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Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 2:12 pm
by Luinmir
Gahn wrote:InstaRvR the so called shit "agreement" that the other 2 realms holds a bridgehead in the 3rd realm for insta porting, buff and zerg the hell out of each other -.-
Bah .. if they want that why dont have it on Mid/alb instead.. Hib been the crashing site since the beginning ( Remember Emain and MMG / AMG)

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 2:15 pm
by Norcott
Luinmir wrote:Bah .. if they want that why dont have it on Mid/alb instead.. Hib been the crashing site since the beginning ( Remember Emain and MMG / AMG)
To be fair.. its not been like OF.. most IRvr been in albion and mid.. its just recently.. but they will pay..

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 2:26 pm
by Luinmir
Aha ok .. been away to long i see :)

As my connection get better i gona help Hib on the feets ... :o

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 3:05 pm
by Gandelf
Maybe a good idea would be to re-introduce elements of the old frontiers, but turn the relics into "portal relics" as follows:-
1. Return to the idea of each Realm having a portal keep in each of the enemy frontiers.
2. Instead of giving power or strength bonuses, capturing an enemy relic would allow your realm to port to your portal keep in that enemy's frontier.
3. You could only capture one of two of an enemy's portal relics, thereby allowing the third realm the possibility of capturing the other one.
4. If you don't have any enemy portal relics, then the only way to reach an enemy frontier would be by boat.
5. Capturing keeps to allow porting to the enemy realm would be redundant. Therefore, all that capturing enemy keeps/towers would affect is "ownership" of DF.

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 5:10 pm
by Umberhulk
just remove new frontiers and make us port in thid instead seems thats what
ppl really want mwahaha: O.o

i still love to bash keep/tower doors with my warden but annoying as heck when ur almost soloed the tower/keep door 2-4fg of albs/mids come to c whos knocking their door imo givf me insta cast twf 5 that does 500-1000dmg and stuns the target for 10mins and then mezzes for 5h then i'll get all the keeps and towers to us :D

Posted: Wed May 17, 2006 5:25 pm
by Kesxex
I am not sure the iRvR crew will even notice.
They will. I am now waiting for the threads that Mids are sooooo op with the relice behind them from the people that force iRvR to happen. 8-)

Well, maybe an effort to take some keeps gets a bit more response now. Will be good for a few weeks, then it is back to old latency.

Still, for fg fights there is still a lot out there without iRvR and it is not in Agramon. I am lately quite surprised how good RvR is thanks to Aran's leadership.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 12:57 am
by Cryn
Given that retaking keeps is a lot easier than retaking relics, and that there seem to be enough people interested - in general - in retaking keeps, the problem is just one of perception. You can't get enough people to retake the keeps initially because most people who WOULD come either think it can be done without them or don't think enough will show to make it happen in reasonable time.

There's a possible solution for this; maintain a "retake force". Anyone on the list agrees to come for a retake if they are online and one is being by one of the agreed leaders. That way everyone knows there will be enough people and everyone is committed enough to turn up. Add bonus is that if the same people are doing it most of the time they get better (and quicker) at it.

This wouldn't spoil IRvR as such. It would just mean it happens in Alb (probably) or Mid.

Just an idea.

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 4:24 am
by Piojo
I r relic soldier o/

Posted: Thu May 18, 2006 6:33 am
by Sharkith
Piojo wrote:I r relic soldier o/
gratz!! :D