Frontiers. When you play in battlegrounds like Molvik there is a much greater tendency to play group versus group or 2 fgs versus 2fgs. There is no team variable and virtually no rr ability variable and the playing field is much more even. There is less zerging from noobs and 'zerglings' like myself and to be frank it can be much more fun....

I guess its the attitude of people towards what looks like me to be a very honest survival strategy.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 3:49 pm
by Lieva
[quote="Satyn"]well my dear cause you were to lazy to read the post on freddy i thought it'd do you a favour and answer your question but the post contains 250!!!! answers!! you owe me big time darling! ]

not to lazy
the webpages just load sooooo slow it drives me batty :P
and i have enough at work doing that without some silly middy ;)

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 6:22 pm
by Xest
Sharkith wrote:yes but if you add variables like the team experience and advantages that confers on those who tend to seak out and get the 8v8 gaming then combine that with realm abilities how else can the 'zergling' survive but to enter the zerg?

Even if it is the least skilled of RvR and the least satisfactory how could we blame the logic which is after all to survive long enough to have some fun. It is not easy coming up against a high rr group on an 8V8 scenario and so most will have that tendency to congregate in numbers. It seems logical.

So I struggle to see it. Remember my experience is limited because I only really know the RvR side of the game since New Frontiers. When you play in battlegrounds like Molvik there is a much greater tendency to play group versus group or 2 fgs versus 2fgs. There is no team variable and virtually no rr ability variable and the playing field is much more even. There is less zerging from noobs and 'zerglings' like myself and to be frank it can be much more fun....

I guess its the attitude of people towards what looks like me to be a very honest survival strategy.
About 3 weeks ago when most of our guild had pissed off to WoW I made 402k rps in a single week on my Theurgist (Going from 644k to 1046k rps), what's more, I also worked a 40hr week, went out one evening straight from work and didn't play all night and slept early so only played about 1hr another night. Point is, I don't for a second feel that not having a regular group is an excuse to need to zerg - I've proven to myself that you neither need a regular fixed group, nor do you need to zerg and nor do you need to play 16hrs+ a day 7 days a week to do well. I too thought you needed to not have to go to work and such to make over about 200k a week but also found if you actually knuckle down and put some effort into it you can do just as well without all the advantages some others have. I admit that this wouldn't be possible in OF, but in NF it's most certainly possible.

So basically, I think the only reason anyone actually NEEDS to zerg is if they really do enjoy it over other types of RvR - most people zerg because they're lazy and I admit myself I've joined in a zerg after a hard day at work, because, well, it's RvR and if I'm really tired I'm not going to play well enough to help a gank group win much.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 6:41 pm
by Cryn
I can't explain why, and unlike Xest I have only ever been a Hib (no insult intended, just that it's bound to colour your perspective), but it does seem probably that Hibernia is the easiest realm at the moment.

Everyone can talk up a good fight and give their opinions on how good various skills are, but it doesn't give any real answers. The only way to look at it is to assume whoever is dominating the frontier has a bit of a class/realm advantage. At the moment that's Hib (3/5 top scoring guilds, 6/10 top scoring chars).

Broadly, the same players are playing Hib now as have been for some time. It's improbably that those people suddenly got better at the game, so the only way to explain the swing to Hib is that the game got a bit easier for Hibs.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 6:58 pm
by Sharkith
Xest wrote: So basically, I think the only reason anyone actually NEEDS to zerg is if they really do enjoy it over other types of RvR - most people zerg because they're lazy and I admit myself I've joined in a zerg after a hard day at work, because, well, it's RvR and if I'm really tired I'm not going to play well enough to help a gank group win much.
I would believe you if you had not played the game so much. I mean you have played so many more realms and chars - I only discovered recently thet MPPORGs had moved of text based systems !


So I see this more as a challenge. I don't buy a lot of dissing though because so what if people can be arsed? Sometimes I am so knackered after work I cannot manage to focus on a game...


Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 7:04 pm
by Maeloch
Xest wrote:About 3 weeks ago when most of our guild had pissed off to WoW I made 402k rps in a single week on my Theurgist (Going from 644k to 1046k rps), what's more, I also worked a 40hr week, went out one evening straight from work and didn't play all night and slept early so only played about 1hr another night. Point is, I don't for a second feel that not having a regular group is an excuse to need to zerg.
Aye but that's a ToA'd caster with BB and some CC, not exactly bottom of the pecking order. You could camp a tower and get 50k+ a night on an active server, or make good rps solo. Alot of peeps will not have easy access to buffs, won't play a toon they can solo effectively with, will play one that is ungrpable (tell me about it), or all three.

Anyhow the game is about having fun no need for peeps to make excuses about zerging if that's what they feel like.

Mael, 50th ment.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 8:29 pm
by Xest
Maeloch wrote:Aye but that's a ToA'd caster with BB and some CC, not exactly bottom of the pecking order. You could camp a tower and get 50k+ a night on an active server, or make good rps solo. Alot of peeps will not have easy access to buffs, won't play a toon they can solo effectively with, will play one that is ungrpable (tell me about it), or all three.

Anyhow the game is about having fun no need for peeps to make excuses about zerging if that's what they feel like.

Mael, 50th ment.
Still think a lot of classes should be able to acheive it - any assassin, archer or caster most certainly should and that's a large majority of the classes out there. Only support and tanks will struggle in something like that, I did mostly PUGs and soloing. There's a fair bit of 1vs1 on Merlin so it will be a little harder on smaller servers or servers where there isn't much 1 vs 1, but even 200k a week is a fairly decent amount and that should be, imo acheivable by almost anyone.

Posted: Thu Apr 07, 2005 9:10 pm
by Cuchuluhain
Hib is powerful because theyre the only realm to have Almighty Cuchuluhain.

Face it, I make you all UBAR with my sarcasm buffs and evil nasty comments.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 7:00 am
by Ambrinoa
Hibernia is an enemy to midgÄrd, but Unrespectable, they have been licking the toes of albion for 3 years now, and finally are overpowered by mythic's programming now they as a MINORITY dominate the server, which is totally rediculus. Why not make a /lvl 100 command on hib and they can slaughter the whole server.
I just want to ask,Who is licking their toes now?Sounds more like him tbh.

Posted: Fri Apr 08, 2005 7:43 am
by Guinnessrules
Tbh hib is now where mid used to be, the mids dropped everything on their hands and ran out to defend their realm. But nowdays ur happy if u see a mid in the frontier.
The willingness of hibs to run out and defend our keeps these days is very good to see. We could have been better before tho there was just not any interest in it. And yes vamp and bainshees r OPed but so r Valks and WLs. Tho Xest says heretics r useless, maybe at higher lvl but not in BG. And they still got necros and reavers...........
Only class that has spanked my vamp in thid solo is a reaver, think about that. Tho he was fully buffed, i wasn't (wunder why?). :)