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Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:18 pm
by Cromcruaich
Plac could claim every single drop on the raid and I would still thank him for holding the damned things.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:27 pm
by Alexandrinus
Teador wrote:does anyone remember venoids raids? he lead a lot of them and only ever claimed the remains on the first run of a ml for himself after that everything was rolled on.

And he beleived in need b4 greed too, making fake items to put on macro's for /bg and if anyone rolled then would be banned from rolling. Worked a charm as ppl looked at stats and actually rolled on what they needed rather than just pressing /random 100 0.0000001 seconds after the items has been spammed in bg.

Not saying he's better or worse than any other raid leader just pointing out at least 1 raid leader alot of ppl had respec for and never once claimed an item for cash ect.

(as a side note i don't agree with claiming anything but if the raid leader puts it down as a rule then not much an be done about that if u attend)
sorry to say that, but by his raids he get of each arti one for him(wich was otw or not), and tbh he deserves them.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:36 pm
by Aardh
Plac did a good job leading the last raids. And i think its not unreasonable claiming 1 item. If you dont like it, lead your own raid with your own rules and claim all you want. People will still attend. Think you will find yourslef worthy atleast 1 item after hours of people not listening, pulling wrong mobs, ld:ing, missing steps for various reasons, dying because lost stick when afking without a word. etc etc

This has been discussed for 4000 years. And it will probably go on until the end of days.

The end!

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:39 pm
by Elrandhir
Aardh wrote:Plac did a good job leading the last raids. And i think its not unreasonable claiming 1 item. If you dont like it, lead your own raid with your own rules and claim all you want. People will still attend. Think you will find yourslef worthy atleast 1 item after hours of people not listening, pulling wrong mobs, ld:ing, missing steps for various reasons, dying because lost stick when afking without a word. etc etc

This has been discussed for 4000 years. And it will probably go on until the end of days.

The end!

Seems fair yes, only thing was that he overpriced the Cloak for sure, but what he wants to do with the item he claimed as he had already stated he could, is his buisness imo.

But I still think most people will overprice items until they know what people will pay and then adept to that.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:41 pm
by Sharkith
Elrandhir wrote:Seems fair yes, only thing was that he overpriced the Cloak for sure, but what he wants to do with the item he claimed as he had already stated he could, is his buisness imo.

But I still think most people will overprice items until they know what people will pay and then adept to that.
yes but the current bidding is at 55plat Elrandhir...... :satyn1:

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:44 pm
by Elrandhir
Sharkith wrote:yes but the current bidding is at 55plat Elrandhir...... :satyn1:

heh, guess he dident overprice it all that much then, even though I would never buy it for more then maby 10p if I would even pay that, still good for him getting money.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:46 pm
by Tare
The discussion has been around since the days of Shrouded Isles and is getting as old as this guy.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:50 pm
by Bugzy
VidX wrote:A right to claim the item to use, not to sell. Raid leaders who do that will tend to find that their raids will have a lack of attendees after a while.

Need before greed, that's always been what people claim the 'system' is on Hib/Prydwen.

The leader said he had a right to claim. Who are you to argue against what he says? His raid, his rules, u dont like it, dont attend. Simple as.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:53 pm
by Plac
Bugzy wrote:Wrong.

The leader said he had a right to claim. Who are you to argue against what he says? His raid, his rules, u dont like it, dont attend. Simple as.
This is what all of you saying in differents words.
Close this treath Imo.

P.S:Thx for ppl that understean me.

Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:54 pm
by Ovi
Sharkith wrote:Vidx,

in the absence of any real way to judge who 'needs' what, you are asking for trouble IMHO. There can be no 'real' way of assessing need and it is all so dependent on personal views that for me personally it represents another form of tyranny. The people who shout the most and complain the loudest get what they want and what is worse some of them start shouting things like piss off back to Excal which for me is way out of line.

The intent of need before greed might be honourable - but how the hell is anyone to judge? It can end up being another stick to beat the already tired raid leaders with.

That is what I feel changed after ToA. Before ToA when we had Weekend galla raids etc there was an element of trust between almost everyone in the community. ToA introduced a lot of selfishness and distrust, those who came to the realm I don't think appreciate what we used to have, and the goals still aspired to :)