GOA gives the big wavey finger

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Post by Green »

Downy wrote:He has a point.
... and the point being lack of resources to deal with the problem. That's just not good enough!

I had to wait 10 days, and I got VERY annoyed and pissed off that I couldn't play my BM. I got stripped off every item, title (which still isn't working) heck even my items in my personal vault, and I was close to loose my house, cuZ I didn't have any money either! It's not a secret that there is still several hundreds of people that haven't been dealt with yet. I hope for the poor souls that they have fun playing other servers/chars, cuZ I understand their pain :/

GOA: I think you are doing a good job(no Im NOT being sarcastic). But I think there is much more that need to be optimized. It's a neverending job. You should call people in for situations like this, extra man-power, to deal with the char-bug thing that happend. I hope you learn from your experiences and not just shove it under the rug :P
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Post by Arvengar »

I think ppl are missing the point. The point is we were promised that we would all sorted before clustering. This now does not seem to be the case, those remaining couple of hundred people are not worth keeping their word to. I mean, how can anyone do business with people who lie blatently to them if they do this? A lot of people have waited very patiently to have their items restored and are now being told, no ur not important, we'll get to u eventually if we feel like it. Thats how it seems anyway.

Ask urself this question, will anyone on Excalibur leave the game because clustering is delayed by a week? Very doubtful. Yes they're impatient to wtfpwn all the Prydwen ppl in RvR, but its not life or death for them. There's still people to kill in RvR on Excal in the mean time. Will anyone leave in Prydwen if they are not restored before clustering? Yes quite probably. With people being lied to and treated as totally unimportant, is it any wonder that they would? So basically we watch the Prydwen community shrink so those on Excal can wtfpwn a week earlier. Am I being selfish, yes I am, but not in a personal sense. I am being selfish for the Prydwen community, asking that GOA live up to the promise that was given to them. Yes I have characters still not restored, but I would be just as vocal if I didn't, because tbh, the way they have treated the Prydwen community over this is absolutely disgraceful.

I would see merit in the arguement not to delay clustering if we were looking at a delay of a month or more for clustering, but we're not. Like I've said, if GOA pulled their finger out, we could see restoration complete in roughly a week (and that estimate is based on their figures - 50 to 60 RNs a day and approx 500 accounts left to do, works out at 8 to 10 days to finish this). For that little time, I think it should be a priority for GOA to keep their word to the Prdwen community.
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Post by Belisar »

It was pretty obvious that the 'majority' argument would be used. When you look at the pure numbers 20,000 active players across the servers and 200 (if that is right) still awaiting restoration then it would seem a pretty straightforward decision.


Yet again GOA have failed to keep people informed. They annouce clustering on their main page but fail to mention the fact that this means they will break their promise to a few hundred people. In fact if it was not for this thread and that we are lucky enough to have a GM who reads these threads and is prepared to respond to them, we would not know that clustering will proceed even if not everyone has been restored.

People have moaned time and again about information and GOA are still unable to even make a simple announcement to let people know what is going on. Why does it have to be such a secret ? Were they hoping people would not notice or ignore it ?

I also think looking at pure numbers fails to tell the human story. People have waited 7 weeks. They have seen a lot of others restored and take advantage of the rp/xp bonus. They have been told that the marketing show was more important than them because the game needs new blood. They are now told that clustering is more important than them as there are 20,000 people waiting for it. No doubt when the bugs and issues that clustering brings start to manifest themselves then they will be more important than restoration as well. Quite when does the fact that they have waited a ridiculous amount of time become important ?

Ah well, I could say 'I'm alright Jack' sorry you missed the rp/xp bonus and sorry you will miss the fun (?) clustering will bring but hey everyone else is ok. But that would be sad and selfish - these guys deserve not just sympathy but some sort of action.
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Post by Scabs »

There would be absoluty (spelling) no point in holding back the cluster. The only problem I really have is that since I reported all my stuff missing of my nightshade. (The character I wanted sorted for the cluster) I have not one personal email, saying something like "Sorry about the delay we are aware you still haven't recieved your items back. etc etc."
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Post by Zupernova »

lol , its so lame - Its not even an excuse to this anymore... Thay havent restored anything in about 2 weeks... You cant say sorry to that in any way...

Like another guy said - All the people who are still stripped - Are gonna miss the opening of our new clustered community in RvR...

It's not only the people who have their items who are impatient and look forward to this, it is allso the once of us who are still stripped and still logging our char in , every day - With hope that you can actually begin to play again... We are allso looking forward to the opening of our new server...

But omg, why am i even trying to make my point.. Becorse GoA doesnt give a shit anyway, when do thay ever listen to us...

Probally gonna get a flame of this - But im sure if this happended to a France server, i'll bet my ass that it would have been fixed alot faster...

Well, im off to PvP untill im able to return..

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Post by Satyn »

Yes Requiel has a point yes its not fair on other players to keep clustering from coming BUT a promise is a promise.
They said every char would be restored before clustering then do so imo. Dont go back on a word.
I've always stood up for goa but I really dont agree with this eventho i'm looking forward to clustering.
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Post by Dorin »

ppl who waited 7 weeks +++ get a lousy 12 days compensation aswell btw?

total rip off as it seems to me
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Ankh Morpork

Post by Ankh Morpork »

Dorin wrote:ppl who waited 7 weeks +++ get a lousy 12 days compensation aswell btw?

total rip off as it seems to me
What do you suggest they do?


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Post by Scabs »

Ankh Morpork wrote:What do you suggest they do?

Get me a really fit girl friend, that plays cam, and likes doing house work
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Post by Downy »

Dorin wrote:ppl who waited 7 weeks +++ get a lousy 12 days compensation aswell btw?

total rip off as it seems to me

That's OT:

OK people,what is this major RvR event you talking about? absolutely nothing changes expect more people out there,i really would not call it event or "major rvr opening"
Downy-SW/BW/SM on War

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