Prydwen-down (discussion thread NO FLAMES)

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Post by Gandelf »

khaymen wrote:i've heard rumours that the server will be shut for ever, and ever...if that's the case...i lose my first ever level 50...who happened to be kitted out in full aurulite armour...5 level 10 arties and about 20 plat in his pocket, now i know some people will have lost a hell of a lot more but...if the server disappearing is the case, i for one expect some serious compensation...i spoke to a CSR the other day and we were discussing if they were to roll back the server or not...when i asked about items/cash/levels that would be lost, he/she said...and i quote 'there will be NO compensation for loss of these items/cash/levels whatsoever, for a multitude of reasons...imo guys, i reckon the game is gonna lose a hell of a lot of players

I doubt the server will be lost for ever.

They will have dozens of backups, going back months.

I seem to recall in the past that when players had their characters deleted (for whatever reason) GOA were always able to retrieve them from backups. Certainly up to the last patch anyway.

If it's hardware related, then they buy a new server and install Prydwen on it. If it's software related, then the backups will save the day.

So, don't worry. Everything will be fine. The worst thing that can logically happen is a rollback.

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Post by Nedo »

Gandelf wrote:Nope, you're mistaking what I'm saying... if you pay for a 30 day subscription, you are entitled to 30 days, by law... even if you renew your account while Prydwen is down. Yes, I know you'll say that you could still play on another server, but what if you don't have any other characters on another server?

Also, what about those who renew who were not aware that Prydwen was down. Surely GOA must give the benefit of the doubt to the player?
Problem with that assumption is that you pay for a online service, you do not pay for Pryd itself, if the system would be built that way im sure there would be a cheaper subs with play poss on just 1 server, and the online service you pay for is online even though its limited.

Doubt GOA can handle not giving something back though since its to bad pr.

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Post by Ovi »

Gandelf wrote:Nope, you're mistaking what I'm saying... if you pay for a 30 day subscription, you are entitled to 30 days, by law... even if you renew your account while Prydwen is down. Yes, I know you'll say that you could still play on another server, but what if you don't have any other characters on another server?

Also, what about those who renew who were not aware that Prydwen was down. Surely GOA must give the benefit of the doubt to the player?

Legally you wouldn't have a leg to stand on, the service has had no downtime whatsoever, the vast majority of servers are still up and running. Any freetime, if that's what they decide to do, is merely a gesture of goodwill.

Personally I would prefer that they didn't give away free time, but gave characters on Prydwen some "advantage" for a week. Double XP/MLxp/RPs, increased spawn and drop rates on artis etc. Something that allows people active on Prydwen the chance to make up for the missing time. I know some will abuse, and others will come off worse than the average, but all around I think a better solution.

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Post by Finolin »

Thanks for the update Requiel. Good luck with the restoration work.
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Post by Sharkith »

Well thats as fair as it gets. If there are no hardware issues then it is obvious the problem is one of those complicated ones I do not want to know anything about other than when it is fixed.

Given the backup time you have suggested at least I can rest easy and at least your suggesting that items etc. can be replaced for those that are likely to have lost them then I think that is very fair. As for compensation I am also glad you do see that some of us are just not at home playing on another server. It all looks very sympathetic.

OK so looks like another evening on EvE online tonight then.
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Post by Jupi »

i have cut the grass.... it is now in de oven..... where is mojo when u need him..... kick back and chill megameights
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Post by Takitothemacs »

Rumours and conjecture are the bane of threads and issues such as these.

Those who have the most information are updating us as regularly as they can with as much information as is deemed reasonable by them to provide.

Once they have a full update I am sure that they will update.

But in the meantime can people stop spreading rubbish about pryd being gone for good... its utter bollocks.

Will people please have some faith in the support that we are being given... I note from the responses that some people do understand whats going on and those that have no comprehension of whats happening simply take the bait laid out by the rumour mongers. Dont believe the silly statements made by those that are not representative of GOA.

and Khaymen....
khaymen wrote:...i spoke to a CSR the other day and we were discussing if they were to roll back the server or not...when i asked about items/cash/levels that would be lost, he/she said...and i quote 'there will be NO compensation for loss of these items/cash/levels whatsoever, for a multitude of reasons...imo guys, i reckon the game is gonna lose a hell of a lot of players
That is utter bollocks. Euro has no "CSR" so quoting from a non existent source shows the vaildity of your statement.
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Post by Elrandhir »

Im happy if they fix it, but I want, and as I saw that we would probably get, free days or rather, compensation days, otherwise it would be rather lame, even if I can understand that they are doing everything they can and all I have still payed them money for 2 accs, and I won't get that money back just because they do the best they can, so compansation is in order, and I think I saw that it would be likely that those that have accs payed would ;D
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Post by Heta »

I think GOA should buy me dinner tonight, I'm hungry
Woho! I got a 360 \o/

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Post by Takitothemacs »

they will do something... and you are not the worst hit... personally I have 3 accounts paid for and I know of others with more than that... but I suggest following updates on FH here which are the official updates... ignore the other crap... and keep yourself informed :)
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