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Post by Xest »

Maeloch wrote:Yus, but can be countered by ra's and don't mind losing if they down and someone has an ra up (hehe even on 2min timer). Stupid thing is FZ has no counter.

Menta rr5 ra is unpurgeable, but means me or my opponent can't attack for 20s. And as it stands it's a nice RA. Let me attack during that time without breaking it and it will be as stupid as FZ is.

Give casters soj tbh and will soon see how stupid it is.

Mael, 50th ment.
TBH I always got slammed with purge down more than I got zephyr'd. What's more on my Alb classes you're always getting hit by baseline stun too, so chance of purge being up when stunned is unlikely, and more to the point you get stunned so much it's not even worth burning purge on, zephyr's just one more stun in my books and stuns are something you just have to put up with - like I say when fighting hibs there's so many you just can't afford to purge them anyway - be it annihiliation, cd side style, slam, baseline stun, druid pet stunning you even. Not a whine about hib's amount of stun, just saying that stun is something you have to live with and perhaps you get stuns a bit easier in Hib so are more afraid of them, I used to hate being stunned but now I just quite frankly don't give a shit, it happens to much for you to be able to do anything about it.
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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Post by Sharkith »

Xest wrote:TBH I always got slammed with purge down more than I got zephyr'd. What's more on my Alb classes you're always getting hit by baseline stun too, so chance of purge being up when stunned is unlikely, and more to the point you get stunned so much it's not even worth burning purge on, zephyr's just one more stun in my books and stuns are something you just have to put up with - like I say when fighting hibs there's so many you just can't afford to purge them anyway - be it annihiliation, cd side style, slam, baseline stun, druid pet stunning you even. Not a whine about hib's amount of stun, just saying that stun is something you have to live with and perhaps you get stuns a bit easier in Hib so are more afraid of them, I used to hate being stunned but now I just quite frankly don't give a shit, it happens to much for you to be able to do anything about it.
well it is true that there is loads of stun about and I do get slapped a lot with stuns. It is a fact of the game and I don't mind it so much. The thing is that for some odd reason the stuns when they hit me just didn't end up with like a zero damage from me to the opponent. Yes your screwed when you get stunned but you can still do a lot of damage before you go down. That is what matters. Scouts/rangers can hit for close to 1,000 points of damage from massive range - you finally hunt one down and get in close - and the guess what FZ zzzzzzzz.....

Scouts do enough damage from range and then they got handed a one button kill for close range as well. Not saying that they should not have a means to escape when they get caught - but something that gives them the chance every 2 mins for yet another kill is simply nuts. Aran's idea that you could not be hit whilst in the FZ is a good idea because it would make a useful defensive spell but I would still have it on a 5 min timer a bit like Vanish.


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Post by Xest »

You can pop malice/battler or some such to save yourself from FZ ok. Could even invest in say, toughness to make it harder for them to kill you in the FZ timer. Scout FZing you and shooting is no different to a scout slamming you and shooting or sheild tripping you, purging the negative effect and shooting you, dropping FZ wont suddenly make that ability go away. Have had to deal with scouts slamming and shooting me for years when purge was on 30mins timer and was always used up by infil zerglings DragonFanging me.

I'm a lot more disturbed by the fact a caster group can have their own 3 man+ assist train hitting for 500dmg+ by way of ML9 pets personally :p
Che Xefan, el presidente.

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Post by Sharkith »

Xest wrote:You can pop malice/battler or some such to save yourself from FZ ok. Could even invest in say, toughness to make it harder for them to kill you in the FZ timer. Scout FZing you and shooting is no different to a scout slamming you and shooting or sheild tripping you, purging the negative effect and shooting you, dropping FZ wont suddenly make that ability go away. Have had to deal with scouts slamming and shooting me for years when purge was on 30mins timer and was always used up by infil zerglings DragonFanging me.

I'm a lot more disturbed by the fact a caster group can have their own 3 man+ assist train hitting for 500dmg+ by way of ML9 pets personally :p
Hmmm okies will look into that - I am working on the template but its more work in progress at the moment to be honest. I am much more interested in ML abilities - The Spymaster abilities are currently severely underutilised in Hib from what I can see.

- ML9 pet - I kow about that - it is a bit scary even if it is ours.

Sturgis Podmore
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Post by Sturgis Podmore »

Xest wrote:Dunno why people think 8 sec stun is that bad when slam is like a 9sec anytime stun with only a 45 sec reuse timer, does being non-purgeable really justify it to require a 15min reuse instead of a 45sec like slam? I get slammed all the time when purge is already down. Not saying FZ isn't overpowered but it's really no worse than slam and such at the end of the day, fact is if you're slammed you're just as fucked as if you're FZ'd half the time.
Slam doesn't always land though, whereas FZ always will. Unless your opponent cunningly strafes out of the way of course ;)

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Post by Maeloch »

Sturgis Podmore wrote:Slam doesn't always land though, whereas FZ always will. Unless your opponent cunningly strafes out of the way of course
Few things in-game are more satisfying that watching an FZ whoosh harmlessly by.... :)

Mael, 50th ment.

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Post by Sharkith »

Maeloch wrote:Few things in-game are more satisfying that watching an FZ whoosh harmlessly by.... :)

Mael, 50th ment.
Yeah thats true as well :cheers:

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