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Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:04 am
by awarkle
it used to be how you did the Atlantis tablet (bugged or otherwise) was everyone went to the roof of the temple while 1 person normally non critical to the group went and opened a box if it was the main mob you dragged her to the roof where shrooms were waiting boom dead. You did the same with all the random mobs as well.

However what i beleive (dont quote me) is how they changed the atlantis tablet encounter to force people to not go to the roof to be out of range of the aoe they placed a tether requirement to keep the people closer to the chests. What i recomend you try and do is keep folks close if your using a mana chanter the pet will heal one of you (hopefully before you die) and hold agro if thats the way your trying to pull it off.

Other than that i would say the method your trying is obviously wrong if its breaking the encounter try it a different way.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:15 am
by Adalyn
Requiel wrote:I watched you do it. You ran in, died, got rezzed by your bot way up in the ceiling. Came back down and pulled it back up, died again, rezzed again, up a bit further and it despawns every time. You honestly believe that's a valid way to do the encounter?

And you still haven't answered why you crashed both your clients as soon as I popped out of invisible mode? You didn't /quit and you didn't simply LD, you killed both clients within three seconds of me appearing next to you.

I was at AT encounter waiting for it to be spawned, gave up waiting so ended my game.dll in processes and waited to go on Albion land instead. My bot was at the ceiling so i didn't get aggro when mobs spawn from the chest, this is isn't a teather, this is just out of the aggro range. The mobs despawn when you suicide on them, if you stood right at the bottom or in oceanus haven, the Triton Acaeus do not have a teather.

If i had seen you in-game i would of stayed on and had a chat in-game instead of replying on here. i even tried pm'ing you and /who but you wasn't on.

For all i know, you was waiting for me to quit the game just to say i logged of as you pop on to avoid any confuntasion (bad spelling?).

For me to kill both clients simutanesouly (spelling again?) when you pop in front of me withing 3 seconds would be near enough impossible. i would rather speak to you in-game then on forums as it would be alot faster and would be easier to realise what i am doing so wrong which i can get banned for.

You honestly beleive i would quit the game when a GM appears in front of me to speak to me yet i am openly speaking to you on forums to try figure this out and why you are lieing about certain things to make me look like a bad player.

I shut down both my clients after approximately 40 minutes of being at Atlantis Tablet, it took you that long to show yourself to me to either chat or just show yourself. I logged because 40 minutes to wait for an encounter reset correctly is to long and to know find out you was actually still there within those 40 minutes not saying anything to me is unbeleivable.

At a guess if you if i did /quit the game correctly you would say i had /quit the game without saying anything to you if i had seen you next to me.

What i still don't get is, you don't understand that the Triton Acaeus do not have teathers, i can stand anywhere and suicide on the monsters and they will die.

Wasn't asking for you input Childofkhain, i know i shouldn't argue with a GM, am just finding out what i did wrong in the encounter.

If it was the suiciding on Triton Acaeus to make them despawn then i will stop it. But i didn't abuse any teather of the sort for them to depop as that is impossible as they don't have any and each time how can i pull the mobs back with my enchanter when they one shot me anyway.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:02 am
by Norcott
Adalyn wrote: am just finding out what i did wrong in the encounter.
If it was the suiciding on Triton Acaeus to make them despawn then i will stop it.
Perhaps if ud had actually read what Req said to you on the first page of this thread you would have found out how NOT to do the encounter and how to acually do it, and saved ur self all this public embaressment tbh... some people just wont be told..

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:13 am
by Adalyn
Norcott wrote:Perhaps if ud had actually read what Req said to you on the first page of this thread you would have found out how NOT to do the encounter and how to acually do it, and saved ur self all this public embaressment tbh... some people just wont be told..
Cannot see anywhere on any of the pages saying how i broke the encounter. Worked when he reset it. Bad coding from Mythic to me, And the possibility that the way i was doing it brakes the encounter. All i can see so far is a number of possibilties and Requiel trying to make it look like i logged of as soon as i supposedly saw him in-game.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:09 am
by Ovi
Adalyn wrote:Cannot see anywhere on any of the pages saying how i broke the encounter. Worked when he reset it. Bad coding from Mythic to me, And the possibility that the way i was doing it brakes the encounter. All i can see so far is a number of possibilties and Requiel trying to make it look like i logged of as soon as i supposedly saw him in-game.

You didn't kill the Triton Acaeus, simple. Requiel said in his second post that was the problem, and yet you have still argued with him for countless other posts, Duh!

The only way to prove Requiel wrong, if he is wrong, is to do it the way he says by killing the Triton Acaeus, if that doesn't work then you can go back to him and ask him to look at the encounter again.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:17 am
by Adalyn
Ovi wrote:You didn't kill the Triton Acaeus, simple. Requiel said in his second post that was the problem, and yet you have still argued with him for countless other posts, Duh!

The only way to prove Requiel wrong, if he is wrong, is to do it the way he says by killing the Triton Acaeus, if that doesn't work then you can go back to him and ask him to look at the encounter again.
If you read the whole thread and not just looking at Requiels posts, He watched me do it the way i did it, the main encounter mob spawned on the 5th chest, he then reset the encounter again after it spawned.

So if i was braking the encounter and doing it wrong, why did the main mob spawn in the first place?

Like i have said, it is bad coding and needs fixing, it has nothing to do with the way you kill or suicide on the Triton Acaeus and many people agree with me on this. Nothing has been proven, it is a number of possibiltys that has been said and nothing has been proven properly. Except after a reset and i did it the way i do it worked, then he reset it again despawning both encounters on Prydwen and Excalibur.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:00 am
by Grymligast
Here a GM comes to help when u ask for help and u just diss him all over?

Gl getting fast help in the future

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:05 am
by Xest
Grymligast wrote:Here a GM comes to help when u ask for help and u just diss him all over?

Gl getting fast help in the future
To be fair that shouldn't make any difference :p Assuming Requiel acts professionally he's still a customer and customers should really be treated equally, they all pay the same amount which eventually partially goes into his wages at the end of the day after all.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:07 am
by Grymligast
Xest wrote:To be fair that shouldn't make any difference :p Assuming Requiel acts professionally he's still a customer and customers should really be treated equally, they all pay the same amount which eventually partially goes into his wages at the end of the day after all.
True. But it never happens :)

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 10:11 am
by Adalyn
Grymligast wrote:Here a GM comes to help when u ask for help and u just diss him all over?

Gl getting fast help in the future

If you haven't noticed, we both was being asses with each other, he wasn't exactly being professional about it, only first couple of posts was. I tried being polite about it as i don't have a clue why the encounter bugs up all the time. But it ended up how it has and he is saying total bullshit on some parts.

For example -

Me loggin off as soon as i saw him, which i logged of but never saw him near me or online.

And pulling mobs to there supposedly teather to bug abuse which makes them despawn. Which is false also, they despawn anywhere when you suicide on them.