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Post by Mojo »

[quote="Xest"]Didn't Legion loot already do that a few times tho ]

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Post by willowywicca »

[quote="Xest"]Didn't Legion loot already do that a few times tho ]

Oh yeah :p abbadon (or was it someone else hmm, my memory is so bad :/ )got lots of mean things said about him about favouritism and elitism and crap when I got a legion hammer on one of his legion raids.. And on the raid I was the only lvl50 LW user.. the only other LW user was only lvl47..

Imo the greed and jealousy was always there in hib prydwen, we just tended to sweep it under the carpet and pretend it wasn't there..

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Post by Lairiodd »

The thing is that Realm invasion means different thigns to different people. Daoc rvr is based on the concept of restricted pvp based on zone. So either you give that up (like Camnlann) or you just redefine what the realm (safe area) is. If you leave some zones as safe zones, then surely you are back where you started. One possible option would be to make the newbie zones safe and the higher level zones not so safe. Like you would have Cain as the only allowable entry point into hib for enemies. Then maybe set is so that the river is the final defensive line. They could then make it to the bog and sheeroe etc without being able to attack the low level newbies. Thus, you could level 1-20/25 in safety and the rest is more dangerous.

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Post by Xest »

Lairiodd wrote:The thing is that Realm invasion means different thigns to different people. Daoc rvr is based on the concept of restricted pvp based on zone. So either you give that up (like Camnlann) or you just redefine what the realm (safe area) is. If you leave some zones as safe zones, then surely you are back where you started. One possible option would be to make the newbie zones safe and the higher level zones not so safe. Like you would have Cain as the only allowable entry point into hib for enemies. Then maybe set is so that the river is the final defensive line. They could then make it to the bog and sheeroe etc without being able to attack the low level newbies. Thus, you could level 1-20/25 in safety and the rest is more dangerous.
I think just OF with killable BK guards providing you have a big enough force is the best bet for it then free travel inside enemy realms - I always wanted to be able to roam inside the enemy mainlands on my old ranger, would be much more fun than just meeting enemies in the frontiers imo.
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Post by Asysh »

Nice to combine No-toa with invading enemy realms. Have to change the towns a bit though and add some random camps and outposts - still cool though :)
Asysh Eccos RR5 Valewalker, ML10 Battlemaster
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Post by Arcsalin »

Asysh wrote:Nice to combine No-toa with invading enemy realms. Have to change the towns a bit though and add some random camps and outposts - still cool though :)

Aye but then you see that some from camlann will go to those servers and bug abuse 4tw :P

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Post by Elrandhir »

Xest wrote:I think just OF with killable BK guards providing you have a big enough force is the best bet for it then free travel inside enemy realms - I always wanted to be able to roam inside the enemy mainlands on my old ranger, would be much more fun than just meeting enemies in the frontiers imo.
Even though it sounds rather cool and all I have a feeling it would get rather annoying really after awhile ^^
Elrandhir L50 Hero 7l7 Thunderer
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Post by Lairiodd »

One other thing, if you have a non-normal server, then balancing will never be right. If Mythic put in a no-TOA server, they would still balance classes assuming that TOA existed. This is true for pvp, where bug fixes are less concentrated on.

One option could be to add TOA abities to spec lines or baseline for certain classes, say at level 45, all bards get AE songs. Alternatively, maybe add TOA items to the epic quests. Like, a bard would get croc ring, EoY and pheobus harp in addition to epic armour when they complete their epic. Each class would be given 2-3 class specific artis (or maybe a choice).

The problem for realm invasion is the way the realms are designed, the high level zones are far from the BK's. Ideally, you want people entering the high level area first.
Lairiodd Level 50 Nightshade and Legendary Grandmaster Smith (1065) check prices here
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Post by Childofkhain »

imo bring back the old emain with mile gate house camping and the raw pwnage that 3 mana eldis/ chanters 1 druid and a bard could cause. there is some video of alb exc and that happening - the 3 pb's take out about 20 - 30 albs by jumping out of the window's after a bard mezz. rocks. The home invasion would be good if there was a limit to the number of ppl allowed in at one time and also that you can't log / bind here. then it would be good especially if they could port to SI and toa - heh great for ruining ml raids :)

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Post by Succi »

Remove toa and NF !

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