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Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:46 pm
by Biloria
Yamisix wrote:just for info im banned not for radar/any other 3d programs is just i said die irl to a NFD eld (dont remember name but im sorry) was just after use every mls on a fight when he added in a fight to leech rps. Is just this game can be horrible if pple report about those things cuz finally u will cant even say " ur firby is ugly".

Every1 than knows me knows i say that in not serious mode, anyways sorry to the dude than i said that.

My guess would be Drachais :)

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 4:01 pm
by Sharkith
Biloria wrote:My guess would be Drachais :)
yep sounds familiar..... :p

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 4:25 pm
by Genedril
Sharkith wrote:yes I sense a hint of irony.
No one understands irony anymore, or sarcasm. I blame too many people watching too many American tv programs!!.

I know that when I bard for NFD group 2 we try & avoid adding on fights, try to avoid killing soloers when we are a full group, & generally try & play fair. Sometimes this get's us killed, sometimes we get a bow in return. I'm not perfect & sometimes I make mistakes, but then I suppose the same can be said of everyone here. I'm pretty sure that NFD1 & NFD3 all have the same policy.

I'm not sure if this applies to soloers around the bridges & towers mind (that's NFD soloers as opposed to NFD groups running into soloers to prevent confusion) as those places seem to be a free-for-all for all & sundry.

If it was Drac then he was probably trying to nuke the hib & got the enemy by mistake, his incomings are a joy to behold (if you want to spot Hibs) & my SoS key is almost worn out because of it.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 5:29 pm
by Belisar
Genedril wrote: I know that when I bard for NFD group 2 we try & avoid adding on fights, try to avoid killing soloers when we are a full group, & generally try & play fair. Sometimes this get's us killed, sometimes we get a bow in return.
My knowledge of NFD 2 supports that, in fact I have seen a few nice threads on FH about them not ganking a soloer (for those who cannot believe their eyes.... yes there were actually nice threads on FH).

Although having spent a few hours waving at soloers and not charging in while running in groups the other night it did strike me as ironic that my two quick runs as a soloer immediately afterwards got me ganked by fg's both times.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 5:33 pm
by Satyn
some ppl want others to add ... other ppl dont want them to add ...

we'll never be able to do good for everyone

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 6:41 pm
by Sharkith
Genedril wrote: If it was Drac then he was probably trying to nuke the hib & got the enemy by mistake, his incomings are a joy to behold (if you want to spot Hibs) & my SoS key is almost worn out because of it.
if Drach had half a chance he would nuke me for the rps! :p

As you know I run with GG2 and it is such a laugh it has kept me in the game. A great bunch of people. Your right though I should point out I was being ironic above about him for those readers who are a bit slow on the uptake. :p

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:03 pm
by Silverbirch
Yamisix wrote:just for info im banned not for radar/any other 3d programs is just i said die irl to a NFD eld (dont remember name but im sorry) was just after use every mls on a fight when he added in a fight to leech rps. Is just this game can be horrible if pple report about those things cuz finally u will cant even say " ur firby is ugly".

Every1 than knows me knows i say that in not serious mode, anyways sorry to the dude than i said that.
pwnd... irl :revenge:

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:57 pm
by Cromcruaich
Nice avatar Silver.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:26 pm
by Tammuz
Well personally i would add on every single time i saw a Hib fighting an enemy if i had the choice, if there even numbers, or there outnumbered, hell i wouldnt cry if hibs were outnumbering the enemy already, in the end its all down to your own perspective, see i wouldnt do it for rp's because i dont base my entire game on getting rps, id base it on the idea of the game realm v realm v realm thats how i started the game thats how ill finish it.

The real shame for me ofc is that im a druid and cant actually do crap all 99.9% of the time anyhow or im in a group and they have the silly idea its better to watch your realm mates die then help out.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 7:21 am
by VegetaFH1
i suppose this is a welcomeing back thread then (so to speak)

The topic of RvR an Add'ing inside the frontiers
Ive thought about it alot and this is what it comes down to

Its RvR... Realm Vs Realm, thats Hib Vs Alb Vs Mid.. a three way pile up of nothing but war
I look at this from the real point of view... in a real war wood u exspect ur teammate (comrade that jus seems to be walking around) to jus stand there as u get ganged by 2 or 3 maybe even 4 enemys??... no.. ur "mate" is suppose to shot them dead nomatter if its helping u or not... there the ENEMY, they deserve to die (ingame ofc.. not in real life.........unless its a mid "an u all know my opinion about mids"..)

So now we go back an look at the game PoV... "anybody?"

If u see the name Vegetaxx (xx can be eather Fx or Sx from the second x's can be of any letter) then dont hesatate to add... even if its 1v1.. KILL THEM an be done with it...

I say again, dont be afraid to add when ur mate (realmmate or otherwise) is being attacked by even ONE enemy
Well... thats my opinion anyway

War is a nice place to be when u have ur mates to back u up
"A mind is like a fortress with its gates unbared and unguarded"
Veg Out


"see i wouldnt do it for rp's because i dont base my entire game on getting rps, id base it on the idea of the game realm v realm v realm thats how i started the game thats how ill finish it." very well put mate, very well put