I basically totally agree with the original post from Cernos.
Now I got over 1.5 year experience of WoW I can look at it from a more less objective perspective since for me the hype is long time ago gone
1st, indeed bad luck Xest, since you really picked the wrong class to start. Hehe. I aknowledge druid can be some fun since it’s a very nicely designed class but I also never could get a grip of it and it must be the only class I dumped prior reaching lvl 20 since I was dead of boredom. Anyhow, I think druids can shine later on, I met few in pvp that kicked seriosuly arse so I lacked bit of patience here I think, but that is after lvling 3 toons to 60 and several over 40s, so bit different story.
2nd, 1-60 in WoW is really fun and beats by far DAOC lvl grind. But that is mainly due to game mechanics, in matter of which Wow is really superior to DAOC - lil downtime, no crap interrupts , etc etc
3rd, immersion. I don't think in that matter WoW beats DAOC or other way around. There are many players that don't care anyways, all that they want is to rush to max lvl, rank, real rank, name it.
I recall after 2 years of Hib I started out Mid chars and Albion ones, and spent in those realms respectively ca 3-4 months each. I didn’t care to rush, just took my time doing quests, sightseeing etc. DAOC has it too, as WoW does. Quests and the lore are not about some revolutionary solutions, it'sabout those lil things hidden in the text, all those things make up the feeling of immersion.
Imo WoW is filled with plenty of brilliant or funny stories, same as daoc is, only pb is that the all round present 'rush' spoils it, is often hard to spend time on it when a party awaits or such
4th, end game
I can't agree to any kind of statement that WOW is casual, it's absolutely not. It's all about grind of items. It requires you to raid in 40 man raids and join rigide organised guilds with fked up rules regarding attendance and loot. Indeed a raid can be done smooth in 3-4 hs but that is after months of practice and a fix core team. A casual will never get anything out of it since the omnipresent ruling dkp system that promotes hardcore players and assures they are 1st to get the best loot. All a casual can get is some scraps but it will anyhow lose in the system towards a player that raids 4 times a week.
I can think that it is interesting to progress in suhc enveronment but as the only alternative as for the end game it utterly sucks.
I recently dinged 60 on my 3rd toon and that's basically it. I just see no purpose since all progress itemwise I can do now is to join a 40man raiding party.
PvP, the system is totally sick.
I'm 100% sure it will be revised and changed, since all you can hear about it is ppl beeching all over the forums.
But that will not change the fact Wow PvP has no sense whatsoever as it lacks a general tangible target, is just a rinse and repeat grind for items.
So for sure DAOC PvP >>>>>>> WoW PvP, conceptwise.
ps. im a total ignorant in the matter of warhammer, but im looking forward to warhammer online, hoping here Mythic makes it right