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Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 2:58 pm
by Cernos
pikeh wrote:well, at least people have the OPTION now to choose different weapons and armour. Before it was all crafted, maybe BMF or galla armour in a few templates, but with some all day galla raids i fail to see how casual players could get some of those items. The jewelry was all epic stuff or Si quested. So yeh, there is the option to be a lot more individual nowadays.
No, no individuality anymore at all. It's Dark Age of Clonealot because everyone uses the same artifacts that have become de-facto for each class. What's more, whereas pre TOA each realm had their own unique look to weapons and armour, with TOA these artifacts are available to all three realms and the skins are largely exactly the same, so further eroding any individuality. If you see a three way fight post TOA it's just a herd of people from all realms weilding the same Malice, Battler, Traldors etc.

As for Galladoria items in the past, these were indeed beyond most casual players. But they weren't so overpowered that anyone with a decent SC suit couldn't compete against them.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:05 pm
by Bebop
*Some* of the benefits ToA bring to RvR are fun, But the way GoA/Mythic (whoever) decided the way we have to get them was a f00k up. They just made it as long as possible for us to get our chars sorted for rvr

Oh yeh & on another note:

Why the f00k do we still get Rez sickness... this has to be the biggest fkin annoyance in DAoC both PvE & RvR, what the fk were they thinking when they decided to give us 2min rez sickness, what a completely utterly crap addition to DAoC! :(

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:15 pm
by HappyG
Whats wrong with that Boppa? As IRvR looks lately, DAoC is already becomming WoW, and I don't see the fun when you kill someone and hes back on the field faster than you regan your HP.

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:25 pm
by Radu
Cernos wrote:No, no individuality anymore at all. It's Dark Age of Clonealot because everyone uses the same artifacts that have become de-facto for each class. What's more, whereas pre TOA each realm had their own unique look to weapons and armour, with TOA these artifacts are available to all three realms and the skins are largely exactly the same, so further eroding any individuality.
hahah ! So, i was _shocked_ when i found out ToA zones and encounters and MLs are the same in all realm - i have to say i was a pissed a bit, that kills alot of diversity in the game. Three different realms are using the _same_ things on battlefields, ehh. I was in that belief, the realms are different not only in classes (what i do like), but in equip too.
Roleplayer wise it is more then sad when i see for example a theurgist running in the same equips as my mentalist..

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:35 pm
by Ankh Morpork
I've done my share of Pve/mls/artis etc etc...and tbh even though I know I had fun in classic daoc I wouldnt wanna change back to it. Im used to have all the things we got now and its good enough for me :)


Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:54 pm
by Lieva
as much as everyone says they hate toa etc :p

everyone still plays the game :D

but seriously
althogh mls and artifacts have left peeps overpowered in some respects of rvr - it has benifits too.

Fop/Sor for power and heal regen
aoe end/power song (if bard has lvl 10 croc ring)
Cure Rezz Sick (kinda useful if in alb/mid i spect)
AOE heal (never used it in rvr - might be good i dunno)
BrittleGuards (wuv de bt Pets)

seriously - you guys really wanna give up fop for a non-toa server :?

animists would be extinct as they couldnt keep a full field up..wonder how they coping in the us servers :p

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 4:56 pm
by Elrandhir
Banana wrote:as much as everyone says they hate toa etc :p

everyone still plays the game :D

true true, well I don't hate TOA itself really, it have brought many nice things and online games need to get updated ;D

What I hate is the amount of time it takes getting a char RvR ready -_-, really like to RvR but it's just so time demanding getting everything you need to be able to do any RvRing.

If I where 65 years old or so and retired, then I probably have the time to spend on doing so, but would probably be to senile to even know how to log into the game then ;P

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 5:02 pm
by OohhoO
TBH I think they learnt a lot from their ToA mistakes. The last expansion was pretty damn good IMO, and most of the bonuses in it which might have been overpowering in RvR they made PvE only. If only they'd done that with some of the ToA-bonuses too!

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 5:18 pm
by Elrandhir
OohhoO wrote:TBH I think they learnt a lot from their ToA mistakes. The last expansion was pretty damn good IMO, and most of the bonuses in it which might have been overpowering in RvR they made PvE only. If only they'd done that with some of the ToA-bonuses too!

True, have only seen positive things in the latest expantion, hope they will continue to improve, and imo make it easier to get a char ready for RvR.

sure make it so people doing lots of PvE and so gets some Grand Titel as "PvE Master", and that they can aquire.. "The slayer of big monster + 3" or something, but make it easier getting the items needed to get chars ready for RvRing ;D

well, would be nice imo ;P

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2005 5:34 pm
by pikeh
Cernos wrote:No, no individuality anymore at all. It's Dark Age of Clonealot because everyone uses the same artifacts that have become de-facto for each class.

i didnt just say artifacts i meant all items.

and TBH i dont think any items have become "de-facto" for each class. Maybe just popular (battler and malice are popular choices due to overpowered /use and charges) but not everyone can be bothered to farm scrolls, and i know for sure valewalkers have no de-facto items, nor nightshades (apart from SoM, but even now thats hardly De Facto, there are much better cloaks out there imho) , as there is such a wide choice of weapons available. I have hardly seen two exactly the same templates, people pick the items which suit them best and they find they can cope with obtaining and leveling.

But as ive said before ToA came out people would say "im using that template with that SI belt drop" and people would know what you meant as the range of items was tiny compared to now.