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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 5:10 pm
by Satyn
Luon wrote:well if you think classic is the way to play daoc :/
I think you might want to change your way of thinking. Before you judge on ppl make sure you know what youre talking about.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 5:17 pm
by Satyn
Tbh this is excactly what i'm talking about. I left hib/pryd not cos of TOA but for attitudes like Luon just gave a perfect example of. I'm ME and I play wherever I wana play. I have fun wherever i wana have fun and tbh I dont give a shit (omg i'm swearing) what he thinks. If i want to go back to pryd I will, if i want to stay on mid I will. But tell ppl they are morons cos they play classic is over the top.
This game is about having fun and spending time with the ppl we like. (IMO)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 5:28 pm
by OohhoO
Might just as well say people who roll more than 1 toon are morons because they would be higher RR if they only had 1 toon to concentrate on (Yes I know, there are people who REALLY think this).

If what RR I am was really important to me that arguement might impress me, but as I play to relax & have fun & because of the people I play with it goes in one ear & out the other. Only playing 1 toon would drive me mad TBH.

Exactly the same thing happens when people tell me I'm a moron (Luon) or silly (Xest) because of what server I choose to play on. If you pay for my account & pay me a decent salary to play then you can tell me where to play, otherwise I'll decide that for myself thank you. Either way being insulting is not acceptable behaviour IMO.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 5:29 pm
by Thandruil
Tbh Luon is just one of the high RR people who cba starting on a new server cause he won't be leet yet on that one. If that gives him a reason to call people morons, maybe that shows his real age.

And yes i started on classic as well, was fun the first 2 days, then i got homesick of Hib/Pryd and feel bad about all the chars i got on Hib, and how the server is dead atm. All we can do is wish it gets beter soon, so we can have a lot of fun on Hib/Pryd again. But since everyone pays the same for their subs, i think it's only fair they play to have fun, and if the fun is on another server atm, then that is where people go to.

Just an idea, but maybe all the whining from certain people on this server and starting thread to pull people to US servers, made GOA release the classic servers sooner than they had planned.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 5:40 pm
by naic
Thandruil wrote:Tbh Luon is just one of the high RR people who cba starting on a new server cause he won't be leet yet on that one. If that gives him a reason to call people morons, maybe that shows his real age.
Hi assumptions! And a bad one at that. He think it's bad because all the people left, that's about it... And most likely (like me) cba with starting all over again.

Oh and don't take morons so seriously. :p

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 5:55 pm
by stupeh
Satyn wrote:Tbh this is excactly what i'm talking about. I left hib/pryd not cos of TOA but for attitudes like Luon just gave a perfect example of. I'm ME and I play wherever I wana play. I have fun wherever i wana have fun and tbh I dont give a shit (omg i'm swearing) what he thinks. If i want to go back to pryd I will, if i want to stay on mid I will. But tell ppl they are morons cos they play classic is over the top.
This game is about having fun and spending time with the ppl we like. (IMO)
You don't care so much that you found the need to uncaringly reply to him several times, congratulations.
Thanduril wrote:Tbh Luon is just one of the high RR people who cba starting on a new server cause he won't be leet yet on that one. If that gives him a reason to call people morons, maybe that shows his real age.
From my experiences luo wants to be "a high RR leetist" as much as a 94yr old wants to be a bungee jumping, sky diving, stunt driving transvestite.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 5:56 pm
by Luon
yes my attitude sucks towards ppl that left server to play classic. daoc have been up for 4 years now some ppl might not played as long as i have or as much, but saying classic rocks and it is fun cause its new i dont think it is,
daoc fun is rvr and good community and this community on hibb/pryd have been so good over the last years, now its empty empty empty and soon pepps will get back on prydwen the whine starts,

i moved to lancelot us daoc now cause i really cba to play on eu servers where ppl take everything like a personal insult, and yes if you take my comment serious you are a moron imo, so if my attitude stinks so be it i dont really carebear about it. ive been apart of this community since it started ive helped countless amount of ppl forming guilds/xping/gearing etc im that kind of person i help ppl and pepps who have played with me know that.

so satyn im sorry you left server because of ppl like me or maybe it is you have never played with me ever and therefor assumed im elite or rpwhore or whatever you think of me, its a new year im glad im just sad that when we get cluster and play with our fellow excal friends ppl goes on to classic, to xp where noone xped before ? . try a new class ? whatever reason fine,

And to that other dood that said you are having fun on classic good for you thats the most important thing, Sadly when pepps move the amount of fun decrease for other ppl like myself :D, so ive moved on have a good new year and a great start of the new year.

And if you didnt see the smily at the end of my statment get new glasses.

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 6:12 pm
by Takitothemacs
Luon... which realm on Lance? and toon name so I can give you a wave when I see you :)

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 6:20 pm
by Luon
Nicherien tako :D champion lvl 36 atm hibernia
will be out in rvr as soon as i hit ml10 :D

Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2005 6:26 pm
by Satyn
stupeh wrote:You don't care so much that you found the need to uncaringly reply to him several times, congratulations.
I respond to who I want thank you very much.
Luon wrote:yes my attitude sucks towards ppl that left server to play classic. daoc have been up for 4 years now some ppl might not played as long as i have or as much, but saying classic rocks and it is fun cause its new i dont think it is,
daoc fun is rvr and good community and this community on hibb/pryd have been so good over the last years, now its empty empty empty and soon pepps will get back on prydwen the whine starts,

i moved to lancelot us daoc now cause i really cba to play on eu servers where ppl take everything like a personal insult, and yes if you take my comment serious you are a moron imo, so if my attitude stinks so be it i dont really carebear about it. ive been apart of this community since it started ive helped countless amount of ppl forming guilds/xping/gearing etc im that kind of person i help ppl and pepps who have played with me know that.

so satyn im sorry you left server because of ppl like me or maybe it is you have never played with me ever and therefor assumed im elite or rpwhore or whatever you think of me, its a new year im glad im just sad that when we get cluster and play with our fellow excal friends ppl goes on to classic, to xp where noone xped before ? . try a new class ? whatever reason fine,

And to that other dood that said you are having fun on classic good for you thats the most important thing, Sadly when pepps move the amount of fun decrease for other ppl like myself , so ive moved on have a good new year and a great start of the new year.

And if you didnt see the smily at the end of my statment get new glasses.
I've played for nearly 4y so that statement of yours is wrong. And i cant tell you other things you just said that are very wrong again.... cos you said things in your post that I didnt even bring up.

I've got no problem with you going to US, i dont care what you do. But i do care about you calling ppl that play classic morons. If you move to the US wouldnt that make you the same thing?