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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 6:28 pm
by Dotster
i can not wait till we get 1.81 and atm the rvr can be really good in prime time :-0

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 6:33 pm
by Cernos
Such nonsense, Luon is far too much of a gimp to ever be leet ;) ;)

I can see both sides. Lots of people are bound to be interested in giving the new classic server a try. But a mass exodus is bound to frustrate those who decide to stay and are left with an empty server. Name calling won't help anything, especially since a significant proportion of the classic emigres will probably drift back over time (especially when certain imbalancing issues raise their head - I shudder at the thought of running up against Vamps with an unbuffed character).

The daftest thing about all this is that if Mythic had released a patch like 1.81 sooner, then the need for classic servers would probably have never arisen. Typical Mythic, they do listen to their customers but it usually takes so long for the message to sink in that it's way too late by the time they change anything.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 6:48 pm
by Luon
ok i say it again did you acctually miss the smiley at the end of my comment about ppl going to classic are morons ? satyn. or are you so far in this drama scene atm so you stopt reading ?

anyways not gonna blame you this is what this community does nowadays pick a sentence out of one persons post quote and say its because ppl like this blablabla ive stopt/moved/etc wootever.

Anyways since thanduril said i ppl like me prove there real age by being elite high rr doods or wootever il proove it with saying happy new year to both of you and wish you the best of luck in the future.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:17 pm
by Satyn
so if i call you ***** ***** with a smiley at the end its ok then ? We've had this discussion before.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:19 pm
by Heta
less drama queen please Satyn

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 7:59 pm
by Lieva
Heta wrote:less drama queen please Satyn

less drama everyone you mean heta i presume :)

/edit omg the amount of spelling errors i made in that teeny sentence waas sily :(

(waas left in to show you what i mean!)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 8:10 pm
by Luon
from my pov calling me what you prolly mention in that dotted line is not the same thingas calling a ppl morons with a smiley behind...

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 8:39 pm
by Cromcruaich
Xest wrote:Oh and I agree with Luon pretty much tbh, 1.81 just outright fixes DAoC bar a few balance issues but they'll always exist as long as Mackey still plays his bainshee and warlock so you just gotta ignore them sadly. No reason to ever play classic in 1.81. My sorc is only just over 3 days /play now. My sorc is already fully SC'd out, all artis level 10 (8 artis - GoV/CTR/Zo/CB/Jacina's/Erinys/Foppish/Scalars), ML8, CL3 and almost RR4. By 4 days /play I'll be RR5, CL5 also.

Really don't think 4 days /play time to reach the high end of competitiveness (bar realm rank, but that's the fun part) is anything to complain about... If you can have an RR5, fully ToA'd (artis and MLs), CL5 char in less than 5 days /play time then classic is 100% negated in worthfulness IMO because as Luon said, Classic is like 50% of the game. If anything I'd argue that lack of FoP, ML9 pets etc. makes classic more of a grind as of 1.81, I think ToA takes less time to become competitive in 1.81 than item farming in darkspire and stuff without FoP/ML9 etc. does on classic now in fact so it is pretty silly to waste time on a server that has 50% of the content yet is now more time consuming and boring. On top of that with things like Vamps being perma buffed, rangers/hunters having self buff lines and scouts not as well as being able to drag a bot to a keep with you to defend, keep it safe in the lords room fully buffing you as a caster whilst you obliterate an enemy unbuffed zerg cos they have to have bots in the open I'd say that Classic also has even more severe balance issues to boot.
Agree with this. But I dont blame people for trying out classic.

In the end people things will get back to normal and people will come back to pryd/excal cluster while dipping into classic. At the mo there is still that rush on classic to get out there and have the chance to pwn because youve sorted out your template and hit 50, whereas it's always catchup for new chars on the cluster.

I presume the new flavour of the month will be casters running around with a bard and druid on stick - mez with the bard, switch to caster and drop em one by one.

Don't fret, everything is allright with the world. Except those idiots who run around in stealth groups zerging my noob ranger. :D

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 9:01 pm
by stupeh
Satyn wrote:I respond to who I want thank you very much.
Whilst not giving a shit about what they've said anyway, making the response incredibly pointless.

..Spot on Jouzu. :p

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 9:33 pm
by Tuthmes
Satyn, Luon stop it! :<