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Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 12:46 pm
by Heta
[quote="Satyn"]unless you want to end up one morning with massive boobs yourself I would say no ]

then I shall wish that my GF have big boobies, imagine all the fun you could have if you had breasts yourself!

only flaw here is that I dont have a GF :(

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:10 pm
by Lieva
Xest wrote:No there's definetely exceptions, Jack Thompson is someone who really should definetely die irl.

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:25 pm
by Xcerus
hehehe boobies...

seriously tho I dont get why people get so annoyed when people add, it annoy's me soo much when i am out soloing and i get attacked by 2 stealthers and 3 people stand there... and watch...
I yell for help...
they watch....
I use all ra's while yelling for help...
they watch...
I die...
I pm one asking why they didnt help...
"Sorry didn't want to add.."

Makes me want to scream.. some gay stealthers just got fed rp's because no one is prepared to add... its sick and depending how you interprit the CoC is also illegal...
and if it isn't it sure as hell should be. GoA I implore you to instigate a Kill On Sight rule into the CoC when it comes to other realmmates except in extream circumstances <ie: the bg a while back when we had to assault the keep and it was opend to all level's>

rant over...
You see any #cerus <replace #with ABCDetc> characters in combat with somthing do not hesitate to add!

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:36 pm
by Gahn
Xcerus wrote:hehehe boobies...

seriously tho I dont get why people get so annoyed when people add, it annoy's me soo much when i am out soloing and i get attacked by 2 stealthers and 3 people stand there... and watch...
I yell for help...
they watch....
I use all ra's while yelling for help...
they watch...
I die...
I pm one asking why they didnt help...
"Sorry didn't want to add.."

Makes me want to scream.. some gay stealthers just got fed rp's because no one is prepared to add... its sick and depending how you interprit the CoC is also illegal...
and if it isn't it sure as hell should be. GoA I implore you to instigate a Kill On Sight rule into the CoC when it comes to other realmmates except in extream circumstances <ie: the bg a while back when we had to assault the keep and it was opend to all level's>

rant over...
You see any #cerus <replace #with ABCDetc> characters in combat with somthing do not hesitate to add!
Well i woudln't add on a 1 vs 1 but surely i would help ya on a 2 vs 1 :knockout:

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:37 pm
by Heta
Thing is, they dont care about adding on you, its the enemies they care about, since if they start adding on them they will start getting added on by the same people. Personaly I hate that, imo its realm vs realm, sure if its a even fight let them have it, but if a realm mate is in trouble, help him fgs!

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 1:46 pm
by Scabs
Satyn wrote:yes agree with Beli. Nice that you come here and appoligise.

But serious or not serious, 'die in real life' isnt something that should be said period.
hahahahaha you just said it

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 2:00 pm
by Frozodo
Xcerus wrote:hehehe boobies...

seriously tho I dont get why people get so annoyed when people add, it annoy's me soo much when i am out soloing and i get attacked by 2 stealthers and 3 people stand there... and watch...
I yell for help...
they watch....
I use all ra's while yelling for help...
they watch...
I die...
I pm one asking why they didnt help...
"Sorry didn't want to add.."

Makes me want to scream.. some gay stealthers just got fed rp's because no one is prepared to add... its sick and depending how you interprit the CoC is also illegal...
and if it isn't it sure as hell should be. GoA I implore you to instigate a Kill On Sight rule into the CoC when it comes to other realmmates except in extream circumstances <ie: the bg a while back when we had to assault the keep and it was opend to all level's>

rant over...
You see any #cerus <replace #with ABCDetc> characters in combat with somthing do not hesitate to add!
depending on the Situation so u would like someone would like to add if u know u can beat them both ?, i personally is well tired of adds if i die then be it /rel and headstrong. if people cant handle getting over run then quit rvr and some people just want to play fair... that is imho.. yes sometimes it is nice that they add if u ask for it yes i prolly would help in the end by taking 1 of em, but i wouldnt engaged on the other one u were duelling

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 2:46 pm
by Heta
Scabs wrote:hahahahaha you just said it
actualy no, she typed it!

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 2:48 pm
by Satyn
Scabs wrote:hahahahaha you just said it
heta wrote:actualy no, she typed it!
double slap

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:15 pm
by Cromcruaich
Yamisix wrote:just for info im banned not for radar/any other 3d programs is just i said die irl to a NFD eld (dont remember name but im sorry) was just after use every mls on a fight when he added in a fight to leech rps. Is just this game can be horrible if pple report about those things cuz finally u will cant even say " ur firby is ugly".

Every1 than knows me knows i say that in not serious mode, anyways sorry to the dude than i said that.
Just out of interest, where was it you were added on?