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Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 9:10 pm
by Zil
:bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

all there is to say really

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 9:07 am
by Gamblor
Dark Age of Camelot Test Version 1.81b Release Notes wrote:- The location requirements for leveling artifacts have been removed. All artifacts now earn experience from all enemy player and/or monster kills anywhere and anytime.

Hmmm i honestly don't think this is gona effect the Fin or PoC grp's all that much.

But now at least your can lvl your arti's while you wait for suck a grp by doing kill tasks in dungons =)

Never thought i'd say this but i :satyn1: Mythic...... and as OohhoO said ... all we need now is them to change provider here in EU =)

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 9:30 am
by Sharkith
Requiel wrote:From what I understand you will go to the scholar with the full book of scrolls and if you have encounter credit, you simply give them the book and will recieve the activated artifact directly. Encounters will no longer drop unactivated artifacts as you will no longer need them. Remember that these are still test notes and it's very likely that they will change before they go live.

Oh my God if thats right then I might even consider levelling my Bard past 40... It is about time to be honest, this is a patch made in heaven for the casual player.

edit: OK are we getting it for Christmas?

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 9:35 am
by HappyG
Some nice changes, however whers the fun with everyone running in same sets of artifacts :P It's the basic point of MMORPGs - people have different equipment - if you remove that, you get a poor FPS :P

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 9:37 am
by Sharkith
HappyG wrote:Some nice changes, however whers the fun with everyone running in same sets of artifacts :P It's the basic point of MMORPGs - people have different equipment - if you remove that, you get a poor FPS :P
such l33t speak - can't you stand the idea of people competing with you on an even footing? Besides there will still be rr and class differences.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:24 am
by Cromcruaich
Artifacts for sale, get em while there hot, their lovely.

Overall thumbs up, but I know what HappyG is getting out.

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:39 am
by Ankh Morpork
HappyG wrote:Some nice changes, however whers the fun with everyone running in same sets of artifacts :P It's the basic point of MMORPGs - people have different equipment - if you remove that, you get a poor FPS :P
will it really be that much difference? I doubt makes it easier for people to get the artifacts but atm everyone know there are some specific artis that is almost a must for your chars anyway so tbh it wont make any difference if everyone in a group get the artifact or not. Makes more sense that everyone who does the encounter gets the artifact than having to do the encounter 10-20 times and roll on the artifact.

Edit: I guess the drops will be what goes skyhigh (well, higher!) once this patch goes live


Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 10:41 am
by Jupiler
Edit: I guess the drops will be what goes skyhigh (well, higher!) once this patch goes live
that depends if they drop on an encounter or not, notes also say artifacts that pop less than 2 times a day will get faster spawn

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 11:19 am
by HappyG
Sharkith wrote:such l33t speak - can't you stand the idea of people competing with you on an even footing?
1337 speak? MMORPGs come from RPGs, and those had skill and equipment advancment as a core part of the game, since ZX Spectrum on. Must have been many 1337 people at that time, huh?
DAoC is a competition game, it's similar to olympics you see. Do you call your olimpic comitee "1337 speakers" because they dont change rules in a way, you could participate on next summer olympics?

Problem with MMOs is, player input is somehow limited. In a FPS there is always space to improve your aiming, and game itself offers enough diversity so fighting with equal characters doesn't matter at all.

If you take a look in stealther warfare, Ranger fighting Infiltrator has only a few decisions to make, like should I fire Malice or Battler or should I purge poisons or wait to be stuned and use it than. Other than that, after you recieve some practice using basic things like /stick, spamming right styles, and some basic knowledge of what classes posess particular abilities, and how to counter them, there is no more space to improve your effectivness. You cannot defeat 2 equaly equipped, equal RR opponents played by players with some basic knowledge in stealtherwarfare, no matter how super duper uber you are. There simply is no skill you can use - like insta head shot in FPS - to do that, youre limited by your equipment, RAs and random()]Besides there will still be rr and class differences.[/QUOTE]
Yes, because equally equipped Berszerker beating equally equipped Ranger with ease is more fair, than good equipped Ranger hardly beating poor equipped Berserker.
Oh, and one more thing - good equipment helps when solo stealther encounters Marsh Horde stealthzerg on Agramon bridges, is that what bothers you?

Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 11:51 am
by Satyn
Tbh I can see Happyg's point.
I think the patch is very good for ppl that cant play this game hardcore and this way they also will have the opportunity to get the artifact they really need for their template but they could have just made the encounters easier (the spawn rate increased a lot, maybe more than one drop at a time ...)