Battler / Itet credit Extraordinaire!

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Post by Jupiler »

I didn't notice anywhere on the post it mentions him 'giving' any1 arties, or even rolling for them, only the encounter credit. All I know is the last 3 times we've been to battler with the guild its been DOWN.

Lol, maybe read my post again..oh and last 5 times i went to see if GoV was up, it wasn't...
He can do it solo yet hes offering people it, next time he does it i dont think he will offer now tbh.

I wouldn't either.
&quot wrote:After playing zupiler and repeatedly getting beat by him (bastard)

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Post by Adalyn »

Wow, Hibernia is truly going down hill, Amedor is offering credit for people who have time strugglin getting people to do the encounter yet you moan at him like he sits on his ass camping it 24/7 killing it all day so no one else can kill it to sell the arti/drops.

Amedor, don't bother making posts like this in the future, you might of been annoying people ages ago (like a year ago or what ever) but things change and you try to help people out and they just don't want it and whining at you because you kill 2 mobs 2-3 times a week to sell for money, i see people standing at GoLM/GoV etc to farm and then sell it and not inviting people for credit yet i don't see them getting moaned at, some people are just pricks.

Penlid - price of battler goes upto 4p, CTD goes to 8p on excal, read forums before assuming they go to 40p.

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Post by Silverbirch »

[quote="Jupiler"]Lol, maybe read my post again..oh and last 5 times i went to see if GoV was up, it wasn't...[quote]

Sorry I dont get it mate, your post I presume was referring to people who run arti raids - like Peat for example who is a real selfish individual isn't he, and never does anything for any1, and crams his CM full of arties at 'generous' prices.

And ok so GoV was down... do you need it? and if so how did that make u feel? The arti in question is irrelevent really. It's bad enough seeing peeps or in fact guilds sat at arties (golm for example, i aint naming the guild but rhymes with black terror) 24/7, but some1 coming on here trying to justify it by sounding like they doing me or whoever a favour... rofl irl
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Post by Jupiler »

Silverbirch wrote: And ok so GoV was down... do you need it?
yes i do
Silverbirch wrote:and if so how did that make u feel?
it didn't make me woo happy if that's what you mean. The difference here is that I DON'T whine about it...because I just know it won't help..

Silverbirch wrote: The arti in question is irrelevent really. It's bad enough seeing peeps or in fact guilds sat at arties (golm for example, i aint naming the guild but rhymes with black terror) 24/7, but some1 coming on here trying to justify it by sounding like they doing me or whoever a favour... rofl irl
You don't understand the thread do you? He just wants people who need the credit to hop along..can't see how that is a problem. If you want to whine at real farmers, go make a blacklist of each ani/chanter that is camping GoV/GS/whatever, instead of calling one of my guildies a selfish person(while he atleast does SOMETHING for the realm).
&quot wrote:After playing zupiler and repeatedly getting beat by him (bastard)

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Post by Alexandrinus »

mates Amedor isnt 24/7 camping any artis, only say when he is doing a arti challence you can participate on the credit.
did he asked for , so no big deal

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Post by Lairiodd »

Remember the more an item is farmed the better. Fundamentally, the problem is the slow pop rate.

Say a mob pops once every 12 hours and is killed a few seconds after it pops, that gives 2 of that arti every day. OTOH, if there are no farmers, then the mob will be killed say once a day. This means that there is less artis of that type available and thus harder to actually get one.

Arti farmers actually reduce the price of artis, if nobody farmed them then there would less available to buy.

Also, if people didn't actually farm them, then you still have the problem of getting a group together to kill the encounter. The arti would go to the person who can log on earliest in the day. You happen to play at 2-3pm and all the mobs are up, if you don't log on until 8pm, then most of them have been killed already.

Anyway, remember, the problem is the slow pop rate. This means that there is only a limited number of artis in the game and when there is low supply and high demand, well prices go up. Arti farmers add to supply so reduce prices.
Lairiodd Level 50 Nightshade and Legendary Grandmaster Smith (1065) check prices here
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Post by Quinlan »

Lairiodd wrote: Arti farmers add to supply so reduce prices.
Read the rest of the thread and cant really be bothered what amedor does or doesnt but Lair you make a mistake in this assumption. In theory you are totally correct. But common practise is to sell all the farmed arti's for a fixed price. This fixed price is rather high normally and does not decrease the demand since alot of people cant/wont pay it.

Esspecially with clustering around the corner and the expected price raise people now farm/buy artifacts to sell them of more expensive later.

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Post by Lairiodd »

Quinlan wrote:Read the rest of the thread and cant really be bothered what amedor does or doesnt but Lair you make a mistake in this assumption. In theory you are totally correct. But common practise is to sell all the farmed arti's for a fixed price. This fixed price is rather high normally and does not decrease the demand since alot of people cant/wont pay it.
The reason the price is high is cos they are rare. I agree it doesn't move much (an arti might stay locked at a standard price of 30p), but if alot of farmers put the arti up for 30p, then eventually, the new price will drop to say 25p as someone starts selling at that lower price as they can't shift them otherwise. The standard price might move in jumps with supply and demand, but it does move.

The reason alot of people don't pay is cos the artis go to those with the most money. If there were more artis, the price would drop as more people can buy them.

High price is due to rarity only. If something is rare it will have a high price. This is not the farmers fault.
Esspecially with clustering around the corner and the expected price raise people now farm/buy artifacts to sell them of more expensive later.
That's true, but doesn't really change the point. It just combines the servers into 1, excal players are probably doing the opposite, trying to offload their artis before there is an increase in supply.

Anyway, don't complain to farmers, complain that Mythic set up artis so they can be farmed. Possible solutions would be to make them no trade or have arti mob pops linked to individual accounts.
Lairiodd Level 50 Nightshade and Legendary Grandmaster Smith (1065) check prices here
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Post by Cromcruaich »

If you dont need it, dont farm it.
Crom, Druid of Na Fianna Dragun

If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire...the A(nimist)-Team

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Post by Xest »

Cromcruaich wrote:If you dont need it, dont farm it.
That's just silly though because then there'd be no threads like this for me to make pointless comments in.
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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