"Resistance Piercing" buffs for classic primary casters...

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Post by Guinnessrules »

Satyn wrote:when are you guys going to realise that he's messing around?
Prolly when they finally get bored. ;)
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Post by Maeloch »

Think stuff pretty balanced atm on tanks vs casters, ofc varies on situation. If casters OP would be 3 casters running in every opted gp instead of 1 or 2 casters, and 2 or 3 tanks.

Revenge of deter and un-CCable tanks inc anyhow.

And yes I figure his posts are tongue-in-cheek.
Mael, 50th ment.

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Post by Espen »

imo mythic should give a caster a spell too..

its called

BOOOM.. its insta cast... and it deals 5000000 damage to every enemy in the same zone... they should loose like 10% hp themself as a tradeoff to use this.. recast time of 2 sec should be fairly enough.. and the graphics should be like a mushroom-cloud thingy...the ground should also tremble when it goes off.. and you should see the cloud just before the damage goes off so the enemy get a second or two warnig to start porting..

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Post by Childofkhain »

Amedor wrote:I could imagine George Bush playing a Warlock
pikeh wrote:Britney Spears plays a bainshee.
Requiel wrote:It's not a bug, the encounter is designed to fail if you abuse the game mechanics... If you'd like to report yourself for cheating we'll investigate your problem.

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Post by Shike »

hmm ye, especially SMs need love since they suck so bad.

more piercing.. I remember how it was when casters ran around with up to 25% piercing.. dont you Gandelf? It sucked pretty damn bad.

Anyhow, guess he wasnt really serious.. or just lack a clue as usual :)
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Post by Kesxex »

Once all casters are as backloading as animists and tics then such a buff could be on the table for all.

Till then enjoy your superiority in RvR as caster and learn to play with the tools that you have.

PvE is something differently - if such a buff would exist for casters then it would be very welcome.
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Post by Xest »

Maeloch wrote:Think stuff pretty balanced atm on tanks vs casters, ofc varies on situation. If casters OP would be 3 casters running in every opted gp instead of 1 or 2 casters, and 2 or 3 tanks.

Revenge of deter and un-CCable tanks inc anyhow.

And yes I figure his posts are tongue-in-cheek.
Spot on, with new det. in and SoS no longer breaking on speedwarps CC is pretty worthless (amusingly you don't even need a sorc in an Alb group now rather have a cabby with no-immunity disease, snare and nearsight rather than mezz which no longer has any effect), it kinda dumbs down RvR somewhat, it's now just about which group has the most BoF/Warguard/DI/Light tanks. Some utility like disease is nice and buffstrips are still helpful but things like str/const debuffs and such do nothing to stop 4x Un-CCable light tanks ;)

Tanks get it REALLY good as of 1.78 back to the point where pure melee groups are the only real way to go.

Of course, casters still own keeps, towers and zergs however ;) It does feel like a step back though, as Maeloch said, around 1.75 or so things are pretty balanced with tanks vs. casters but as of 1.78 things have swayed much much more in favour of tanks, "Revenge of deter and un-CCable tanks" couldn't describe the situation any better ;) Hopefully they'll realise that Charge 3 AND Det. on light tanks, as well as SoS outright negating entire primary CC classes main role is pretty retarded but until then, roll a blademaster, merc or zerk ;)
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Post by Downy »

Would be scary if casters could get 20% resist piercing again :treeee:
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Post by Fifta »

Givf me teh ae insta lifetap (3000 range 1500 radius) 500 delve 80% returned stuns target for sixty seconds (not affected by resists) spell!

Oh yes, and no reuse timer power cost 1pp
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Post by Cryn »

[quote="Xest"]Spot on, with new det. in and SoS no longer breaking on speedwarps CC is pretty worthless (amusingly you don't even need a sorc in an Alb group now rather have a cabby with no-immunity disease, snare and nearsight rather than mezz which no longer has any effect), it kinda dumbs down RvR somewhat, it's now just about which group has the most BoF/Warguard/DI/Light tanks. Some utility like disease is nice and buffstrips are still helpful but things like str/const debuffs and such do nothing to stop 4x Un-CCable light tanks ]

Surely mezz will still have some impact? Only tanks will get determination, or am I wrong? That still leaves healers and other nukers as targets for mezz.

It's a shame they have to mess with it, since it really does seem to be swings and roundabouts at the moment. Mezz is a little on the out of control side, but things otherwise seem kinda balanced.
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