A matter I dont know what to think about

General 'Hibernian' forum for the entire cluster
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Posts: 136
Joined: Sun Feb 06, 2005 12:00 pm

Post by Lenah »

reported his ass to GOA some minutes after posting this thread ... seems like many agrees with me =)
Lenah 50 Bard ML8 sojourner
Eluwien 50 Eld ML5 conv
Harazer 50 Ench PVE only
Harapon 50 Bard BB PVE only
Bloodcure 50 Druid ML1 perf
Krnzacgh 50 Ani ML1 conv
Crystaleye 50 BM
Grilfriend 50 Druid BB
Sithknight 50 Hero

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt." ~ Abe Lincoln

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