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Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:15 pm
by maxis
Mojo wrote:the only way to get good game is to start a dedicated group, but if your casual player that's a non starter
I play twice a week (fairly casual imo), in a dedicated group

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:20 pm
by Aran_Thule
Problem is that where the low-mid RR groups go the high RR groups will go as well.
we tried to take an unclaimed tower, using ram ect, before we even got the door down a RR10 group appears and ripped us to shreds.
Maybe we have to change tactics and targets i dont know, main point is that we have fun and getting stomped into the ground in 10 seconds isnt fun.

The high RR guilds want 'fair fights' but RR10 gank group vs casual group isnt 'fair' therefore the only thing i can see is trying to do things to even things up, ie attacking them when they are occupied, taking more people along ect.

With regards to the solo/stealth field i dont like duo, trio, fg of stealthers, if i come across them and im leading a group i will run them down, i will probably spare someone i find solo as i know how hard it is.

Does this make me a hypocrite, or someone that sees both sides of the fence.. i dont know, if i see someone in a 1 v 1 fight i will ask if they want help, if they /y then ill help, simple as that.

Life as a low RR group is very up and down, you will get flattened by high RR groups, you just have to pick yourself up and dust yourself off and try again.
The good times makes up for the low and as long as you manage to keep happy then you can cope.
ankh wrote:Bring it on!!

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:25 pm
by Mojo
maxis wrote:I play twice a week (fairly casual imo), in a dedicated group
Casual to me is logging in on a whim, not set days no matter how few :p

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:52 pm
by Kallima
Aran, for heavens sake stop posting at the same time as me. I've just had to change this so we don't say the same thing. <grins>

It isn't easy getting a new group off the ground and never has been. What we want to achieve is something insanely more difficult than just starting a new group. What we are actually doing is a compromise between the two, so just semi insanely difficult.

The last run was tough, because we kept either hitting zerg or RR10 group. We are not opted, we are not all templated. We have a couple of new people, so I'm not even sure we are all RR3 let alone RR4. We expect to have a hard time. What is discouraging is when all your fights are ones that you know a RR8 templated opted group would lose.

Banana has the right attitude.
Banana wrote:If you accept reality and embrace wholeheartedly the fact you will die most horribly almost every battle - you will enjoy rvr alot more and be happy when you get to kill one peep :p
Specialy if its a peep whos been killing others loads during the night :mwahaha:
Our current group aim is to prove we are a proper group by dying near the bard rather than scattered across several zones. We were doing this quite nicely. Sometimes we even accidentally kill someone. :bunneh:

So, we aren't doing this easy mode. We are trying to keep more casual, non opted, rvr open for people who are still trying to work out where Dun Crauchon is. We keep trying, and we work at keeping positive. What we can achieve depends on conditions on the frontier.

So all we ask is don't make it harder than it is. Don't laugh at us for losing against RR10 groups. Don't knock us if we have someone who only has the chance to join in for one hour and we tow them as an extra out of group. Cheer if we manage to actually kill someone.


Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:53 pm
by Alexandrinus
Aran_Thule wrote: we tried to take an unclaimed tower, using ram ect, before we even got the door down a RR10 group appears and ripped us to shreds.
Maybe we have to change tactics and targets i dont know, main point is that we have fun and getting stomped into the ground in 10 seconds isnt fun.
we did the same with an alb group at berk on sunday:) , the problem is if you dont move and the attacker moves fast in and bomb you (banelord+TWF+normal bombs) you dont have a chance.You get the lag and you have nearly no reaction time.

And remember two weeks ago on monday we had a perfect endrun, when you took me into group with my RR3 Valewalker we get 3-4k rps in 30minutes run in Hadrians.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:55 pm
by Hrymf
Well the new RA system kind of made it so higher RR groups arent that impossible to kill, our guild recently started being a bit more active with GGs, and we started out with a really hard setup along with low realm rank players, though we had a bard and druid with several million of rps. We win just as much as we lose in fg vs fg fights i would say. Dedicated set groups will allways be better than pick up groups, since you are used to playing with these players, but at a certain point you will become good at your class and know alot of different kind of tactics and even learn the enemy tactics, at that point you can easily join a pick up group and perform well.

I think the most important issues for pick up groups or low RR groups, is to set a tactic, and work it out to detail before heading out into the actually frontier, make sure everyone know what they are supposed to do in which situations. Also when ever you lose or even when you win, try sum up what you all did right and did wrong, and try see if perhaps there was something you could do better.
Obviously, all this comes down to very good cummunication, and along with that i suggest use voice comms, it make it all alot easier when you dont have to type, and even when you use voice comms, a few macros can help alot also.

The adding part and zerg part im rather simple, if there is equal numbers on each side of the fight, its fair, in few situations where a good solo char is fighting against a duo, i would leave it, unless the person ask for help. Stealther rvr is in my opinion way different than fg vs fg, or zerg vs zerg, these should not be mixed if you ask me, when i play stealther, i go to fight other stealthers or solo players, i dont add on larger fights unless we talking keep siege or relic defence/take.

People can zerg if they want to, i cant force them not to, but if you ask me or zerg me, i may comment upon it with my opinion.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:14 pm
by Jor
I like what Hrymf said - the planning is lacking atm, I don't mean the big stuff like MARRR or else, just the plan laid out in the group what to aim for and what to do.

Everyone does it when XPing or doing ML stuff or else, in RvR I always feel a bit like everybody does his/her own thing, even in a group.

As for me - I don't expect to win big with my RR3 and ML5 Druid Yorinde, but I try to have fun :) only thing that bothers me is that such basic tactics like scouting (just 1-2 players in the group watch for enemies, others fight, take keep or else) won't be used and almost every time I was in a grp we were jumped from "behind" all of a sudden.

Some groups heading off to RvR which communicate via /as or a BG so everybody just knows, what's going on would be a nice idea.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:20 pm
by <ankh>
Kallima wrote:Aran, for heavens sake stop posting at the same time as me. I've just had to change this so we don't say the same thing. <grins>
You kind of posted 30mins after Aran :)


Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:24 pm
by Kallima
<ankh> wrote:You kind of posted 30mins after Aran :)

I know, I did a post, was just about to put it up and saw he had posted. So I rewrote it. Work interfered in the middle (curse them), so it went up half an hour later.

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 3:27 pm
by naic
Kallima wrote:So all we ask is don't make it harder than it is. Don't laugh at us for losing against RR10 groups. Don't knock us if we have someone who only has the chance to join in for one hour and we tow them as an extra out of group. Cheer if we manage to actually kill someone.

Hehe very good post. :)

Gotta agree with with Hrymf 100%, as he said we started out again recently with CT GG's, started very poor, but teamwork and tactics is really starting to work out. (main problem is lack of Banespike(ML9 and ML6)/Badge of valor and some realm ranks on our offensive tanks)

Talk to each other. Every time you die. What happened? Didn't we do enough damage? Why didn't we do enough damage? Were the support/casters interrupting enough?

Interrupting is a _very_ big key to winning, the more a druid interrupts the less he has to heal and resurrect.

Then the Focus! Once you enter Agramon (or an RvR area in general where there might be Mid/Alb FG's) you'r always active panning camera checking for incomings and being ready to spread out and get into position.

Something to work on. :)

Stick with it guys and good luck. It's hard work but once you get better it pays off very very well. :D