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Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:33 pm
by Rejecta
As I was saying, Tanks needs to be addressed at a base level..adding extra fluff to even further de-balance the game is not the way foward imo.. Giving heavy tanks access to some of the better CC ra's would of been my first port of call, Giving them stupid abilities on timers further increases the "dumping" problems faced in todays RvR..who dumps, wins is basicly what happens today.

This will further torment Albion, who have even more things to fit in to an already diluted abilty range.

Hibs will have to start using heros more, and will have to sacrifice a dmg dealer/warden.

Mids will be most comftable with this patch as many mid groups already run a Warrior in group. Skillgard get even more abilitys, and don't have to make sacrifces for it.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:39 pm
by Lieva
Xest wrote:Why do people only read the "only available on newly created characters" bit without reading the rest of the paragraph? It quite clearly states that every heavy tank is getting them, just that in the current testing patch they're only available to new chars... I'm sure 1.81d will be posted tonight or tommorrow or something handing them out to all chars on the test server.

look at what time i posted.

was early

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:48 pm
by Sharkith
centurion wrote:olol, I wrote something that could make a baby cry, must rate it zero!

Forgot that this forum is like a kindergarten and that you blatantly have to post informative stuff and never discuss or argue about anything.
you didn't post anything that promoted discussion all you made was a comment. There is tons of disagreement and lots of discussion here but for that to happen people have to make a point that is actually worth talking about. So for example the following:
centurion wrote:lol, too much love for heavy tanks? No offence but looks like you are not really familiar with current situation.
What is your point that is actually worthy of discussion - go ahead and make it instead of throwing your rattle out of your pram.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 3:49 pm
by Sharkith
Rejecta wrote:As I was saying, Tanks needs to be addressed at a base level..adding extra fluff to even further de-balance the game is not the way foward imo.. Giving heavy tanks access to some of the better CC ra's would of been my first port of call, Giving them stupid abilities on timers further increases the "dumping" problems faced in todays RvR..who dumps, wins is basicly what happens today.
Crikey does anyone know what he is on about? :(

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:08 pm
by Heta
Sharkith wrote:Crikey does anyone know what he is on about? :(
yes I get what he is on about, the group that have the abilitys and use them win the fight

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:08 pm
by Rejecta
Sharkith wrote:Crikey does anyone know what he is on about? :(
You disagree or you don't understand the points I was trying to make :)?

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:09 pm
by Rejecta
Heta wrote:yes I get what he is on about, the group that use the have the abilitys and use them win the fight
No that was a side issue, not my main point :|

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:14 pm
by Cromcruaich
It's not clear to me whether these are just abilities granted at character level (in which case it's completely ott), or whether it is a new spec line? Agree with Rejecta as well.

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:18 pm
by ambera
It reads like a new spec line. If it's not, then it's kinda OP. But I'll be happy with some tank love, haven't played my hero for 12 months :)

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:51 pm
by Belgerath
Jezz dunno what ur all moaning about its not like ill have a 3200+ HP 430 Str twoll warrior with det 5 cae interupt 50% + magic resists bodyguard grapple group purge climb wall o w8 ............ giv!!!!!!!!!!!