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Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 5:55 pm
by Cryn
awarkle wrote:Most guild groups now adays use vent / teamspeak or other to comunicate information no longer is the famous

" Where"
"never mind we are mezzed"
"cant its down"
"never mind release guys"
"what ?"

sort of chat messages

on vent we can comunicate far far better than we can using chat programs we know if somthings going wrong or if someones nuking or added on the fight. So we can react far better also thats 8 eyes watching different perspectives while panning the camera around so when someone says incoming from behind we can all turn and attack instantly.

Ok it seems unfair to mr soloer who cant react as quickly or the group of pugs that have just left druim ligen. But thats how things move along if we didnt have ventrillo or teamspeak we would just work out another means to fight.

also i have to stop aoe dotting everything :D

Radaring is obvious only when you are probbly a stealther everyone remembers that minstrel destealthing and kiting those peeps".

and remember you could be rvring with someone who does radar and you would never know about it you could just think "gee this person knows where the fights are hes a good driver".

so dont just think the enemy radar there could be people who you respect who radar in your own realms.
I hate the tendancy to voice. People started doing it for one reason only - to give themselves an edge on other people over and above skill of actually playing the game.

Now anyone who can't use voice is at a severe disadvantage. Has the game improved? No - all the people using voice are right back where they started when everyone was using text. Only now they have an unfair advantage over people who don't use third-party products to increase their chances of winning fights.

Even without voice the game was getting far too twitch-driven with cast speeds, etc. With voice it's over the line a long way.

Using little bits of help to give you an edge is as futile as the arms race, and only degrades the game experience over time.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 6:22 pm
by Ovi
Cryn wrote:I hate the tendancy to voice. People started doing it for one reason only - to give themselves an edge on other people over and above skill of actually playing the game.

Now anyone who can't use voice is at a severe disadvantage. Has the game improved? No - all the people using voice are right back where they started when everyone was using text. Only now they have an unfair advantage over people who don't use third-party products to increase their chances of winning fights.

Even without voice the game was getting far too twitch-driven with cast speeds, etc. With voice it's over the line a long way.

Using little bits of help to give you an edge is as futile as the arms race, and only degrades the game experience over time.
Whilst I agree that Voice Comms was started by people who wanted to get an advantage, I actually think it does improve the game... considerably.

It allows so much more communication to take place than is otherwise available using the keyboard, and not just in fg RvR situations.

I am far from a quick typist, often in real time chats I type a line and by the time I finish I have to delete it because others have already replied and made the content redundant, it is so much easier to annoy people with one-liners when I can get them out in real time :)

I cannot believe it will be long before Voice comms come as standard in games, Xbox live has already started the ball rolling.

I do agree 100% that DAoC has become too twitch-driven. One reason I started playing DAoC over other MMORPGs is because at the time it seemed to be the least twitch driven.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 7:37 pm
by miel
Nice post...

And like it was said.. why do people even use any additional programs to cheat/aid them in combat... If people play enough and gain some actual skill with their char, some realm ranks, most people should be able to win some good 1on1's if they meet the right classes etc.. anyways, imo it's a spoiler for all kinds of RPG's ..

- btw, is there anyway to actual see if someone's using radar?.. only ppl i've seen cheating obviously is speedhackers...

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 7:38 pm
by Elrandhir
Ovi wrote:Whilst I agree that Voice Comms was started by people who wanted to get an advantage, I actually think it does improve the game... considerably.

It allows so much more communication to take place than is otherwise available using the keyboard, and not just in fg RvR situations.

I am far from a quick typist, often in real time chats I type a line and by the time I finish I have to delete it because others have already replied and made the content redundant, it is so much easier to annoy people with one-liners when I can get them out in real time :)

I cannot believe it will be long before Voice comms come as standard in games, Xbox live has already started the ball rolling.

I do agree 100% that DAoC has become too twitch-driven. One reason I started playing DAoC over other MMORPGs is because at the time it seemed to be the least twitch driven.

well it's not really just DaoC you can use voice progs neways so, and it's nice to be able to say something instead of writing and, as it usually is the same for me as you said....writing writing writing...damn we got inc....delete, or just push button and get a useless halfwritten line out ;P

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 7:50 pm
by Lothandar
Cryn wrote:Now anyone who can't use voice is at a severe disadvantage.

It takes.... A MICROPHONE :D

Voice communication makes games more real actually as opposed to what you said in your long post.

No need to type while I am doing other stuff, also I instantly get told about who needs demezz for example instead of having to read the groupbar.

Voice communication improves teamplay, if a team is not willing to use it, they should lose then, not like you can't afford a soundcard and a microphone.

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2005 8:50 pm
by Psychiatrist
Using voice communication is pretty much the same as playing LANs together.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:32 am
by Luz
Some people are shy and dont dare use voice coms. Should they be punished by getting a big disadvantage?

I know I felt very uneasy the first few times using voice coms with strange people.. still do
and I can only imagine people that dont know as good english or whatever other reason that could make em not wanna use it.

It´s a pointless discussion tho, you cant ban people for it thats for sure.

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:34 am
by Luz
Requiel wrote:Mostly people aren't stupid/honest enough to come clean and admit they've been caught cheating although occasionally they do and make my day.
You suck. I spent all that time reading that thread and no he does not admit to using speed-hack, which was what he was banned for :p

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:10 am
by Heta
Luz wrote:Some people are shy and dont dare use voice coms. Should they be punished by getting a big disadvantage?

I know I felt very uneasy the first few times using voice coms with strange people.. still do
and I can only imagine people that dont know as good english or whatever other reason that could make em not wanna use it.

It´s a pointless discussion tho, you cant ban people for it thats for sure.
If you are scared of talking to other people, you realy need to force yourself to do it more. Since beeing afraid of talking to people has to be a bigger handicap the beeing stuck in a wheelchair and put down in a basment with only stairs leading out of there.

And tbh, noone care how much someone suck at english. Best way to learn english is to speak it. I usualy just tell everyone to imagine me naked while I play using ventrilo, hopefully that will keep them from thinking of my crap english :p

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2005 8:50 am
by Cromcruaich
Luz wrote:Some people are shy and dont dare use voice coms. Should they be punished by getting a big disadvantage?

I know I felt very uneasy the first few times using voice coms with strange people.. still do
and I can only imagine people that dont know as good english or whatever other reason that could make em not wanna use it.

It´s a pointless discussion tho, you cant ban people for it thats for sure.
You dont have to talk, you can listen as well.